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Beyonce's Sneak Attack

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013

Would be nice if Adam did the same thing next year!


Anonymous said...

Did I get it right, she released an album with 16 video songs. Not sure if that has been done before.

Anonymous said...

Adam will never be has famous has beyonce

Anonymous said...

I am not a big fan of Beyonce, but I have one of her cd's that I bought only because of Baby Boy, a duet with Sean Paul.

Anonymous said...

I guess I got that partly wrong, it was 31 tracks, and was with several other big name celebrities. The sneak attack is that none of it was leaked, almost unheard of in the industry. It took about one and half years to put it together. I am sure at huge expense, I am sure that will be bought for Christmas gifts, and also selling well into the new year. I don't think she can tour with it because of the many other singers, but she can have one of, concerts and draw a huge crowd. Something like the Vegas gig, except on a smaller scale.

Anonymous said...

@2:59 PM

First of all, to play devil's advocate; you don't know that, now do you? Second of all, what is your point, a lot of singers more well known than Adam, will never be as famous as Beyonce.

There are a lot of singers who will never be as rich as Beyonce and her husband who is a music producer, business man; sucessful singer in his own right & part owner of a sports team.

As an Adam fan; my thought would be, that I hope that Adam has half the suscess that Beyonce has. Even to reach that level; most artist would feel pretty satisfied. But, thanks for the confidence Debbie Downer.

Anonymous said...

@2:59 PM

Will you ever be as rich as her?

Anonymous said...

Hard to pull this off as a successful release without being as famous as Beyonce.

Anonymous said...

All her music and dancing is the same over and over

Anonymous said...

The way most singers do it , is to release one video, as the album is finished. Sometimes more than one video, just to help spark an interest in it. But the names alone on her album will spark a lot of interest, along with the many collaborators. Also the many videos already to go.

Anonymous said...

does Beyoncé ever get a break?

Anonymous said...

No. The 'surprise' sneak attack has now been done. Anyone doing it again and again will be accused of copying Beyoncé. Adam doesn't need to copy anyone. It is always the FIRST ones to do something like that that get the credit. Adam just needs to be his own original self.

Anonymous said...

@2:59 adam may never be a famous as Beyoncé but I have never ever had a desire to buy any album ,single ect ever. Adam music is preordered before it even comes out. By me! Time will tell

Anonymous said...

Britney Spears sold 107,000 the first week.this album she still got a big Deal at Vegas. Her lowest first week she had. Music business is tough. Adam music his first and foremost with him and his fans. But, I am glad he doing different things to such as Glee and queen ect. It's always good to have other things on your plate. I got good feeling about this album however can't wait! Sue

Anonymous said...

this is the worst Beyonce album. Her first solo album showed her vocal talent. I don't see the big deal with her new music. It sounds rushed. Great art can't be rushed.