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NEW PICTURE: Adam Lambert, Chris Colfer, and Nick Nordella

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 15, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Nice pic! Does anyone know who Nick Nordella is? Is he associated with Glee?

Anonymous said...

born in 1988 best known for his acting in Greenberg. No mentions of Glee where I looked.

Anonymous said...

Can you spot the man?

Anonymous said...

Are you referring to Adam, Jr?

Anonymous said...

If you click on Nick's twitter it says actor and dancer. Then if you click on the IMBD link in his bio it says he was in one episode of Glee.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we see Hendrix.

Anonymous said...

@10:15 & @10:51

'The Wild Thing' is standing next to him, on HIS right side... :)))

Anonymous said...

Was he the guy in the Christmas episode opposite Chris storyline?

Anonymous said...

Yay, Sauli Koskinen, got his contract with the Paparazzi Modeling Agency, which is based in Finland, and used world wide. His modeling can be done in the US , Sorry should have said OT, but I was excited to hear the news LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam continues to make new friends/acquaintances - he's so likeable. :-)

Anonymous said...

People are drawn to Adam like a magnet. Yep, he's likeable and then some.

Anonymous said...

@5:44 Excited to hear Sauli's great news! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert can be a world wide fashion male modela also hes handsome and tall-

Anonymous said...

6:10 AM
Yes Adam certainly has all the right qualities to make a worldwide superstar model but I think he prefers to use his exceptional vocal talent to earn a living and who knows? Maybe he'll be a fully-fledged actor one day too.

Anonymous said...

Adams way too chunky to be a model. Look at some of his pictures during Halloween weekend. The one with the tights and the one where his vest was unbuttoned, very flabby midsection

Happy to hear more sauli news

Anonymous said...

I think Adam would prefer to use his brain than his brawn. He's a very intelligent man who enjoys a challenge (probably many challenges) & he may find modeling boring.

Anonymous said...

Hello! This thread is about ADAM, not Sauli. There are plenty of places elsewhere to talk about Sauli.

Anonymous said...

@6:16 AM
Sauli troll.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is nowhere near tall enough to be a catwalk model so I guess he's doing photographic modeling.

Anonymous said...

Modeling is boring. But.....sometimes if it involves traveling it's not so bad. And no, Adam does not have the physique for modeling.

Anonymous said...

It will be photographic modeling for sure. Good for Sauli. Adam is too amazing an entertainer to even consider modeling except for a few celebrity spreads from time to time. Roger Taylor says he's moving away from POP and towards being a serious force. Modeling is okay but not for him.

Anonymous said...

@6:16 AM

You are so mean spirited, everything you said is a lie. You know that Adam usually looks as if he has just stepped out of GQ magazine.

Why pick halloween costumes to try and degrade Adam? Anyone with eyes can see that this internation star and actor, is one of the most beautiful men in the world. You sound so stupid and immature.

Another question is; why come on Adam's fan site and try and trash him? I doubt that even Sauli would want someone like you; that trashes his good friend Adam with lies; even uttering his name, let alone following him.

Do me a favor; look in the mirror, do you see perfect; I bet not. I bet you see an evil crazy image staring back at you!

Anonymous said...

7:02 AM -Here/ Correction

Should be spelled/ international star.


Anonymous said...

7 02

Omg lmao. Just look at Adams pictures. He is a flabby guy who isnt model material. The poster was excited because sauli got a modeling contract which had nothing to do with adam. It was the stupid, jealous people who want to insist that adam is better than sauli in every way who started this. Next they will say adam is a champion ice skater!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:16 AM Is no more a credit to Sauli than to Adam. @6:16 AM only makes themselves look bad and sad.

Anonymous said...

Not every model does catwalks. Just saying.

And yes, Adam looks great in this pic. Chris looks so very young.

Anonymous said...

All three guys look so cute there; like they are really enjoying each other's company. I notice that Adam is becoming such sought after celebrity for special events. His name seems to be a big draw. Yet, he is such a humble man.
Go on with your "bad" fine self Mr. Lambert! He is such a beautiful human being; inside and out. So proud to be a fan.

Anonymous said...

@7:08 AM
Please, don't ruin Sauli's name here. He does not deserve it. The guys are not competitors. Try to understand, this is Adam's site and these people here are mainly Adam-fans. It is understandable that they are not pleased when Sauli-news are brought here. Or the news should at least be somehow connected to Adam. I understand that Adam's fans can't stand Sauli's name mentioned here with no reason. But that is not his fault. There is enough hate against him. Please, don't make it worse.

Anonymous said...

@6:16/7:08 AM/ Same person

Person needs help. Now just ranting to provoke. They are making sure that two fan bases will argue and hate each other. I guess someone that hates Adam. But, does not like Sauli.

This is the type of troll that should be reported to Administration, because that kind of trashing of Adam should not be tolerated on his fan site.

Adminstraation will probably see it.

Meanwhile; I will no longer feed the sick troll.

Anonymous said...

How about posting something about Adam instead of always posting about Sauli and thinking it's so clever and amusing that you do and that you just can't stop yourself. If we Adam fans wanted to find out something about Sauli or anyone else, we'd do so on their websites, not here. Please play fair and respect this site of Adam's.

Anonymous said...

good for Sauli I am surprised he didn't have a career in modeling when he was younger.

Anonymous said...

Saw this new picture of Adam and Molinari :)

Sauli has done some modelling before in Finland. He is not a catwalk model and he knows it. This Paparazzi model agency is best known and biggest in Finland amd has connects everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Love how casual all three guys are. Wonder if this was on set; or at an event. Nice to see how many new friends being on Glee has brought Adam. Also, a "gaggle" of new fans; ha, ha.

Adam tweeted that word the other day when he and a bunch of other gorgeous guys were coming down the excalator, at the first annual Wow awards event he attended.

The way he looked that night; all I could say was "wow".

Anonymous said...

Adam and Molinari have been out together a lot. Could they be boyfriends?

Anonymous said...

How about we keep to topic instead of indulging Sauli's fans who enjoy sabotaging this blog site, They give the impression that they go out of their way to stir up trouble here. Adam and Sauli are no longer an item which seems to upset Sauli's fans greatly. Let's move on, folks to much more positive topics.

Anonymous said...

Adam could care less about having a tight midsection. Not everyone has the metabolism for a six pack stomach. He isn't a fat person. People always finding faults.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Adam isn't skinny like Sauli and TJ. Adam is manly and built perfectly. Gorgeous man. Thin is not in. Adam has the perfect build and is the perfect man - personality, physique, face and talent. Hope that never changes with these skinny men influencing him. Love Adam's perfect build. The way someone should look. Trolls, go away. You are ridiculous and you know it. Luv A!

Anonymous said...

Modeling for brainless untalented people.

Anonymous said...

No, it's fine that he isn't model thin or fit. It's only brought up because people here are so crazy jealous of Saulis success that they insist adam could be some supermodel if he wanted to. Which is ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Good for little elf having a little success because of Adam and Glamberts supporting the little elf. The modeling agency put up a picture of the elf wearing Adam's gloves on its website.

Anonymous said...

@7:31 No way.

Anonymous said...

‘Not supposed to say anything’: Brian May confirms Queen plans to tour with Adam Lambert:

Anonymous said...

Another one of Adam's exes, Brad "Cheeks" got an award for his show "Husbands". Congratulations Brad.

Also, congratulations to you Sauli for your modeling gig and your win in Skating with the Stars.

Adam is always so gracious in wishing the best for all of his friends.

And of course this has been a great year for Adam. I have a feeling next year is gonna knock our collective socks off. Looking forward to everything, including just confirmed Queen Concerts. (More information to come; when dates and places & contracts or signed)Congratulations BB.

I know each of these meN are probably very happy for the moral support that Adam has given them.
I imagine each of these men have fan sites of their own. Their fans are probably as excited about them; as Adam fans are about him. Only a sick person would go over to their sites pretending to be an Adam fan and trash them.

So congratulations to all. Looking forward to a great 2014 for everyone.

Now back to what is going on with Adam M. Lambert here on his Blog site.

Anonymous said...

@7:31 AM

Anytthing is possible; so what if he is; none of your bees wax. So funny, the bees wax phrase. Oh, you'er funny too.

@7:51 AM

How do you know? Related to one of them?

Anyway; who in the hell cares. Just sing Adam sing. And act Adam act. Love this man.

Who he is dating is known of our business!

Anonymous said...

@7:46 AM

Come on; play nice!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear Sauli has a job. Maybe soon he will get his own blog, if he's lucky.

Anonymous said...

@7:38 AM #3

Why are you here? Sauli probably does not need; or want your support. You are just making yourself look bad by making a ridculous statment about Adam.

@7:38 AM #2

You know that is not true. Just ignore the trolls; don't insult Sauli, they do not represent him.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that everytime that Adam is shown with other men; some jealous troll unrelated to either Sauli or Adam's fandom rears it ugly head to try and start trouble. Just ignore; I don't think they are a fan of either.

Anonymous said...

Sauli fans are crays. Admin should delete their comments cause news about him doesn't belong on this website. It should be on his own website if he has one or stay on twitter.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think the trouble makers are Sauli fans. His real fans are very respectful and supportive of Adam. I am an Adam fan; and I can see through this.

This or These trolls hate Adam and Sauli too. Don't know what their true sick agenda is; But believe me, "THESE/OR THIS SICK TROLL(s) ARE NO FANS OF EITHER MEN". They disrespect them both.

Anonymous said...

@7:38 AM -number Three

Why so quick to trash Adam for your opinion that Adam is not fit enough to be a model. Although I do not think you are a fan of Sauli's. Some people could say the Sauli is too short to be a supermodel as you say.

Jus making the point; that there is all kind of models. Don't think that Adam has expressed the desire to be a model. Just as Sauli probably has not expressed the desire to sing or act.

So keep your comparisons to yourself. Everyone has special talents; so why trash the other.
You are no fan of either.

Anonymous said...

@8:29 AM You're right

Anonymous said...

Cute picture of three great guys!
Adam making so many new friends. Good for him. They all look so young and fresh. Nice guys all.

Anonymous said...

0T: Adam and Queen; 2014 yes!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the crazy casual look; might be Glee rehersals; or just hanging out.

Anonymous said...

I wonder where and when this picture of Adam, Nick and Chris was taken. They look like they were have fun.

Anonymous said...

I like Adam in Plaid; first time I have seen him these casual in a while. Seems like they may have been on the set. Maybe puppeteering that day and not in front of the camara. Or maybe just hanging out. Handsome faced men.

Anonymous said...

Just heard more good news about Adam for 2014; I am so excited and I just can't hide. Finally, finally, and more good news to come.

Anonymous said...

7:26 please respect people wanting to share good news on this site no matter the subject. Those making negative comments about Adam are the ones you should schew away from here. Besides have you ever has a picture taken of yourself and it makes you look fatter than you are.

Anonymous said...


Is this you?

Anonymous said...

Oh my God. What is wrong with people? So it's a site for Adam. Sauli and Adam are connected whether some of you like it or not. I am not offended when someone brings us good news about Sauli, though I imagine Adam will mention it himself on Twitter. I wouldn't have known Sauli was in a skating competition if it weren't for Adam's tweets. Apparently, Adam was proud to do so. All of you need to get over yourselves. Geez.

Anonymous said...

@9:38 AM @9:38 AM Well said! Though I think Adam will not congratulate Sauli on his twitter cause is just a contract with the biggest model agency in Finland sure but it doesn't mean a lot yet. It just opens possibilities.

Anonymous said...

Admin, please just close the comments on this thread now. It's not going to get better.

Anonymous said...

@9:06 AM

I think that @7:26 AM was responding to @5:44 AM. I agree, that @5:44 was polite and did mention that she should have said OT. Little did she know that it would open the site up to a floodgate of crazy non-fans of either man. That seems to unfortunatly happen whenever Sauli's name is mentioned. The haters/troll or trolls for both men come out. I don't think that
@5:44 mean't any harm at all. Just mentioning very good news about Sauli; who is a very good friend of Adam's.

I guess that @7:26 AM, was a bit fustrated under the circumstances, of all the crazy's it brings this site.

I am curious; you on the other hand, brought up a subject to
@7:26 AM, that she never mentioned in her post, and I quote: "Besides, have you ever has a picture taken of yourself and it makes you look fatter than you are." unquote. What were you trying to say; and who were your "out of the blue, "fat" remarks question about? Very interesting!

Anne Marie said...

Just to clear things up, I am the person announcing Sauli's modeling contract. I know there are quite a few Sauli fans on here. I in no way meant to disrespect Adam and his God given singing voice. He is absolutely one of the best singers in the industry today. Actually he could do some picture modeling as well, in fact he has done. It's not his first love, and he is concentrating not only on singing but also acting now. Sauli cannot sing, and has shown no inclination to act. He is continuing with his blog for Finland, and now has a contract for modeling. His contract for his own TV show is likely to be renewed. He will also continue with his and Katri's Tutka show He wants to make his own living, he is a proud man, and does not want the continuing crap about him living off of Adam. When he came here he had a job.
Adam is a super international singing star, Sauli is not, but I do respect him and follow all he does. I apologize for ruffling any ones feathers. IMO they are two very nice, and lovely young men trying to enhance the careers they have chosen. I am very happy and excited for each of them.

Anonymous said...

Adam is skinny as a rail now, still fighting insecure body images from the past. When he does gain a little weight it shows up around his middle. He is nowhere near fat now and if you have a normal mentality you can plainly see that. Get lost haters.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, you do not have to explain yourself. You did nothing wrong. Both men can be discussed without the world exploding as long as people are polite about it, which you were. As I said at 9:38, people need to get over themselves here.


Jadam NZ said...

Diana, well said. Yes Annemarie your post was of interest to most of us. Ignore the trashers, most of them are just nasty people Im sure they are not very old.they sound like little madams, with nothing else to do but stir the pot for their own amusement.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, I share your interest enthusiasm and respect for both our guys! Keep on going!:))) MS

Anonymous said...

You think Adam is chunky? I don't think we can possibly be looking at the same man. Adam is the perfect build for a model! If he wanted it, he could do it right now, but he has far better offers coming up.
Adam has everything he wants on a silver platter right now.

p.s..As far as Sauli goes, I wish him nothing but great success!

Anonymous said...

Admin could OUT these trolls slash troublemakers easily, don't know why Admin lets them do this over and over again.

@8:29 Agree with you, these 'misfits' are not fans of either Adam or Sauli.

And those here that call these 'misfits' Sauli fans are themselves not very good at being Adam fans, sorry to say this as a long time Adam fan.

Then there is this question - and I hope someone would give an answer,.WHY is it that some here (supposedly grown up, mature women) are ok with posts about anything and anybody else except Sauli?!? It can be of things and people that have nothing to do with Adam, nobody lifts a finger, but alas the minute Sauli's name is mentioned, the same "song" starts: "This is Adam Lambert fan site..." Don't you see how ridiculous, not to mention rude, intolerant and juvenile, this kind of behaviour is?!

Please let's all be more like Adam!!!

And please, please do not fall for and respond to these 'MISFITS'!!!

Anonymous said...

Anne marie, your intention was noble, but you should know what the reaction (in this blog) will be. This is not the first, so why dont you save admin the headache of deleting nasty comments and refrain from posting such stuff.
I think we are being hypocritical here, if you think adam's ex business update is alright, we may as well get updates about drake labry, and everyother guys linked to him. I dont hate sauli, why? During his relaionship with adam, he held his own, he was territorial or the clingy type, i truly wish all the best, if i want to know all the great stuff happening to his career, i will go to his fan site.
We know we should be mature and handle these stuff like adults,but you forget we arent same, some are petty, others forgiving, some living in fantasy island and others are damn too realistic #no body's fault, we were born that way.
Please,if you know your comment or inputs will bring the crazies out, despite your intentions ;however noble, maybe you ( we) shouldnt post them.
#much love

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:07 here
typo *error*
sauli WAS NOT territorial nor clingy.
Before i'm chopped off

Anonymous said...

Wise words @ 10:07 PM. Better to not comment here re Sauli at all. After all, (a) it is not Sauli's blog site and (b) Glamberts are here to celebrate Adam, not his ex-boyfriends. Would I comment re Adam on Sauli's blog site/s? No, it wouldn't occur to me because it would be bad manners to do so.

Anonymous said...

I don´t think Adam would agree giving up for haters and bullies visiting this site! A lot of Adam´s friends are commented here on topic or not, They all should be respected as Adam´s good friends and to be commented respectfully on this site. If you are an Adam fan you could try in your heart to be like Adam on this matter too and try acceptance instead. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Well said.

Funny and so sad that Sauli (that Sunshine of Man of all people!) seems to be the only person who upsets some "true Adam fans" this much... Shameful!
Trolls and troublemakers are beyond help, but true Glamberts should know better!
Ha, ha there's a much newer thread about Adam's first love, Brad aka Cheeks... So are we allowed to post about him!?