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Music Daily Awards 2013: BEST MALE ARTIST OF THE YEAR - Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 29, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 29, 2013


Anonymous said...

\o/.....\o/.....\o/........Happy dance..........JAK

Anonymous said...

YAY, Hungary!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can this day get any better!
Go Adam!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hungberts RULE.

Anonymous said...

Yes this is a good day. Adam won five out if six awards in Hungary. People waiting in line from 10 last night. A wonderful concert about to happen. Very good day for Glamberts. Sounds like another wild ride next year. January marks a half of a decade for me and many loving Adam. Looks like another wild ride next year. Can't wait! Sue

HK fan said...

I've enjoyed watching the videos of these awards....they may not be huge awards in the big scheme of things, but Adam beat out some major industry names to win these.

he won 5 out of 6 awards, with great video packages, came 3rd in the 6th one, for best fan army.

Haven't read all the threads, has the pic of his actual award been posted??

the award

Here are all of the video clips from all his wins

Anonymous said...

I like these Hungarian Music Awards...and by golly they really see eye to eye with me, in all the Awards 2013; which I have long awarded to Adam myself. lol!
I see Adam has taken our beloved Sing Merlion all around the world in his videos lwl! Hungarians hunger for Adam.
Oh just a small titbit...Merlion got smashed by lightning and half its mane fell off into the sea, gulp gulp lol! They restored it back to 'life'; happened some years back. Even the lightning god was jealous. lol!
