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High Quality Pictures of Adam Lambert FROM YESTERDAY

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Blimey, we have a pic of Adam with Courtney Stodden.

Anonymous said...

Who is that woman?

Anonymous said...

@10:10 She is primarily known as a teen wife.

Anonymous said...

*ex teen wife

Anonymous said...

Oh; someone is bursting out all over!

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't look quite as tall there, I think he went quite weak at the knees. These are some of the things he has to put up with as a star, ha ha ha. and try to concentrate on answering the interviewer, without stuttering.

Anonymous said...

I noticed on another Adam picture from last night, at the event; there was a random picture of Adam in his jogging clothes underneath the picture of him all dressed to the hilt; I guess someone was trying to show the contrast of how nicely Adam cleans up; and puts that fabulous body into evening attire. He looks wonderful with both looks.

Oh, that face; that face, that beautiful face and; may I add body with a capital B!

Anonymous said...

She looks 59 not 19. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

Adam always does very nicely in interviews. Also, he is used to beautiful women always hanging on him. Check back on many other pictures. Don't think it phases him at all. I've never heard Adam stutter. No more than any other celebrity who has a lot of questions thrown at them and they are trying to answer as quickly and accurately as possible. I think he handles most interviews beautifully.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, that picture is a horror. Beauty and the Beast.
(Beastess). Take it away!

Anonymous said...

First of all; the woman is not short; and has very high heels on; I assume. Also Adam is slightly leaning in, to also include the second woman that is clutching his sholder. He still looks taller; with his 6ft 1 or 2inch self. Just as handsome as he wants to be. The king of beauty!

Anonymous said...

How hideous is that, plastic surgery gone VERY wrong!

Anonymous said...

those tits just aren't big enough. cackle cackle cackle cough cough cough

Anonymous said...

she could suffocate the dead with those things.

Anonymous said...

I never said he stuttered, I said,
he has to concentrate to keep from stuttering , with those things pushed up against him, he is a man. He speaks beautifully, but I said it might be hard sometimes to concentrate. I never said he was short either, I said he must have gone weak at the knees, which might have taken off an inch of height. You love to take things and twist what was actually said, or meant. Gosh you have nil on humor.

Anonymous said...

11:08 that's because what you said wasn't funny in the least. It was disrespectful to Adam. You seem to disrespect all men thinking they would all react to giant fake boobs. The general consensus about Courtney Stodden is that most people do not find her the least bit attractive.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord have merceeeeee.
He does get his share of the babes wanting to hang all over him. Cant blame them, its Adam.

Anonymous said...

@11:13 I think @10:30 is funny, but you don't have a sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

I certainly was not disrespectful to Adam. If you think he didn't notice those boobs, fake or not, you don't know much about men. Adam is a man, just like other men, who would do a double take on her.If anyone is disrespectful, it is the 19 year old coming to an event dressed like this. What I said was in good humor.

Anonymous said...

11:33, I have to agree, you were not funny. Everybody can't help but notice those boobs. Doesn't mean everybody is going to have a knee-weakening reaction to them. You clearly don't understand men or women.

Anonymous said...

Not good humor.

Anonymous said...

Hey pedantic people, let's move on.

Anne Marie said...

I think that was a tongue in cheek statement. Not that deep, for people to jump on it. Lighten up folks, I bet Adam had a good laugh about her afterwards, with his friends.

Anonymous said...

That poor Courtney Stodden. So pathetic! She was a nice looking young girl and now, the scariest girl on the planet. Adam was of course, nice to let her get a photo with him,
so glad to see Adam and Sauli hanging out together. Keep em' guessing boys!!!
They both look great and are wonderful guys!!
Love them!

Anonymous said...

@11:56 Someone who pushes her husband off a cliff is far more scary, imo.

Anonymous said...

@11:56 AM

Why so mean spirited. How do you look; care to post a picture. Woman can't help how she looks; What's done is done. I think pathetic is someone picking and degrading another person because of the way they look.

Anyway; your post is so yesterday, everyone else has moved on to Adam's wonderful event he was at last night; Didn't he look gorgeous?

Anonymous said...

@11:52 AM

Are you kidding? Adam is not a shallow kid. I think the last thing on Adam's mind would be to make fun of a women and/or a fan who cared enough to take a picture with him. I don't believe that Adam is that unkind. He knows how painful something like that would feel.

Adam looked absolutely stunning last night!

Anonymous said...

Something tells me that Adam would see this girl and probably feel sorry for her, she must have a number of insecurities to go to the extremes she has, Adam is a sensitive person and I'd say he is capable of reading people very well.

Anonymous said...

12:42, are you kidding? Of course she can help how she looks. If she hasn't scheduled surgeries to undo the ones she already had she could dress and style herself much differently.

Anonymous said...

I suggest a muumuu.........very stylish and all encompassing...... : )

Anonymous said...

Adam, in the picture with Courtney, looks beyond perfect with that sweet smile and stylish everything else! So kindly genuine with this group hug. I love it.

Courtney is very young. And her crazy life started even younger. It seems to me that she had a Hollywood Ideal in her mind when she began to transform herself... and this is the result. (Hopefully there will be no more plastic surgery in the future.) I think in the years to come she will discover more value in herself than just being a "bombshell". Again, she is very young.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

if she fell on her stomach, her botched up facelift would never hit the pavement.

Anonymous said...

why doesn't CS act her age. she is wanting to grow up so fast. Be a damn teenager and quit using your breasts for publicity. All that leaky material might flow into the brain. OOOOOPPPPSSSSS

Anonymous said...

Why would Adam even want to be in a picture with that Courtney Stodden? She looks like a porn star and so much older than her 19 years. Here is another instance of a no talent airhead getting her 15 mins of fame when married to whatshisname, and now she is on her own trying to stay in the spotlight. What a mess.

Anonymous said...

It's not her breast that looks bad. Plastics surgeon distorted her face and lips. I looked up her younger years pictures and all she needed was nose surgery. But she went all out distorted all parts of her body to look like thirty or fourthly something. Poor girl she is only nineteen.

HK fan said...

So reading these I supposed to believe this person is a teenager??????
No way, she has to be at least 40, if not more, she certainly looks it in this photo, and the other one of her taken at the same time. And that is a really bad boob job...

Anonymous said...

@hk google her name she is only 19 looks same age as her mom. Her mom is her manager. She got MJ syndrome of self defiguration problem.

Anonymous said...

her lips are really bad too.

HK fan said...

I did googgle some images...even the ones where she was blonde and supposedly 16 she looked at least late 20s early 30's......
Why....why would someone want all that surgery, and to make themselves look at least 20 years older??

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam & this lady are good friends people should listen to some of Adams interviews talking about insulting people.Adam does not insult.

Anonymous said...

11:04 AM ...... HAHA!!!!!!!!!
Death by fake boobs!!!!!!!

So this person is only 19!!!!!! O^O Glory be, she looks about 45.

Anonymous said...

Adam's body language .........

Anonymous said...

I know Adam is compassionate unlike others here.

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to buy a set of boobs? Apparently they're 3 for a dollar.