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Gorgeous Picture Collage

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

A World Wonder.....I'll say!......JAK

tess4ADAM said...

ADAM helps to make it a "Wonderful World"!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Adam sure dresses up a party!

Anonymous said...

Adam, come to my party, pretty please? It'll be a small crowd, just you and me.

Anonymous said...

Well Adam as usual looked great at the WOWIES, but he was certainly dressed down for the occasion, as were his pals. I was more than surprised to see a video on another site, that showed the other people attending the party. If Adam had worn his other suit that he wore at the Trevor Project, he would still have been waaay underdressed. I am sure he had a good time, he usually does, but this group surely did nothing to further his career. Everyone seemed to be trying to see how much acting gayer than the next person. I am aware that Adam is gay, and loves his gay friends, but IMO this group showed no class, unlike Adam who does.The pictures we are seeing of Adam and his friends, was nothing like the frolicking party, that actually took place. Since this was a 1st annual occasion, he and his friends, probably didn't realize that this was NOT a serious occasion. Oh well !!!

Anonymous said...

I thought so Adam is the odd one out.
And I'm thankful.