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He Who Leaves A Trail of Glitter is Never Forgotten!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

That so symbolizes Adam Lambert; as if written about him.

Anonymous said...

Not sure about that statement. lol! Because glitter fades, the real thing doesn't or at least may last longer. Glitter is a camouflage; even Adam said, he's done with glitter. Not to be confused with glamour, which can be genuine like Adam. lwl!
Whoa! Adam is going to receive an award or two...not bad! That's glamour. Well, I envisage he'll be ferried in a luxurious car onto the stage and the last time, a beautiful girl even gave him a polite, respectful curtsy lwl! Yea lucky for Tang Ah Yi / Tang Auntie. Ah Yi means Auntie in Mandarin, also Cantonese/my lingo. I always picture Adam dressed as an opera warrior with lots of flags sticking out from his back and a pair of imposing pheasant quills / cockroach feelers lwl! He'll look real handsome and the Chinese opera warrior wears high platforms; like those he wore on AI finale. They wail and manoeuvre on stage looking very fierce with elaborate painted face especially thick eye makeup. Adam fits into Shanghai theatre like a T because of their intense love of theatre art. That may be one of the reasons, they invite him back every year. It takes one to know one.


Anonymous said...

I hope we get many pictures of Adam in China. They make everything so classy, can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Did he win the Chinese awards or his he just nominated? Hope he's there on the red carpet regardless.

Anonymous said...

But glitter is dead to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Figure of speach, and glitter is a state of mind, too!
Adam glitters and shines bright like a diamond, always!!!

Anonymous said...

It's icing (frosting for cakes, cupcakes, etc). This place would be so much better without a singaporian or two.

tess4ADAM said...

@11:35 PM .... How rude!! I apologize for that remark on behalf of all Glamberts ... I'm deeply sorry that it got past Admin. What would ADAM say!?!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Hey Thanks for your kind intervention!! I was going to ignore it because it's a bait hanging to entice me.


Adamluv said...

@tess4ADAM - Thank you for calling out that very offensive remark made by anon. @11:35. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hey Adamluv....Thanks to you as well!!
Tess was even apologetic...touching. You both do good policing!!


Anonymous said...

I am with 11:35.