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Miley Cyrus Hosts the Grand Opening of Beacher's Madhouse in Las Vegas with Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 28, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 28, 2013

SKIP TO 1:05 to see Adam Lambert


Anonymous said...

So stupid. All wanna-bees, sluts, strippers, closet homos, I can't believe these people are considered stars. Adam needs to quit trying to "photo bomb" all of theses types of events. It's embarrassing! Major news doesn't even mention him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Would we rather he NOT be able to attend these events?

Anonymous said...

music sounds a bit like Adam's "Glamorize" Hey, Debbie Downer..didn't your mother ever tell you "if you can't say anything good about someone..don't say anything at all"

Anonymous said...

@4:21 AM & @5:35 AM

You are the one "site bombing" all over this blog. Each site with Adam and these stars, you repeat the same old identical thing. You are not fooling anyone. Also, what you are saying is not true, and you know it. Why are you so jealous? Adam is very popular; and I love it. Who wouldn't want to be around this beautiful, kind, talented man; I know I would.

You should learn to deal with Adam's popularity, or it will drive you crazier than you already appear to be. Adam isn't going anywhere but up the ladder of success! Along the way, there will be more beautiful and successful people, wanting to be with this gorgeous man, so, if you can take this fact, you are going to have more jealously problems than you have now. I am so glad to see our Adam so happy.

Happy New Year to all!

Anonymous said...

8:24 AM here

correction: should be: "if you can't take this fact".

Anonymous said...

@4:21 AM @5:35 AM

Here you go again; someone called you out on another site on this blog. Your posts are all the same. You sure were busy this AM; why all the hate and jealousy for Adam and all is beautiful friends and acquaintances? Even if they were using him; which makes no sense, at would only mean that think he has lots of power.

You need to let it go; and just enjoy Adam; he is a grown man and can handle his own personal and professional affairs!

Anonymous said...

All this exposure is great for Adam...better he be invited to these parties and rub shoulders with new friends than to not be invited.

Adam is always looking gorgeous and everyone wants to talk to him, maybe take a picture with him. It's happening more and more.....Yay!!!


Anonymous said...

Somebody doesn't know what a site is. You mean posts or threads. But thanks for calling out the busy little troll.