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This is Awesome!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 11, 2013

VIA adamistoohotforyou


Anonymous said...

At last, my search is over....I have spotted the nest of the rare and exotic Avis Adam ..........JAK

Anonymous said...

is that Adam sleeping in the bed?

Anonymous said...

Haha, JAK ... well said!

9.13pm - no, it's not Adam sleeping in the bed.

Anonymous said...

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy someone is more obsessed than I am.

@JAK calling Adam a Peacock???

Anonymous said...

The "If I can't have the real Adam" inspiration. Also, "The reason why I can't keep a boyfriend".

Anonymous said...

Ha 12:59. That bedding is to a girl's prospects what Batman bedding is to a guy's. Eventually we have to grow up, but in the meantime we can dream.

Anonymous said...

Great fun! Thanx for sharing.

Anonymous said...

And my son thinks I am obsessed!! I always tell him you don't know the half of it. Lol

Anonymous said...

Talk about sweet dreams! I would snuggle down and never get up. Wonder if there's a little of Adam's favorite cologne sprinkled on those sheets?


Anonymous said...

This is awesome.... Wish I knew where to get my hands on all this .... I'd redo the bedroom .... On second thought I better not ...I just hate interventions....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@rose petal
"I just hate interventions"
That's a riot! ROFL!

Anonymous said...

OH! Really, it's awesome! Sweet and suggestive! HH

Anonymous said...

Thankfully looks like a teenagers room.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad none of you can see my bedroom.... I have stuffed fluffy animals and a huge poster of the adorable little mouse in The Tale of Despereaux. My grandson bought the award winning book for me when it was published and took me to see the movie when it came out in 2008. The poster came that Christmas and he wrote on it "Grandma.....may you never grow up.....Love from your boy!"................JAK

Adamluv said...

OT @JAK - my entire house is filled with all the wonderful stuffed animals that used to live in my classroom. Some purchased by me but most given to me by my students over the years since they knew how much I loved and respected animals. Tried to pass on to them a respect for all creatures. . . . Adamluv