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LAY ME DOWN - Best Song on TRUE?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 6, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

Didn't buy the album.

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard all the tracks, but I don't like the singles. I like disco, trance and house music. I prefer other dj's to Avicii.

Anonymous said...

OMG just got out from a nightclub and you know what made my night...they played trespassing!!! Usually they play only the most popural songs right now and kind of crappy music in there...i was so amazing! And everyone was dancing like grazy and most of the people propably never heard Adams music before!

Anonymous said...

*IT was so amazing ;)

Anonymous said...

@5:17 PM You were right the first time. You also made me feel your excitement. Thanx for sharing. :)

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure that site is a fan site.

Anonymous said...

Definitely the best dance track. The base and vocals are crazy. Would love to have it released before Xmas .

Anonymous said...

Adam makes LMD great! Also like Wake Me Up - second.

Anonymous said...

I love LMD and love Wake Me Up. The album is really good,I play it when cleaning house. @5:16 oh that's exciting. Where was the nightclub?

Anonymous said...

Love this album. LMD, Oh Brother,abd Wake Me Up are my 3 favorites.

Anonymous said...

lay me down should be a single as avicci promise he ditn keep his promise adam sogn lay me down-oh well-

Anonymous said...

9:10, Avicii never promised anything. Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

Avicii has said several times it would be a single. It is no. 1 in Hungary do not know if released as a single there or just was so popular. Adam is part of the reason it's popular there he has always been popular in Hungary. BTIKM was no. 1 there for weeks and weeks. Sue

Anonymous said...

hahhah my boyfriend watched at the list of the most listened songs on our spotify..he noticed I got a new adam favourite Lay me down ;) nirvana still number one at the list <3

Anonymous said...

I love LMD and second place is Wake Me Up. Maybe LMD will be on Adam's 3rd album. Wishful thinking on my part. I just know that it needs to be released by someone. Whether it's Avicci, Nile, or Adam, one of them, please, please!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

I haven't bought the album & I've only heard Wake Me Up and Lay Me Down, and I much prefer Lay Me Down.

Anonymous said...

I bought the album because if the album hits the number one spot then it's a win-win for Adam. By buying "True" is also supporting Adam, after all he has a song on the album.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Have the whole album. And yes, LMD is by far the best song on True!

- there's a true living legend playing fab GUITAR, Nile's soooo good!
- there's the one in a billion VOICE in vocals, Adam F. Lambert; that's called REAL SINGING, folks!
- you can dance to it, REALLY dance!

- most followers of Avicii, those huge crowds of these 'handwavers' (who wave their keyboard-weary-fingers in the air and call it dancing, lol!) are NOT into REAL music, REAL singing, REAL anything...they live mostly in the virtual world...

The popularity of WMU and HB is because they are mostly country and bluegrass...

Anonymous said...

I love adam lambert sooo much BUT..wake me up is the best!

Anonymous said...

It is really cold here, -13 below, and -32 wind chill in Fargo, North Dakota. I need to Lay Me Down and get warm, crank up the furnace. Appreciate your warm climate.

Anonymous said...

@6:27 AM

I love Adam too; and I am sure each artist has fans that love them; so that is not the issue.

I was just a litte taken back at your blanket statement that "Wake Me Up", or, to be fair; even if you had said that, "Lay Me Down" was the "best", I would say that is an incorrect statement, and it is a matter of personal opinion which you like.

I on the other hand, I have a different OPINION then you. I really like "Lay Me Down" better than any other song on the Album. But, it does not make it better; all a matter of musical preference; just like anything else. This is all of course, my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

@Sue 12:29 AM

Sue I agree with what you said 100%. I have heard Avicci say that about LMD being a single in a couple of interviews. But, probably it is not all up to him. I am sure his record company executives may have the last word. The artist can't always get everything they want. We know that on a smaller scale, from Adam's experience. Anyway, our Adam will be just fine.

Don't worry Sue, 2014 will be a very big year for Adam; I can just feel it. So many good things happening already. Pardon the pun, but I am very gleeful about Glee. Also, looking forward to tomorrow night.

May I add; I have noticed that your are one of Adam's most loyal and dedicated, and protective fans; he is fortunate to have you; along with many others of course. Take care!