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NEW PICTURES: Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen Spending Time Together Today (12/12/2013)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 12, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 12, 2013



Anonymous said...

Nice looking couple.

Anonymous said...

Adam in baggy pants...a rare sight.

daydreamin said...

Looks like Adam may have been on his way to or from jogging or working out.

Anonymous said...

I think they mean "current boyfriend". It's pretty obvious that Adam and Sauli are back together. I mean, they are seen together three times this week already.

Anonymous said...

Adam even looks great in work-out clothing. I'm very motivated to excercise now.

Anonymous said...

Those pictures draw a big ??
Is Sauli staying with Adam. There was a picture of Sauli hiking in Runyon, somebody took the picture, but Sauli was dressed differently. Now we have a picture of both of them getting ready to hike, or just finishing, with Sauli carrying a duffle bag.Also pictures of Sauli fixing health drinks, looks like from Adams kitchen. I checked the condo pistures of the condo that is up for sale, not Adams, but they are supposed to be all identical, and the background is the same as Adams. Also all that food is for sure not for one person. Now yell at me for getting into their private business. I am nosey, I admit, but I would be so happy if they are together again. OK I am waiting for some of you to yell at me, I can take it LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't seem to be the least bit happy in these pics.

Anonymous said...

Could be the camera

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has been ignoring his trainer lately. Maybe Sauli can inspire him to start working out and running again.
Adam is like many of us, has to be ever vigilant about the pounds creeping back on. Run Adam Run.
Very handsome guys.

Anonymous said...

don't look like they have anything in common. they probably have hang out time when it is convenient for both of them. Koskinen is probaly sticking around for the hell of it. Keep the hormonal fangirlies away.

Anonymous said...

get Sauli get.

Anonymous said...

It's not an occasion where either of them would be laughing. Adam doesn't like jogging or any exercise , and it looks like they have both been listening to music. I think their next move is to take a shower, and flop on to the couch and possibly have a health drink.One place it said they were spending quality time. I think also they might as well leave off the EX-. I think Sauli has always been good for Adam, this might be a trial run, to see if they can work out their time together, they have had plenty of time to think about it. Adam has certainly been out and about since they split, and still comes back to Sauli. I hope it works for them.

Anonymous said...

I assume they are friend with benefit and not a lover.Nice to see they spend together doing their own thing.

Anonymous said...

I feel some tension in these Adam and Sauli pictures. They don't look at each other at all, let alone communicate. Sauli seems more determined to keep apart and Adam appears to want to be together. Eventually at a more suitable time, they may give it another go, which is quite possible...don't quite see it happening soon, though. Sauli's free spiritedness needs a lot of freedom, room to express himself. Adam on the other hand, finds solace in Sauli, in his more hectic life. Hey Sauli, how about giving it another go; unless, there is more to it than meets the eye. Both look solid. lwl!


Anonymous said...

I assume you have to be legal documented resident of US in order to get driver's license or rent your own place. I assume Sauli relies on friends to drive him places or have a place to stay. Adam is helping him mean while to drive him or stay with him until he becomes legal resident or gets his green card. With new immigration laws I doubt with work visa you can have a driver's license.

Anonymous said...

I think they were aware that pics were being taken, and neither one was happy about it. There is no need to say rotten stuff about Sauli. This Adams is choice too, not ours. If Adam loves Sauli, then so be it. I am very happy for them. You are not supporting Adam, if you voice your opinion of his choice of friends.

Anonymous said...

Go back and look how skinny Adam looked in those club pics from last night. These photos are just at different camera angles.
For the life of me I can't understand why some of you want him to look emaciated. He's a man in his 30's and he's on the low end of what his weight should be for his height and build as it is. Just compare him next to other guys around his height and maybe you'll see. Perhaps some of you have weight issues and are projecting.
He looks very healthy in these pics. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Sauli gets around just fine, most of the time without Adam, as he has done for nearly 3 years. He walks long distances to get to public transportation, and also uses taxis. Apparently Sauli is quite legal here, because he still works for Finnish company, and is paid in Euros. Sauli hates the LA traffic, so I don't see him any time soon getting a drivers license, anyway. He comes from a small country, and LA traffic, is just a night mare to him., actually me too, I never drive into LA for any reason. They are both grown men, let them live their lives as they want, and work out any problems, just as we all have to. They definitely each know what they are getting into, after 2 years together. Sauli does not depend on Adam to give him a place to stay, he has many friends, and he has also shared an apartment with a couple of them before he went back to Finland. He can pay his own way, he does make his own money.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:48 I see you missed the interview where Adam discusses his love of ice cream and hatred of exercise.
I certainly don't want him to be emaciated. I just want him to be healthy. I'm sure we all wish that for him.

Anonymous said...

There are no pounds creeping up on Adam. He looks very slim and trim in his clothes; and he said recently he has a trainer and works out regulary. He is a beautiful healthy six ft 1 man.

Anonymous said...

I think we should worry about our own bodies and I sure Adam can take care of his without our imput!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures draw a big nothing. My goodness Adam seem to be with different friends during the day and other friends some evenings. Just like most young single people. Especially in the entertainment field.
Whatever the situation; Adam is just going on with his life and enjoying his friends; paying no attention to all the outside chatter.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said in very recent interviews that he is watching what he eats; and yes he said he does have a trainer and worksouts regular. And that fine body of his show the fabulous results.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see pics of them together for whatever the reason. Can't it just be one friend(Sauli) visting a friend(Adam) here in this country for a while without turning it into a soap opera. I guess I would be pissed too if I just went out for a run/jog and there was someone taking pics, posting them, and then all the rumors and speculation begin as we see here with some of the comments. Some of the people on here could be detectives with all their comments about picture similarities, Adam's weight, license and visa regulations, Sauli's means of supporting himself, etc. How is that people think they know so much about Adam(and Sauli) without really knowing them personally at all. Being seen together three times this week now has them back together as boyfriends according to someone who reallly knows.....nothing at all about it. Time to move on to something else.

Anonymous said...

I saw Adam at the Trevor project he was very thin I remarked about how thin he was. He has not been neglecting working out. He been looking very healthy and needs no body to tell him to eat right are work out he a grown man. I really believe they are just friends and that's all. I just don't see how it would ever work out. Adam will be busy next year doubt Sauli be here for more than a few months.
If they ever have a chance to get back together we need to stay out of it completely then maybe there is a chance.
Must be camera angles because Adam very thin. You are just not helping things by making remarks against Adam that's only causes hard feelings.

Anonymous said...

They both look miserable. Not gonna werk fellas. From what we saw for the last 8 months Adam and Sauli separate were happy happy boys.
Adam must feel obligated to help a friend looks smothered already.

Anonymous said...

@7:24 & 7:28
Agreed. Adam, you look very fit and gorgeous. You motivated me to work-out this year. Stay healthy and happy.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a great body. He looks really good. Sauli looks so tiny; Adam has on baggy clothes; but still looks very fit. Sauli has on skin tight clothes; that is why he looks so skinny. Adam would not look good that skinny. I love the way he looks.

Those that are trying to tear down Adam and his size are just talking crap; and don't know what they are talking about. Adam looks absolutely gorgeous. Love that sexy body.

Anonymous said...

What @7:19 PM said

Anonymous said...

Solid as a rock
Be happy, life's too short
Yes take a walk
And smell the roses
Overcome what imposes
I wrote a poem
About Adam and Sauli
As happy as can be
Perhaps there's more
Than what we see
Well, what do you expect
24/7 is the most up-to-date
Kaypoh club lol!
More exhilarating than flying a kite
Or a rub-a-dub-dub lol!
To be or not to be
That' the question
With no inhibition
Adam, What do you want from me...
Seems to fit like a T with Sauli lwl!
Looking so determined
A graceful skater, natural actor
I really hope both find
Their niche in their career
And then get back together
Oh, we'll be here to soak in the opera lwl!


Anonymous said...

I don't think they are miserable just not happy about the picture being taken. I also think they are just friends. I am afraid they are still exes until they say other wise not any of us.

Anonymous said...

Seems like people would get tired of trying to figure out if these two grown men, who say they are friend; are going together. I find it quite amusing that some are saying they are not smiling. Do you walk around smiling when you are hiking or talking about something with your friends.

These people are not show horses for your entertainment. They are just two men; who happen to be celebrities.

This childish behavior of some of their fans need to subside. You need to let them breathe and stop analyzing every facial movement and body language. How would you like to be treated with such disdain.

Being a fan does not mean you have the right to analyse the hell out of these wonderful men's life's; and every move they make. Good grief!

Anonymous said...

I love what Adam's wearing! <333

Anonymous said...

This is something I can live with, shipping with those two. They look good together ♡

Anonymous said...

I wanna get in those jogging pants and just sniff! Sorry, not sorry!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is naturally a ham with the cameras. He knows it goes with the territory. He also knows papa are everywhere. Not like him to look so upset and not happy. Poor guy maybe he's tired of hosting. I don't think these guys will ever get back together.
Adams a man who can be friends. Mature. I hope he will be happy again.
Hopefully Sauli can make a life for himself.

Anonymous said...

I volunteer to hold Adam' water bottle... while he jogs...just sayin..

Anonymous said...

Out of subject. I never saw this sleeve tattoo so close. Doesn't fit Adam at all! It's terrible. I hope one day he'll remove it.
Boys aren't look very happy. Too much paps around?

Anonymous said...

@7:30 PM

You can tell all of this; from two men coming from a workout! you are good; should get a job with the CIA. Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's tatoo; think it looks great. But, I am sure he does not care what I or anyone else thinks about it. As long as he is happy with it; that is all that is important. Some thoughts should be kept to ourselves; especially the negative one!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe some of the comments on this blog from all these relationship experts. Their lives must be perfect and they must go around smiling all day at their friends with never a serious look on their face.

Are some of these people for real, or are we being punked?

Anonymous said...

I imagine Adam and Sauli, with these serious expressions, finally getting home and making crazy passionate love! Awe!!! Ooooh!!

Anonymous said...

@7:30 PM

Are you for real? You have got to be kidding!

Anonymous said...

They don't look happy in these photos.

Anonymous said...

There are way too many busybodies in Adam's fandom. Get a life of your own.

Anonymous said...

Sauli wears very tight jeans. O^O

Anonymous said...

lack of deodorant might be keeping them apart.

Anonymous said...

8:20 PM

Anonymous said...

Lambert cuddlin' up with labry at Halloween. he's a sly devil isn't he? wants it all hanging off the bedpost.

Anonymous said...

It just looks to me like they're waiting for someone or something to show up. Just kind of idly waiting. No reason for Adam to be grinning and smiling. I think they both look just fine. Probably spent some good time together like friends often do. I know our imaginations run wild about any future romance between them, but for now it's just nice to see them as friends. This picture is just one short moment in time. It doesn't explain anything about the context. They look fine to me. Adam looks thin and hot. He's got some clothing and stuff wrapped around him. Makes him look bigger, But we just saw him perform and he's quite thin and healthy looking. So many psychoanalyists here!


Anonymous said...

They both look terrific!! Nice to see them together no matter if they are just friends. In my mind and fantasies though, they are deeply in love and can't live or breathe without the other. Haha! My mind, my fantasy! No one can change that! I live in bliss!!

Anonymous said...

Adam was out this week for a couple of nights, He was not smiling either time. Not smiling all the time means nothing.Sauli has disliked the paps ever since he got here, he sees no reason for any of us wanting to see him and Adam walking jogging or shopping. They don't do that in Finland. It's about the only thing he has complained about in the US, otherwise he loves everything about this country, especially LA and the weather. Let them be happy together if that is what they want. Might be just a friendship thing, although I haven't seen Adam jogging or excercising with any one else, ever.

Anonymous said...

8:25 pm. Hopefully he'll have Sauli wrapped around him soon.

Anonymous said...

I bet they just sit, talk, and hold hands. I really doubt they would be having SEX.

Anonymous said...

these pictures show how broad Adam's shoulders are...he is so gorgeous...what a hunk

Anonymous said...

lAM-MY @6:45 PM

I did know that was you, until the end. I usually enjoy your post and have told you so in the past. I actually thought I was reading a fan of Sauli's. I respect your point of view. But, I disagree with the premise that Adam is the needy one; unless I am understanding it wrong.

I believe that Adam is a free spirit; just as Sauli is; even more so as he so beautifully matured in these past few years.

I guess none of us really knows what goes on in any relationship. But, I do feel that both of these fine men; are very independent and can make it with or without each other; and will. None of us can judge who needs who more. Well, there is my opinion. I am sure I will continue to enjoy your many beautiful writings. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

8:34 PM Here,

Sorry/ Should be Lam-my.

Anonymous said...

Both of them looks amazing!
Not anyone can be best friend with ex.
They both are one of a million,i love them so much.
I hope we can let them live their lifes

Anonymous said...

I like all of these salads, smoothies and no-bun hamburger on Sauli's blog. This boy like great and healthy meals. I really enjoy green smoothies and superfood(kale) salad. Hope Adam has the same menu.

Anonymous said...

I think he already has, they are both very sexual men, and I think there is love there too. This may sound very fanciful to you, but Adam posted a beautiful picture of a sunset recently, and he was quoted as saying that he felt the love from it coming his way. I immediately thought he was talking about Sauli. Adam wants to be in love, and he hasn't found it since they split, he knows what he had, and wants it back again. By the way Adam looks great, he knows with his schedule he needs to be healthy and fit. Sauli is probably the only one of Adams friends, who thinks the same way. Can't see Milarni getting out there and jogging with Adam, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

You just wrote it,what i thought about...

Anonymous said...

@8:21 PM Post#2

Crazy talking are we? Go on and pick up your thingzies, the crazy train is ready to roll. From your unfounded, childish comment; you sound like you need to climb aboard; and right up front.

Anonymous said...

Lol is having a picnic in these Sauli threads.

Anonymous said...

8:25, I'm with you! In my realistic moments, I accept Adam and Sauli as ex-boyfriends who still like each other. BUT, in my wildest fantasy moments, Adam and Sauli are back together as a couple doing what romantic couples do. Now, that's where my imagination really runs wild and I just can't help it.


Anonymous said...

@ 8:42
Adam has friends who are into healthy eating and excercising, too (ie. Sutan and his other ex's). BTW, lets not riducule Marcus, it's not nice to make fun of anybody.

Anonymous said...

6:32 PM
Sauli once said (in the beginning of their relationship) that they have a lot in common, they think a lot alike. But of course you know better; you live every day with them.

I'm glad they are such good friends. They look gorgeous. I love them both, together and separately.

Anonymous said...

8:42 PM
Who is Milarni?

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't skinny & he's not fat either. He looks GREAT!! <3

Anonymous said...

Some of you aren't going to be happy until they are always skipping along holding hands with big grins on their faces every waking moment.

Anonymous said...

I find it quite interesting, that some are saying that Adam needs love and wants Sauli; what about it being the other way around. How do you know what Adam wants are needs. Why are you just saying that Adam wants to be in love; lots of people want to be in love. Does Sauli? How do you know he hasn't found it; has Sauli found it? Maybe Sauli knows what he has; and wants it back again.

Adam isn't exactly chopped liver. This seems like a lot of Adam put down. Adam is a fine wonderful man; and anyone with would be fortunate to have a wonderful person like him. These people will find who they want without our help. Some people just need to stop acting like they know how Adam feels, what he wants and who he needs. He will make that decision for himself.

glitzylady said...

For the record, Adam looked QUITE fit and wonderfully trim and in fabulous health in Miami at the Fontainebleau concert less than 2 weeks ago..

Oh, YES, those beautiful broad shoulders........... and the "sleeve" is awesome BTW...

To those who said he looks like he's put on weight, I say PFFFFT.... :)))

I love seeing Adam and Sauli in the same picture again. They've said they are still close friends. Friends hang out together. These are candid shots. I don't always smile when I'm having a casual (or serious...etc..) conversation with my friends, with my family, with my hubby etc.. And fortunately I don't have paparazzi camera to deal with... And then have strangers trying to deduce from a few random pictures entire scenarios of what's happening in my life, who I'm sleeping with, who I'm not sleeping with, what I eat for breakfast....and what I was doing before and after the pics were taken. And if I did have paps snapping pics, knowing full well that the speculations would be sparked by them, I'd probably be frowning a little too!


Just sayin'...

PS: Adam and Sauli are both great guys.. Just here wishing them both success, love, and happiness, wherever and with whom they find it..

Anonymous said...

They might be just friends,but if they are more, it can works now in some odd way.
They have different people than 2010,both very independent and both of them might need lot of space etc.
Distance is not always bad thing.Sometimes it brings things(and feelings) even closer.
It happens to me in my relationship-
I hope you get my point-though lack of english :)

Anonymous said...

All the reports I read said Adam dropped off his ex before he headed to Runyon for jogging. Nothing about Sauli jogging with him. Plus Sauli isn't wearing workout outfit like Adam.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam was going to run and Sauli to skate.

Anonymous said...

Yes I do agree with you Adam too is a free spirit but a free spirit is not as free as it seems when it comes to love. I've followed Adam and Sauli from "the tap on the shoulder and the wink of the eye" moment. lol! Helluva kaypoh, myself too. Somehow, I feel not needy, I didn't say that! please! don't impose your interpretation on my thoughts! Adam seems to me, the one who still wants to make it work more than Sauli. I saw this from very early on and even wrote a verse about Sauli having to dodge the cameras focused on Adam constantly. Sauli is a very strong, private type of person and perhaps feels out of place with all the limelight and he knows it would be like that if they were a couple. Also the main reason Sauli cited was, he hardly got to see Adam; especially when his concert touring goes full steam. In short, he doesn't like playing second fiddle. He's strong-minded and wants to make it totally on his own effort. There lie the opinion only.


Anonymous said...

Is this whats going to happen as every photo of Adam and Sauli is shown in the future? We will all stay fit jumping to conclusions!......As far as we know they are friends, I think that's lovely. Do I have a secret desire to have them be a couple again....probably, but in the meantime I just hope they are both happy........JAK

Anonymous said...

8:57. Like giving each other sensual massages, shampooing each others hair, kissing passionately, touching and stroking each other, opening wide for each other, tasting and swallowing each other...Oh lordy....excuse me while I go clean myself up:/

Anonymous said...

You are gross! 9.12

Anonymous said...

@6:32 PM

Oh wise one, you know all of this because? Are you related to them?
Hope you feel better after that pathatic attempt to act like you know anything at all about these men. Your comment was so stupid and made no sense at all.

Anonymous said...

Admin. Please remove the comment at 9:12
This is not a porn site.

Anonymous said...

9:15pm. There is NOTHING gross about two beautiful men being in love and making love. I thought it was a bit steamy, but not gross.

Anonymous said...

@9:12 PM

Why are you posting about what you do with your partners; not interested; wrong site; you might want to try the porn site. Don't think a lot of people here want to know what you do behind your close doors.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady Believe me, I didn't want to sound as troll and never said that Adam gained weight. However, he did gain some weight. It seems that his hair grow as fast as his cute ass and abs, but you have to agree that Adam looks much heavier than on last concert photos. Very strange, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Get used to it, folks! Adam and Sauli will be seen together in photos because they seem to be FRIENDS although they split. Try to accept it even if you don't like it.

Anonymous said...

@9:21 PM

Of course you would think that; you are probably the one that wrote it. This is not a fanfiction site. Porn might be beautiful to some, but it is not appropriate here. I think the person was being delibertly vulgar on this site. They, youm who ever posted itm apparently has a problem about what posts are appropriate on Adam's fan site.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is hot, just look at him in his skinny jeans!

Anonymous said...

@9:28 PM

I am not the poster you were referring to; but I don't agree with you at all. As a matter of fact, Adam has lost weight, someone brought it up and he said he is working with a trainer and eating healthy. It shows. The man looks tall slender and fine.
He clothes fit him so beatifully. Love him this size. But whatever the size, he looks great. Well, I guess we should all be under weight scrutiny now.

Anonymous said...

@9:35 PM

Have you checked your abs and ass lately.

You must be looking at another man; Adam looks very fit. At the charity the other day; everyone was talking about his trim physical appearance. No matter how you try, or what you say; cannot convince anyone that Adam is bigger. Adam is trim, slim and fine. Love that body, and that man. Let's just enjoy him. I saw a picture of him from Sunday; he looked so tall and fine; almost passed out.

Anonymous said...

Skinny jeans are so uncomfortable .... to me at least. I bought a pair of skinny jeans and they look great but I don't wear them anymore because they feel as though they're going to cut my legs in two. Slim fit jeans - yep - skinny jeans - a big fat no.

Anonymous said...

@9:35 PM

He is a skinny, tiny little thing isn't he? Some people are just naturally thin. When I was younger I was so skinny I tried to gain weight. Now I wish I had let well enough alone. Ha, ha.

Anonymous said...

The headline says Adam dropped off Sauli and went hiking in the canyon but if you click on there are 21 photos of the two of them walking together on the sidewalk. Adam and Sauli both look great, in good physical shape.

Anonymous said...

He looked gorgeous in his leather pants last night.

Anonymous said...

9:47 PM HERE; Correction

Sorry my post is not for @9:35 PM.
My post is in response to
poster @9:28 PM

Anonymous said...

9:53 PM
The link says 'No results found for that page'. :-(

Anonymous said...

I am skinny as but skinny jeans are too uncomfortable for me.
I love Adam's leather pants.

Anonymous said...

I prefer men who carry a bit of weight ..... like Adam. He's not skinny & he's definitely not fat .... he's just right!

Anonymous said...

I hate skinny jeans. It makes your legs look short and fat. It looks better with high length boots, because the boot shows your legs longer.

Anne Marie said...

Now that everyone has had their say, let's let them get on with their life. It may not be to every ones liking, but they are the ones living it. They had 2 years together, and went their own ways for a few months. They have found their way back together again, that's good enough for me, why should it bother some of you.

Anonymous said...

I'd much prefer to concentrate on Adam's music career rather than his private life.

glitzylady said...

I might suggest that this thread is one you might wish to skip then :)))

Anonymous said...

21 pics.:

Anonymous said...

OMG, this is insane.

Anonymous said...

They are spending time together but Sauli is not with Adam as he goes out to public. I think they are not happy of that paparazzi at all. They are not ready to be seeing as boyfriends or they are just friends or they don't yet know what they are.

Anonymous said...

This is just sad. Most of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sauli is going to skate? He misses it.

Anonymous said...

@11:59 Lol with those pants? Not that I love his pants :D

Anonymous said...

11:54 PM
What is sad? I'm just glad that they are friends. Some comments are a bit of rude when criticizing their looks.

Anonymous said...

Adam is just singing here in Finlands radio...

Anonymous said...

12:02 AM
He has a bag which could have some clothes for skating. And as a matter of fact Sauli has been skating in tight pants. He was hot. Maybe they are elastic material.

Anonymous said...

This is the first pic where Sauli is alone. He looks a little pissed off hot Sauli and not the sunny Sauli

In this second picture Adam is going out of the car and he looks also a little pissed off and not so hot as usually if you enlarge he picture

Now I assume they haven't yet noticed that there are paps. It they have it can be that the paps are making them pissed off. Otherwise it seems that they have a rocky way to go if they want to be go back again or difficulties to be just friends.

I have now too much free time :)

Anonymous said...

They certainly have feelings for each other. Maybe too much.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for sauli, he sees the paps and doesn't like it at all! I think he never was that comfortable with the pictures takin, maybe at first it didn't matter cause he was soo in love he didn't Carr. And i think they just arrived and are going to jog together..Sauli has his workout clothes in the bag and adam had already put them on. Sauli loves the runyon hike, he's already posted pictures in there. I love that adam goes hiking with sauli, there hasn't been any pictures of him jogging alone or with someone else :)

Anonymous said...

It may be that they are going together jogging. Sauli loves the runyon hike and he has a water bottle with him like Adam has and a bag with him but why he haven't change his clothes like Adam beforehand?

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are, THANK YOU for your post!!!
It was beautifully & sensually written, exactly what could happen between two guys having a steamy...session... Your last sentence also brought (a much welcomed) involuntary chuckle, he he!
You're a breath of fresh (hot & steamy) air among so many of these sexually repressed and easily chocked women @this site. If what you wrote is described gross, I pity their partners...

Imagination and sensual sexual fantasies are a life force, enjoy them!

Anonymous said...

@2:46 AM To think of that I had never sexual fantasies of celebrity couples before Adam and Sauli :D

Anonymous said...

Just for the record, in real life I think Adam was just dropping off his friend go ice skating or whatever.None of my business. And if they are friends with benefits or more than that, I'm so happy for them. Also none of my business to speculate on that. But I do enjoy seeing pics of them together, they do look like they were made for each other... (and I'm not shipping anything!) Seize the day, guys & have fun!


Anonymous said...

@2:46 AM .... perhaps you and @9.12 could get together and compare your sexual fantasies. Somewhere else would be preferable to here.

Anonymous said...

Friends ? or "Friends" ? Anyway, as long as they are happy, I am happy... Axel...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Adam and Sauli! I hope the paps don't follow them! They deserve to be left alone in their private time. Who would be happy being constantly followed down the street, up the hill, everywhere?
Adam and Sauli need to be left in peace and whatever comes out of their being together needs to be between them. They will work it out if there is anything to be worked out that is. I hope only for their happiness.


Anonymous said...

Go around with a smile on your face 24/7 and people will think that you have lost your marbles, hahahaha That's for dam sure!

Anonymous said...

Adam's shoulders are great. Nonsense about the weight. Sauli's legs show all the work he did on DOI. They are both looking good.

Adam and Sauli are friends and nothing is going to change that. Beyond that, who knows?

After watching the DOI finale, I like Sauli in his own right. His US visa was renewed last spring. They last two years. Maybe he is getting a second season of the LA-friends show. Hope so, he has worked hard for his success.

My heart is always with Adam. Waiting for Glee, Queen, new cd and tour. Wherever he goes, I go, but I will keep checking in on Sauli and wish him well.

Anonymous said...

C'moon there's nothing in @9:12 post that should shock any grown ups (nor younger people, they know it all & more, lol) - and to call it porn, that's just ignorant and overly prunish!

Anonymous said...

What's obvious to me is the body language also big space between them. Also they are not looking at each other. When they were an item Adam was always looking and smiling at his exboyfreind. I'm sure the fans who are looking for any crumbs to make this look romantic will disagree with me but to me looks very obvious. Adam is generous person and helping out friend period!!!!

Anonymous said...

@5:46 AM Body language is interesting. I remember when Adam and Sauli where in Finland when Adam had a concert thete and they didn't look each other in any pictures. Sauli was smirkling oddly in some pictures. They were already broke up then.

Anonymous said...

Why you start to imaging all kind of stories of some photos?
You don´t know anything of these men now.

Anonymous said...

5:46 You make it sound as though Adam is putting himself out for Sauli. Friends usually support each other because they LIKE each other. It's not about favours. It's about being friends.

Whatever we think, these two are still in each other's lives to a fairly significant degree.

For those who like to take magnifying glasses to photo's and look for a story that fits their worldview: I have some Obama pics for you to look at.

Anonymous said...

@6:20 AM
"Whatever we think, these two are still in each other's lives to a fairly significant degree."

I totally agree. They know each other quite well already. They don't have to pretend or smile all the time. In these pics it looks like they both have listened to some music or are going to listen; both have earphones hanging on the phones. And Sauli said some weeks ago that Adam is a very dear friend. They also seemed to be on contact almost daily by phone when Sauli was on Finland (Sauli told that).

I think that they have managed to develop a very beautiful friendship after the break-up. It is difficult to know what will happen to their friendship when either of them or both find "the right ones" and start dating seriously? That would not be easy for me but maybe they are different.

Anonymous said...

Friends or boyfriends, it's not our concern!
I am just happy yo see them together. And Yhey don't have to grin all the time.

It's so funny how "fans" interpret the pics. If Adam is happy and laughing on the same pic as Sauli( pic. of Danielle, A. and S.) "he is always happy" but if he and Sauli don't smile on a pic "they have some issues".
God's heaven sake!!!

Anonymous said...

Pictures are just pictures, like adam once said you can't make your assumptions based on them! But IF we would do that, based on these pictures there's absolutely nothing going on ..just two friends going to exercise! I really really hope they would get back together, but maybe i believe what sauli said just last week..that adam is a dear friend to him!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are both very pap-savvy. They know that if they go outside at all, there is a chance the paps will see them. I don't think they're upset about it. It's a fact of their lives. When they're out in public, the paps aren't being intrusive when they take pics. They're right out there for all to see. Adam and Sauli have an intimate history as well as a long friendship. There is a lot between them. They both seem to still value the connection.


Anonymous said...

at 3:09 AM

There's plenty of steamy A&S fanfiction out there. Some of the stories are really well written and realistic, and very enjoyable, if I may say so. :)

Anonymous said...

AL looks at TJR with amore. very obvious during concerts. He wants TJR to return his gestures. AL thinks Tommy is a beautiful kitty. SK knows it.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli look great, both very fit and I´m happy Sauli gets now a lot of sunshine in LA when it´s really cold in Finland now.:)))

Anonymous said...

I doubt we get a new "Rakastan" picture from Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a type but Sauli didn't quite fit the category. I think some of Adam's friends (not Danielle) may have also thought Sauli was not right for Adam and that's why he had the fb rant.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Hangs With Sauli Koskinen Before Going Off To Enjoy A Hike

Anonymous said...

9:58 AM
Lots of questions: What fb rant? What category? If you mean younger, smaller and pretty, I think Sauli fits those requirements. Not feminine enough? Or what do you mean?

Do Adam's friends decide who is right for him? Isn't Adam smart enough to make that kind of decisions?

At least Leila and Eber seemed to like Sauli. And as you said, Danielle, who is Adam's long time friend.

Anonymous said...

@9:56 AM
I doubt that too. But why should that even happen? Isn't it enough that they remained friends after the break-up. Not every ex-couple is in such good terms.

I hope that they both find the right ones soon, so that this boyfriend speculation stops.

Anonymous said...

What do mean fb rant? I don`t know what that means?

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli fan fiction are disgusting. They would think so too.
Who in their right minds would want fans writing about their most intimate of moments.
Sick in the worst way.

Anonymous said...

All fan fiction is twisted, when it's about real people, imo. I would never get along with fans who are obsessed with fanfics. No matter how highly educated they may be.

Anonymous said...

I hope they are both happy together or not! For me it seems that they are not boyfriends. I hope they can stay as friends. It's not always easy for exes.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's sister Saana says in this this week's interview among other things that: "Sometimes it has felt funny to keep track Sauli in the publicity, especially when people deal with his love life and relationship with Adam. However I have always been able to be proud of him."

Adam's and Sauli's relatives must feel really funny and strange when totally strange people comment the lives of their loved ones and speculate about things that they know nothing. I'm glad (at least I hope) they don't see all the crap that is written.

Anonymous said...

at 11:46 AM

Then I guess you must be a fan fiction expert since you claim to know how disgusting and sick those stories are ;)

Anonymous said...

Once again 'something' has been made of nothing.
First, no one said Adam was fat! What was said was Adam, like many of us, has to be careful about gaining weight. He was very heavy at one time and he is big boned and will always have to mindful if he wants to stay trim. Nothing mean spirited in that.

And the thread title was that Adam and Sauli spent some time together......the photos showed Adam having given Sauli a ride somewhere...Sauli has no car. From this we get over a hundred comments surmising what the circumstances were. Pitiful.

Anonymous said...

I hope Sauli gets to show Adam his skills on a skating arena in LA, he learned a lot this fall.:)))

Anonymous said...

That's the best comment on this thread...You know why, Sauli might find a great skating partner in Adam who is such a seductive dancer; and Sauli may let himself go a bit more. The best way for people to fall in love, in this case again, in my opinion, is when they have a common cause or passion in what they can achieve together. Hey I hope Adam volunteers to be Sauli's 'student'. lwl! Since Adam has such broad shoulders and Sauli is so agile, he could stand on Adam's shoulders. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam, a seductive dancer
Sauli, a graceful skater
They should team up together
So things might work out better
Life's like that
It happens when you least suspect
Forget about the crap
That people simply love
To flick, flack, yap yap yap lwl!


Anonymous said...

The Sauli threads ALWAYS get the most posts. I'm here for Adam's career, not his personal life which is exactly that - personal.

Anonymous said...

wow the Top 5 most popular posts are all Sauli-related. I guess everyone is still curious about Sauli.

Anonymous said...

at 9:47 PM

Well, they used to be a very cute and hot couple, and as a person Sauli is pretty interesting, magnetic even. Also, there's a lot of footage, random stuff and all sorts of info about him available for anyone to view.

In comparison to many other people, Sauli lets people get closer to him without revealing too much about his private life. And if that is Adam related, then it is no wonder that people like to read about him, too.

Anonymous said...

@8.05 PM
You just contributed it yourself!
You are not obliged to make a comment related to Adam and Sauli pics.
But if some people want to share their thoughts about these pics, let them do it.
Just scroll!

Anonymous said...

My heart hurts a bit to see picture like this when I remember how Sauli used to smile to Adam and looking at him when they were boyfriends and in love:

Anonymous said...

Thankey Lam-my for your posts full of love vibe, I came back to read them again, made me feel really good:)))Kindred(3:41pm)

And 4:54am, Don´t let your heart feel hurt, remember, we saw a happy smiles-pic from them just a little while back on this site. I hope to see new pics from them, that they themselves would want to share with us. :)))

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looks pissed only because the paps caught him unaware. He is not as dressed up and groomed as he usually is when he is out and about.

Anonymous said...

Kindred Hi!
So nice to know I actually complimented you, my dear kindred Finn friend...telepathy, you know like you say, thoughts through space. lwl!


Anonymous said...

@1:22 PM Well that's true. Not Adam's best look but very suitable for it purpose.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's normal to go jogging, hiking or exercise, just to stay fit. I don't get why some of you think that you only exercise if you want to lose weight. I walk outdoors everyday to stay healthier, not to lose weight.

Anonymous said...

"Adam Lambert’s Ex In Spray-On Jeans"

Anonymous said...

Ade I'm disappointed