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Two Legends

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 7, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 07, 2013


Anonymous said...

I'm talking extreme wife beater tee on Freddie.

Anonymous said...

I'm talking extreme wife beater tee on Freddie.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not a legend. Not yet anyway.

Anonymous said...

Freddie a legend because he passed away. He was a great talent of course. Trust me Adam will be a legend. Many way he a living legend. He he is also huge talent that I think in next couple of years will finally start getting the recognition and good things he deserves.

Anonymous said...

In my eyes Adam is a legend! Awesome fan art of two legends!

Anonymous said...

Why does anyone state something like THAT as the first comment?!

Anonymous said...

@2:07pm maybe because of racial profiling cause Freddie is middle-eastern and TV shows us how middle-eastern men treat their women!?

Anonymous said...

Adam is way more prettier....unffff! <3

Anonymous said...

1) that's not a wifebeater tee, it's a leotard.
2) Freddie wasn't middle eastern.
3) wife beater tees are stereotypically of US red necks, not middle easterners.
4)I don't even get the jump from red neck or wife beater to middle eastern. Yes some cultures in the mid-east limit the rights of women but that does not equate to beating them.

Anonymous said...

@3:54pm Freddie wasn't European either. He was naturalized citizen of UK but originally wasn't British. His real name is Farokh فرخ which is a Persian (aka Iranian) name.

Anonymous said...

I wonder Freddie's fans complained that he was making faces too!?

Anonymous said...

4:31, I never said he was European or British. He was not Iranian either. He was a Parsi born in Zanzibar, an island off SE Africa, and was raised there as well as in India.

Anonymous said...

@11:28am We'll make him a legend. He is too great not to be appreciated as time goes by. His vocal capability is on top of the lists. He has a great stage presence. He is gorgeous, articulate, smart, kind, humble, talented, etc. He is a solo artist, not in a band.

Anonymous said...

Freddie was a British person from birth as Zanzibar was a British Protectorate at the time of his birth and not part of Tanzania as it is now.

Anonymous said...

@4:50pm Parsi پارسئ originates from Iran. Parsi are Zoroastrians who escaped from Iran during Arab invasion and some later during Safavid Dynasty to the east due to discrimination. Parsi always consider themselves Persian aka Iranian.

Anonymous said...


A Parsi or Parsee /ˈpɑrsiː/ is a member of one of the two Zoroastrian communities found throughout South Asia. They are legally and ethnically distinct from the Iranis even though both groups descend from Persian Zoroastrians.
According to the Qissa-i Sanjan tradition, the present-day Parsis descend from a group of Zoroastrians from Greater Iran who immigrated to the western borders of South Asia (Gujurat and Sindh) during the 8th or 10th century[3] to avoid persecution by Muslim invaders who were in the process of conquering Iran.[4][5][6][7][8][9] At the time of the Muslim conquest of Persia, the dominant religion of the region was Zoroastrianism. Iranians rebelled against Arab invaders for almost 200 years; in Iran this period is now known as the "Two Centuries of Silence" or "Period of Silence".[10] During this time many Iranians who are now called Parsi rejected both options and instead chose to take refuge by fleeing from Iran to India.[11]
The word "Parsi" in the Persian language literally means Persian. Persian is the official language of modern Iran, which is also known as Persia. The language (Parsi) is commonly referred to as Farsi, the reason being that, after the Arab invasion of Persia.

Anonymous said...

5:07 PM, not all Iranians are Persian. And unless you have some documentation saying Freddie or his parents considered themselves Parsi or Persian or Iranian or Indian or British, this is pointless.

Anonymous said...

5:25, are you missing the part where that happened centuries ago and the community has been in India for some time? That they are distinct from Iranis? Including genetically.

Anonymous said...

Iranians consider Freddie as their own national pride. He looks Persian. His parents and sister look Persian. Persian and Iranian is the same thing. His real name Farokh is a common name in Iran. Freddie had family members with last name Irani. Mercury is translation of last name Jivah which is a common last name among Zoroastrians. I have Parsi friends and they speak Persian with some accent and they consider Iran their mother land. BTW I am Persian aka Iranian.

Anonymous said...

@5:38pm yes they look darker than Persian Zoroastrians cause they got mixed over the centuries. I have Persian Zoroastrian friend who is married to a Parsi from India and I have been to their temple and celebrated their traditional holidays with them and their families.

Anonymous said...

Freddie was a singer...does ethnic background really matter when you listen to his voice?

Anonymous said...

11:21 here from this morning the first commenter. I was just kidding about FM tee shirt it didn't have any thing to do with him. Wow I love all the information in the comments, so interesting.

Anonymous said...

6:53, and the British claim Freddie as one of their own as well. Did Freddie ever say what he identified as? I know a family who immigrated from Iran and they are not Persian.

Anonymous said...

I still think the first comment is totally stupid. You are lucky there are no hard core Freddie fans on this site to read it. Not funny at all.

Anonymous said...

What a loada!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(

Freddie Mercury is a legend & Adam Lambert is becoming one.

Anonymous said...

I am from Iran and I call myself Persian. The West knew Iran as Persia until early 1900s. Then Reza Shah Pahlavi insisted that The West call Persia the way Persians called it in their 2500 years of literatures as Iran. So Iran is Persia and Iranians are Persians. Persian cat is Iranian cat. Persian rug is Iranian rug. Parsi is Iranian.

Don't judge Iranians by the way mainstream medias talks about Persians. Historically we had our ups and downs. We always came out victorious at the end. The storms of the present day Iran shall pass and Iran will be recognized as a civilized nation once again.

Anonymous said...

Historically Iran has been referred to as "Persia" or similar (La Perse, Persien, Perzië, etc.) by the Western world, mainly due to the writings of Greek historians who called Iran Persis (Περσίς), meaning land of the Persians. In 1935 Rezā Shāh requested that the international community refer to the country as Iran. Opposition to the name change led to the reversal of the decision, and in 1959 both names were to be used interchangeably.[32] Today both "Persia" and "Iran" are used interchangeably in cultural contexts; however, "Iran" is the name used officially in political contexts.[33]

Anonymous said...

The final exam will be Monday and the results will count towards half your grade for the semester. If essay answers are a direct copy from Wikipedia you will get an F.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, wait until the Kurds and Azerbaijanis of Iran find out 11:52 says they are Persian.

BTW,the Persian cat breed was developed by the British and then the Americans.

Anonymous said...

You're the best!!!
Mind if I pass the final exam this time, hehehee?!

Anonymous said...

If you live in LA area, Cylinder of Cyrus The Great is exhibited at Getty Villa. Check here for more info.:

Anonymous said...

@2:22am I bet if it is direct copy of BBC CNN FOX then you get an A+. Right?

Anonymous said...

@4:17am my uncle's wife is Turk Azari from Azarbaijan province in Iran and she and her family call themselves Persian aka Iranian. Same with my Aunt's husband, he is from province of Kurdistan in Iran and he call himself Persian.

Anonymous said...

6:40, I work with someone who is Kurdish and originally from Iran and he makes it very clear that he is not Persian. Sounds like there is variability among what people identify with.

Anonymous said...

@6:33 direct copy from any source ( though I might approve of a really good job of paraphrasing from BBC) least being able to put it in your own words would indicate that you had some understanding of what was said. But an A+ would be out of the question.....

@ 4:49...smarty pants! Do you work for the FBI or CIA?
I'm getting scared......JAK : ))

Anonymous said...

I have friends who came here from Iran but prefer to be called Persians due to the Iranian government wanting Israel eradicated from the globe. I tell them I'm from Arkansas but don't listen to country music. doesn't really matter where you are from or what color your skin is, what matters is how you get along with people and what is in your heart.

Anonymous said...

No, I "work" for AML, he he. No need to be scared, I don't even have time to read all the threads, so I go amiss of a lot of your posts, sorry to say... You're a gem among Adam fans!