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Enter for your chance to win 2 VIP tickets to see Adam Lambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 16, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a great cover for a magazine!

Anonymous said...

Those two look better than the leading Actor and Actress for that "Gray" Movie that coming out.
They look like the perfect couple. Adam could be anyone's leading man; so, so sexy. The woman is quite beautiful herself.

Anonymous said...

Back off sister; Adam is mine!

Anonymous said...

Enter where? Title doesn't match.

Anonymous said...

WOW! HOT, Hot, Hot.

Anonymous said...

She's TOUCHING him! Is that allowed?

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Is touching allowed? Where's the end of the line?


Anonymous said...

why this pic again?!
we saw it already in the previous thread...

Anonymous said...

I can't open this page. :-(