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Britney Spears Thanks Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 28, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 28, 2013


leilani aloha said...

Beautiful tweet :)
M right here seeing Britney's hugh posters everywhere! wish her all the best, she has come a long way!

Anonymous said...

love the b and w featured pic of BB;glad he had fun at Britney's show.

Anonymous said...

love the b and w featured pic of BB;glad he had fun at Britney's show.

Magiclady said...

Wow! the featured pic

tess4ADAM said...

LOVE the featured pic of ADAM!!
Thanx for posting!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Wow he is desperately riding some coattails of whoever is diva of the moment! First Katy Perry, then Kesha and Gaga, now Miley & Britney??? C'mon Adam it's starting to look ridiculous & major news doesn't even mention u anyway.

Anonymous said...

Wow he is desperately riding some coattails of whoever is diva of the moment! First Katy Perry, then Kesha and Gaga, now Miley & Britney??? C'mon Adam it's starting to look ridiculous & major news doesn't even mention u anyway.

Anonymous said...

Why are you here? I mean other than to spread joy?

Anonymous said...

at 4:16 AM

And Molinari is there with him as usual. I really like Adam but my impression is that Adam could be a lot more famous and successful if he didn't tailgate Molinari and follow his advice.

Anonymous said...

If Adam is "guilty" of hanging out with big names to keep his own name out there, then so is everyone in show business. I think it's great that he's so visible in the a-list circles. I think it's a testament to his likability among other celebrities. He has a certain star quality. Whatever it takes. Maybe more media visibility at events like this will keep his name more prominent when it comes to promoting his next album and getting airplay. I love that he's there with other big names. It's all about the promotion in every way possible. JMO. Oh, and he looks VERY HOT.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't Adam invited to come to Britney's show? It's not as if he just barged in and walked the red carpet. And he is not riding the coattails of the diva of the moment. Each of those females has mentioned Adam with respect and fondness. I don't think there is any animosity or dislike toward him by these ladies. There is nothing wrong with being visible in the music circles and networking. Hopefully one of these ladies will do a collabo with Adam in the future for his album or one of theirs.

Anonymous said...

6:11, thanks for seeing it the way I do. I was going to say, "It's just a party." But I think you said it very well. Adam is invited, he's liked, he's in the circles he should be in to maintain his visibility. Other singers aren't half so lucky. This is a big-name gathering. He's there. I'm happy.


Anonymous said...

Adam isn't riding anyone's coattail. He was invited to the event and Britney tweeted Adam first and then Adam responded. Adam has class and character. Seems like you are projecting yourself cause you've been riding on this fandom coattail like forever. Go away please!

Anonymous said...

Having so much fun in biloxi talked to Tommy and Ashley,took pics w/them...they were both so nice and beautiful...saw Rick and Brian but never got to see Adam. missed seeing Adam check in.

Anonymous said...

@7:35 AM
Good to hear, it's not over until you or Adam leave town. Good luck and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

These tweets related to the topic from Adam's publicist, Shoshanna:

Awww so cute Britney and Adam tweeting each other

@shoshannastone Have Britney & Adam ever met or exchanged words in passing before last nite?

@aleceerik yes

Anonymous said...

Who looked better in Vivienne Westwood, #AdamLambert or #MatthewMcConaughey?

Anonymous said...

OT, but I was looking through my Television Guide and see The Musical The Ten Commandments with Val Kilmer is on this afternoon on the UP network (Uplifting Entertainment) on Time Warner. Believe this is the one Adam is in.

Anonymous said...

@4:16 & @5:12 AM

What's the matter? Seems as though you are going to every site on this blog with Adam and the other beautiful stars; just repeating the same old garbage and lies. Get a grip. If you are a fan; you sure are a jealous one!

Anonymous said...

Adam know how to work his career. Since he was invited to the Britney show, it would look bad to say he couldn't be bothered, or didn't want to go. A huge number of his personal friends were there too. He is smart, he uses all chances to walk the red carpet, and all the papps know who he is, by name. It was a fun night for him, and he also got to see Rock of Ages, that his close friend Terrence was in. I have heard a lot of you complaining that some of Adams friends are hanging on to his coat tails, it is done in show business. He did absolutely the right thing to have another chance to meet up with some of the a-list, they are not often in the same place at the same time, these are all working people. The way he looked at Britneys concert, would make any body proud to know him.

Anonymous said...

Only one or two jealous people are complaining, over and over again. Mature fans know the drill!
Very proud of Adam. Way to go BB.

Anonymous said...

@8:10am thanks for sharing. I'll check it out on my cable provider. I was in Isreal two years ago and Ten Commendments musical with Adam was on all the time I believe it was VH1. That was nice.

Anonymous said...

So usually the complaint is no big stars tweet Adam. Then a big star very much in the news right now does tweet Adam and the complaint is Adam is riding coat tails. We see how you complainers work. Go away.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam in the 10 Commandments! I must check this out! Thank you for all the GOOD posts!haha............nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I think that if we IGNORE any NEGATIVE comments about Adam and don't respond to them, eventually, that snake will slither back to hell. He is the devil lurking in the dark trying to provoke anger and hatred. Any negative responses from us brings him utmost joy, and that we don't want to provide him. IGNORE THE DEVIL'S POSTS AS IF THEY'RE NEVER WRITTEN!!!

Anonymous said...

You should post your comment on every thread every day...

Anonymous said...

@5:52 - THE DEVIL? WTF? you must be one of those religious wingnuts that come here from time to time. Go away.