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Shoshanna Stone talks about Adam Lambert's future on Glee

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam really wants to commit himself at this stage; his album and event concerts are filling his timetable to the max. But from the gleam in his eyes when asked about Glee, he seems not wanting to reveal too much. Oh that close-up look into each other's eyes, of Ryan Murphy and Adam, at the Trevor event, says a lot.


Anonymous said...

why the obsession with exactly how many episodes.

Anonymous said...

at 8:59 PM

I don't think it is about what he wants. And I really doubt that his timetable is a filling to the max. But let's hope for the best.

daydreamin said...

Shosh just now tweeted this:
shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone 23m … awww sorry guys it's a guest role remember!
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Slaaaaaaay Me Down ‏@My_intuition69 21m
@shoshannastone but things can change?????
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shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone 17m
@My_intuition69 no they can't. He has too much on next year
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Slaaaaaaay Me Down ‏@My_intuition69 15m
@shoshannastone well just sayin demi did xfactor and glee while doing her tour right?
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shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone 13m
@My_intuition69 hers was a guest role too. Limited episodes, then finished

daydreamin said...

I'm sure liking the sound of Shosh saying "He has too much on next year"!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for whatever Glee episodes mr. Talented and Handsome Adam is on for a glee. Making new music is a whole lot of work and I don't doubt for one second is plate is getting quite full and yes I absolutely believe that some of that stuff is New Music like he said it was. People that never worked in the industry or made an album probably would not understand how much work it is I haven't but it does not take anything to realize that. I don't need to do anything but trust in Ad what he says and he already said 2014 gonna be wild. No one deserves good things more than Adam. He knows what he wants and he works for it . He knows most of his fans back him trust him and are willing to wait for what I believe will be really good music.
It's a really tough business the music business and that's why Adam trying to branch out in different directions so his time table is getting a bit full. I here has an fan to back Adam and believe in h that is what a fan does and yes I am a realist as well.
All I can say is Adam looks so Happy lately handsome and glowing. Golden Globe awards in tomorrow heard Glee usually big there bet the CM tribute may get an nomination. I am certainly not saying anything bad about Glee Adam on it. Sue

glitzylady said...

I was just going to post that.. Thanks Daydreamin for doing it..

VERY VERY VERRRRRY interesting :))

This part is so loaded with promise and unanswered questions... So excited for next year!

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone 21m
@My_intuition69 no they can't. He has too much on next year

Anonymous said...

I believe part of that stuff is Queen I believe some kind of Queen tour is part of the stuff that on that time table and being discussed that will also fill up that time table quite a bit. queen plus Adam Lambert quite a few things on that table I say! Sue

Anonymous said...

Yes the SS thing is very promising so excited to hear it. But my Adam has already kind of indicated the same thing. But thrilled to hear it from SS. No she would not just say that I firmly believe it. Sue

Anonymous said...

Well he better have some work coming up soon or just go get a job as a bar host. Pretty embarrassing to see he had to sing ww fm at the Trevor event and the highlight of his year was one half hour set at iheart with queen.

Anonymous said...

@1:34 am,

Singing WWFM is embarassing??:)

You are kidding or your brain is missing right now? He!He!


Anonymous said...

@1:34 Local resident evil alert!
Do not react. :(

Anonymous said...

Really excited for 2014!!

Anonymous said...

Of course the highlight of his year was singing with Queen. Very few young singers get a chance to sing with one of their all-time Idols. He also had an international tour and ended up with a recurring role on Glee. A lot of Idols would kill for that kind of exposure.

Anonymous said...

To sum ' he has too much on next year ':
a) possible queen collaboration/ tour in US/canada
b) voice over ? Jungle book/ JCS musical ala SOM on NBC
C) new album and promo US/UK/canada/asian
d) performance for grammy/AMA/MTV
e) word tour 2015.
This is my wish for him.I dont know if he is human enough to do all the above within a year But a, c,d,e are possible right.

Anonymous said...

well I feel sorry for me, I wanted him on my tv every week forever

Anonymous said...

at 1:34 AM

But he seems to like bars and clubs A LOT.

Still, I hope he will find time for some new music as well.

Anonymous said...

@5:47 AM You're comments make bars look good to me.

Anonymous said...

@1:34 AM & 5:47 AM

Still trolling around Adam fan sites and talking to yourself! Not fooling anyone; good try, but big FAIL! You are the one embarrassing yourself; not Adam Lambert; his star continues to shine; and is only getting brighter. Deal with it!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for Adam, right now; life seems so good for him. I can only see it getting better for him. It is hard, but I hope he can try and continue to find a good balance between hard work to reach his goals; and also balance it with time for social activities with friends and love ones. He is such a wonderful, talented man; I wish him all the best. He seems so happy now; and seems to be really enjoying all the avenues opening up for him. He has a great supportive fan base; that he just adores!

Anonymous said...

Yep, the best part of Shosh's tweet was that Adam will be too busy next year to do Glee regularly. We're all praying that this is true! It's odd that Adam and Shosh are still so vague about how many Glee episodes he'll actuall wind up doing. At first, it looked like it was going to be just three, but the way they're hinting around, it looks like it could be a few more. Let's hope so! The Starchild character has created quite a buzz, and it would be a shame to write out his character so soon. They could do a lot with developing Starchild into a recurring character that wouldn't be full-time. I'd love to see him popoing in and out of the Glee plotline. It would really spice things up!

5:34, I love your wish list. Let's hope most of it happens, esp. SUCCESSFUL new music! That's the golden ticket. It's been an exciting 2013 in Glam-Land. 2014 looks even more exciting!


Anonymous said...

@6:34 AM & @7:23 AM/DRG

Amen, to both of these insightful, intelligent posts; couldn't have said it better. I so agree.

I think that Adam is even going to have a more fulfilling year in 2014. As long as Adam is happy about what he is doing, to me; that is the most important thing.

Anonymous said...

@Anon December 12, 2013 at 5:45 AM

LOL. I like your post, cute. I get it, sorta feel the same way! :) It's all good 'tho eh? :)

ps. IGNORE the you know who/what fellow fans, so much more powerful and effective to utterly IGNORE!!!

Anonymous said...

@1:34 AM & 5:47 AM

What is highlight of your life for past year? Bashing and hating Adam and his fans on this website that uses his name to promote different products ads to keep it open so you can come here talk trash everyday. I thought whoever you are fan of recently got his own fan site finally after Adam's fame rubbed on him to put him on the radar.

Anonymous said...

The troll is probably still laughing from getting such a reaction. They would go away if you would ignore them.

Anonymous said...

Haha. If you are talking about sauli he made his own success and it had nothing to do with adam. he had a far more successful year than adam did. I only hope adam gets some jobs next year or working in a bar may be a real possibility for him.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......I have my doubts that Starchild will be hanging around, I assumed he was a one shot character just to introduce Elliott. Now I can see Elliott appearing in several shows before he moves on and out in plot progression.

I just am grateful that it appears he will def. do a few more musical numbers before he fades away. It was a clever idea to draw a parallel between the Glam Adam and the real Adam and the Starchild persona and the real Elliott.

Too many people in real life have been unable or unwilling to give up their idea of Adam and to accept his reality, maybe he's using these Glee appearances to point that out to them. Possibly it is working and his fan audience will grow. I hope .. I hope.