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Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 12, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

What? No wonderfully mature comments yet about the glambuldge? Admit it ladies, you'
re just as shallow as old men who lust after young girls just because of the size of their boobs. I'm beginning to believe that 75% of you wouldn't be here or even be fans if Adam didn't look the way he does.

Anonymous said...

I'm here because this amazing young man has made more of difference in my life than years of therapy has....all though I'm sure most people here don't have a back ground like mine (thank goodness ).. I'm sure he's a made difference in most of thier lives as well ....Adam is special .... I firmly believe he was meant to make a difference ....I don't give a rip how he looks .... His voice is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.....I think I the goofing around and posting little comments are all part of it....he makes us happy and we mean no disrespect ...we're just loving and enjoying the phenomenon that us Adam Lambert...,, rose petal

Anonymous said...

He looks amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to you, rose petal, there are some comments here that make me think the glambuldge is the only thing of Adam's that has made a difference in their lives. But whatever... I won't rain on their glambuldge parade any longer.
But some women do need to be honest and admit that they are just as sexist and superficial as men. So don't complain when they treat you, your daughters and granddaughters that way.

Anonymous said...

@8:25-we already had a thread which praised Adam's GB and seemed everyone had a lot of fun. We don't need your nasty comments on this thread, so go have another glass of wine and beat your children one more time before you put them on the school bus. You sound the type, a miserable human being!!!

Anonymous said...

Why so many postings from Lambertlust? Adam is the star. Okay, great pic. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I admit it, it's the whole "package"! Yes, he sings like a god and he knows how to perform,'s his hotness in every aspect of his being that keeps me drawn to him and crave for more. It definitely goes beyond his looks for me - he's fun, honest, flirty, witty, and talented - which makes him so attractive and sometimes alluring to me!

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust just loves Adam, and so does his future wife. Thank you Lambertlust for being a wonderful Glambert. You are so much appreciated......Seems Adam has some real Biblebelt fans in his kingdom, but they will never rain on the entire parade, just a cloudburst here and there. Adam puts himself out there for us to love and enjoy, and believe me, he is special because I, for one, have never commented on anyone elses GB in my life, except my husbands and that was solely to him. We are not freaks, but, you know what, so be it if I am a freakin' freak. I hurt no one in this world and I give a lot of money to charity. I will rest beautifully in my grave when all is said and done.

Anonymous said...

9:32 your comment is totally out of line and rude and the insults are ridiculous. I think you are the miserable human being to say such things.

For the record I find all the obsessing and commenting about the GB distasteful but I just ignore it and don't participate in those juvenile conversations.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why Admin is using lambertlust as a source so often. No time to go to the original sources? Easy one stop shopping for post ideas? It is odd.

Anonymous said...

@9:32, this is 8:25. I didn't make the 2nd post @9:44, but I appreciate it. I also appreciate Adam for his singing talent and find the talk about his body parts rude and disrespectful.
Just so you know, I have never beaten my child and I do enjoy a glass of wine from time to time. But it looks like you need a glass this morning more than I do.

Anonymous said...

i post lots of Adam Lambert news, videos, pics, music, ext on my twitter @LAMBERTLUST. the admins of this site decide what they want to post on here. I have no control over any of it. i've been doing this since 2009 when Adam was on idol. I love sharing Adam Lambert with Glamberts, casual fans, and everyone in between.

Anonymous said...

These nasty commenters just want some reactions of others, propably lonely people with no-one to talk to or even fight with!
It's clear we love adam most of all for his talent,music,cleverness, sense of humor :) but...a grown woman is allowed to be sexual and what we would find under those pants would propably bring a smile to our faces!!!

Anonymous said...

duck lippin' in the usa

Anonymous said...

Maybe there are things to learn about our fandom here on this site, that the majority of us just loves to find out anything about Adam´s personal affairs and many admire Adam´s GB(a lot) and some are here only to hear about Glee and New music. We all belong here.;) Have another nice Adam-day!!:)))

Anonymous said...

@8:25 AM

Not meaning to sound rude; but, excuse me, yours is the very first post; and you are the only one that is bringing that suject up. That subject was talked about yesterday; so why are you bringing it back up.

Just curious, I am guessing you might be a fustrated male; or a fustrated female. Whatever the case; good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

I thinks it's time Adam did a nude photo shoot to put us all out of our agony.:)

Anonymous said...

@10:56, I'm a female and not frustrated, at least not in general. I just find the sexualizing of people frustrating. But I guess you get that by now, so I'll shut up about it.
On a lighter note, I like 10:27's post. From now on, I'll try and skip over the juvenile posts about the GB.:)

Anonymous said...

Leather does an Adam good.

xo laura

p.s. Friends, let's not fight and call each other names... there are MANY things to admire about Adam. My eyes didn't go to the GB, but I think those "indulging" should be forgiven. Adam brings out the sexy beast in all (most?) of us.

Anonymous said...

I love everything about Adam Lambert including his GB.

Anonymous said...

I want to say Hi! to Lambertlust, Rose Petal and xo laura for your posts here, take care, I´ll read you all the time, M

ps. I´m listening Soaked right now

Anonymous said...

8:25 isn't the only one not liking the constant comments about the GB. It does depersonalize and objectify Adam. If a bunch of men were doing it to a women these same people would throw fits. I just find it isn't worth arguing with people about the objectional behavior because they are usually not open to realizing they may be offensive.

Anonymous said...

8:25 12:00
I have the greatest respect for the way u feel....What I look at as harmless fun bothers someone who considers themselves very open minded would be wrong for me not to accept and respect your feeling ....just wanted to say have a greet day ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Rose petal, thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

You'd have to be blind not to notice and admire Adam's sex appeal. As Adam himself often say's, people take things far to seriously.

Anonymous said...

11:50am ... Hi back to you, M! You're a sweetie pie, always posting nice comments.

xo laura

p.s. Soaked is one of my favorite songs!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your eyes didn't go to the GB... lol with love, but don't believe you... :)))

Anonymous said...

HA 2:33pm ... I swear, I swear my eyes didn't go there until I read all of the comments about it. Then I HAD to see what the fuss was about. And the fuss was even more apparent in some of the other pictures! Good Grief, I thought, great pants!

Okay ...
Maybe I should have said my eyes didn't go DIRECTLY there.

xo laura ;)

Anonymous said...

@9:32 AM
YOU are the nasty one!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that only rose petal seems to respect others feelings.

Anonymous said...

Rose Petal is a Lady, a gem that's been through a lot (so I've gathered, hope I'm not overstepping here, dear?), she has understanding and patience, emotional intelligence and I salute her!
However, @8:25 and @12:00, I'm not as gracious and think you both are prime examples of fans who think they are "better and holier" with your "pc opinions". @8:25 making quite rude assumptions of 75% of fans here...and @12:00 saying that constant (not true) comments on GB depersonalizes and objectifies Adam, oh please, get over yourselves. This is (or should be!) a fan site, it's not (should not be) this deep - and as long as Adam is ok & laughing about it all with us (GB and all the rest), I'm going to admire & gush about his 'Total Package', that includes everything he puts out there for us to see & hear. He has said it from the beginning "I'm here for your entertainment"... Listen to the lyrics of FYE! If you're not cut out to enjoy it all, please let us who are to do so! Thank you.