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Random Handsome Pictures of Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 04, 2013


leilani aloha said...

Wow!!! what a fabulous journey for Adam!!!
We, glamberts have watch Adam grow from AI to more great music/entertainment from this gorgeous man:):):) thanks for the beautiful pics!

Anonymous said...

I think we need an Adam Lambert magazine. Glossy pictures of Adam in all his glory would be a big seller! Coffee table GLAM!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are killing me. I think my heart just skipped a few beats. He is so gorgeous and just seems to get better looking and sexier with the new pics and videos we have seen of him lately. He is the best vocal talent in music today and has taken all of his loyal fans on an exciting, interesting, and sometimes controversial journey in his bid for recognition and success in the entertainment business.

Anonymous said...

I've seen most of these pics before but they all make a gorgeous collection.

Anonymous said...

Presenting the real sexy man alive and well; for the whole world to see.

Anonymous said...

Dear darling Adam; to quote the lyrics of a song, "you're to good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you". That is all!

Anonymous said...

Great pics esp the Details cover. My favorite of all time.

Anonymous said...

That picture on the cover of DETAILS magazine is the best. They are all something special, but I love that sexy, classy image of him in leather. He is the sexiest man alive, and PEOPLE mag put the wrong Adam on their cover.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is more handsome than any young movie actor or singer out there today.

For those fans that have seen Adam in person; are his eyes as beautiful as they look on all these pictures? If so, I would probably faint under the glare of that beauty.

Anonymous said...

A stereoscopic Adam Lambert book would be nice, too.

leilani aloha said...

Totally agree w anon 8:33pm & 8:42pm
Detail cover of adam is so beautiful & organic!!!
My fave too:)

Magiclady said...

The Details shoot was to die. Best sexiest pics of Adam EVER!

HK fan said...

The whole Details photo shoot is at the top of my list.

Anonymous said...

The detail cover is framed on a shelf in my bedroom. Love that cover. Sue

Anonymous said...

Current is current, live in the moment!
Pics #7,8,12 show the HARD working, sweaty & sexy Adam! Me likey! And the expression in pic #8, priceless!

PS. I'm not into suits so much, but that suit - and Adam in it - is stunning graftmanship!

PPS. NEVER seen anyone else who "packs" & wears low riders so well!!! Simply...................aaahhhhhhh!

daydreamin said...

Anon 12:24 I like your use of the word "packs". Indeed he does:))

glitzylady said...

The Details magazine has a place of honor in my nightstand...

What can I say.....I liked it then, I like it now.........................................................................

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes his eyes are more beautiful in person.