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Adam Lambert Started Following GUSTAMEZ on Instagram

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, January 20, 2014

Posted at : Monday, January 20, 2014


Anonymous said...

Gustamez, another guy who likes to strip naked for photo shoot.

Anonymous said...

Gus Tamez new Adam friend, just the right size, 5'8" with nice Spanish accent. Into acting.

Anonymous said...

Markus and John responsible for Adam doing so much clubbing, even though it is his own free choice. I guess it never hurts to be friends with the club owners. I always think Markus looks a bit shifty. jmo But he does design jewelry too, and that in itself would make him a bf of Adam's.

Anonymous said...

@12:29 PM like Adam Levine

Anonymous said...

Gus Tamez and Adam Levine have hot bodies. If it were Adam stripping down, no one would be complaining.;)

Adamluv said...

OT - in Subway for breakfast this a.m. and heard WWFM. First time in 2 yrs or so that I've heard Adams music when out and about. Made me smile with happiness!!! But will never understand why WWFM deserved radio play and IIHY, BTIKM or NCOE not once heard here in LA? All 4 very radio friendly songs IMO. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I was hoping to come here today and find out who Adam liked on Ig so glad to find this again. ;(

Anonymous said...

No wonder Adam started following him. He looks hot and frankly, a lot hotter than Adam does.

Handsome face and a sexy body, too.

Anonymous said...

Very cute guy; I wonder if he was at the activities in Aspen. Did Adam say he was a new friend? Maybe, if he is a friend; he could be an old friend. Adam likes lot of pictures of people and other things on his instagram.

We don't always no the stories behind any of it. Adam is so handsome. I was just looking at all the pictures today. He gets more beautiful every single day!

Anonymous said...

@1:56 PM Here/correction

Should be: We don't always know the stories

Anonymous said...

@1:48 PM

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You are entitled to your opinion but; apparently your attempt to put Adam down in complimenting another person is a big fail; it was totally unnessary and sorta tells me that you have no respect for Adam. You certainly don't sound like a fan. I guess your cheap shots kinda tells what kind of person you are.

In my opinion; the man is nice looking. Adam is one of the most beautiful men in the world. He also has a beautiful body. No contest.

Anonymous said...

Just because Adam follows a guy on twitter doesn't mean he's involved with him. Adam meets lots of people. Many have careers that he is interested in, like fashion and art. That's who he's drawn to.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion there is too much sharing of all the details of your life. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and God knows all the other crap. Is no one discreet, must your life be spread out in front of the world?

I think it's too much, too personal, too revealing, too Look at Me, See What I'm doing Now, See Who I'm doing Now!

We are turning into
a world of voyeurs, I speak only for myself when I say IMO I find our current state of moral decay appalling. IMO we know too damn much of Adam's life we are intrusive and he should zip his lip.

Anonymous said...

@2:27 PM

I somewhat agree with you; because it brings out so many Adam haters and they seem to add lies to everything. But, I do like to see the wonderful things going on in his life. So it's hard. I guess an artist needs fans though and I guess a lot of crap comes with popularity. Don't know what the answer is. Even if the artist does not post; every other Tom, Dick & Harry; and Molly and Mary will. It is hard to maintain privacy if you are a celebrity.

Anonymous said...

1:48 AM


Anonymous said...

trolls again??not nice to say what you did,1:48PM.the new guy,Gustamez,looks hot,but nobody is hotter,or more talented that BB.Henew follow does,also look like maybe Adam's type,but who knows?? maybe just another friend and contact.Oh.yes,I've heard IIHY on radio here( in N C) also,Applebee's was playing it when I was there a few mos ago.I don't listen to radio much,so to hear any Adam song,it's usually in the car.WWFM was played all the time after Idol;still hear it sometimes.

Anonymous said...

My post is for 1:48 PM

Anonymous said...

Jealous trolls will never cease to be. They crawl out from under their rocks every now and then; hoping they will find a friend!

Anonymous said...

He has known Gus for a long time. The guy just joined ig.

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep saying we are jealous, just because we have a different opinion than you. Or that we are trolls just because you don't agree with us. This is pointed at any of you who have ever used these words against some of the comments. We are not jealous of Adam, but we do have opinions as to what we think of him or his life style. So shut up, with the "you are jealous" or "you are a troll. Just shut up!!! These are our opinions whether you like them or not !!!

Anonymous said...

3:04, I have to wonder which comment was yours and why you are still a fan if you are so unhappy with what Adam does.

Anonymous said...

3:04 PM

I totally agree with every word.

Anonymous said...

Hello Gus:)) damn:))

Anonymous said...

I am not 1:48 There are a lot of guys hotter than Adam. We are not putting Adam down, he is good looking too. I think Sauli is hotter than Adam, Oh dear I said the forbidden word,. Am I jealous or a troll?

Anonymous said...

2;27, I agree totally. We examine every moment of Adam's life and then get snarky when he's not living every moment up to our expectations. God forbid any one of our own lives would be followed so closely. Yikes.


tess4ADAM said...

@3:27 PM ...

To answer your question ... neither ... just on the WRONG fan site ... IMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Here's my take on this Gustamez guy: Non me gusta. Not putting him down, he has a fantastic body (anatomically and from an artistic pov), but just does nothing to me or to my... imagination, if you will... dressed or naked.
Adam on the other hand, most often fully dressed from top till toe (ok, most often no socks, heh) does things to my brain, heart, soul, gut and pu... you get the pic, and this time I'm not even gonna talk about his voice...

Objectively looking that guy has a much more muscular and well trained body compared to Adam. But subjectively looking that guy does nothing for me.
Adam does. Is. So Much More!

Anonymous said...

And any second now, someone is going to say that @3:19 is @3:04 just agreeing with herself/

And I think that @3:27 can also be an Adam fan and STILL think Sauli is hotter than Adam, though I disagree.

Anonymous said...

I am 3:27 I am an Adam fan and a Sauli fan. I go to most of Adam's sites, and also go to Sauli sites. I enjoy all of those sites. I am in the right site which ever one I am on. I am fully aware that many of you follow Adams sites and Sauli's sites. We are allowed to do that, without someone saying we are on the wrong site. Hope I didn't make that too complicated.

Anonymous said...

What is "jealous troll"? Nobody can have their own opinion in this blog. Okay, you call them "trolls". How come they became "jealous" ?

Anonymous said...

never knew you to be intolerant and Sauli hater, too. So sad and disappointed!

I'm not @3:27 and/but I agree with @3:47, it is totally possible to be an avid Adam fan and still be a fan of Sauli, too!
I get that many Adam fans (especially on this site) are "fans of Adam only", but I still think you are wrong to 'attack' every post or person mentioning Sauli's name here or tell them to go elsewhere, cause you don't do it to anyone else...So discusting and discriminative, especially on an Adam Lambert fan site. The man himself, Adam, is the image of love and acceptance. Where is your love & acceptance of Sauli, huh?!

Anonymous said...

4:14 PM, not true. Anybody who talks too much about any of the people surrounding Adam gets told it's an Adam fan site and to take it elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

What is "jealous troll"? Nobody can have their own opinion in this blog. Okay, you call them "trolls". How come they became "jealous" ?

Anonymous said...

@ 4:14
You got that wrong, people have either been called jealous OR a troll, never both.

Anonymous said...

The jealous troll is the person on an earlier post comparing Kris Allen to Adam.

Anonymous said...

It's actually the ardent adam fans who can't stand someone mentioning another person who are the jealous ones. Very obvious.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand; and what sounds so childish, is why anyone would come on Adam's fan site to proclaim someone is hotter them him. It's sounds so silly; and what is the point? There is maybe one, or two people at the most; who is protesting so much, that they are not a troll. I say, stop acting like one then.

I believe a fan site is for the purpose of supporting your celebrity and encouraging him or her. Not to constantly attempt to bring the person down. Nor is it to get all up into his or her's personal business; or to try and insult fans that are supporting the person whose fan site your are posting on.

I notice when some people make irresponsible comments towards Adam and no one supports them; or lets them know how petty they sound; they then turn around and post another post agreeing with their first ridculous post.

This beautiful man attracts all kinds; the one's who love him and the one's who; let's just say does not have good will towards him. But, he will survive, and shine bright like a diamond!

Anonymous said...

I thought this downer said the other day that she is leaving cause she can't accept Adam's orientation. Why is she still posting? It's so easy to tell from her comments it's the same homophobic person.

Anonymous said...

"I notice when some people make irresponsible comments towards Adam and no one supports them; or lets them know how petty they sound; they then turn around and post another post agreeing with their first ridculous post."

Ha,ha, I was right. I knew someone would say that sooner or later.

It could be true, I just think it's funny that it gets posted all the time here. I don't know how ya'll can tell, but I'm never positive that someone is responding to their own posts. Unless, of course, their style of writing is extremely unique.

Anonymous said...

An opinion that talks about somebody in order to humilate Adam, his friends, his family, and his fans on a website that has Adam Lambert huge written on the top isn't an opinion. An opinion that later results in something good is an opinion. Trash talk on someone's own house is a criminal act.

Anonymous said...

@4:50pm thanks for confirming that you're never positive. We knew it but your confirmation validates our sentiments about you.

Anonymous said...

@4:50 unique indeed it is. Like 5th grader style unique.

Anonymous said...

Adam M. Lambert is hot, sexy, sweet, and far more accomplished that KA or SK. You can argue all you little immature jealous people want.
If you were not jealous why would you come to his home Adam Lambert 24/7 to trash him. We on the other hand don't do that at least most don't because we could care less they just should live their lives best they can, we don't care enough to run them down, unless you do that to Adam which you always do.
Sauli cute and lucky enough to have a great friend like Adam. I in no way think he near as attractive, to quote you so there!!
Adams tall handsome all around good person. I find him far, far more attractive and so talented to boot a rare combination.
You have your opinions we have ours.
But this is Adam site and know you have no right to come here with your so nasty opinion at all. This is an Adam site, if someone else's name is mentioned does not mean it is now that persons site not at all!

Anonymous said...

This guy is sexy! I hope Adam gets to date plenty of these guys. I would love to see Adam in a nice new relationship.

Anonymous said...

One thing about Adam, he never discriminates. I like that about him.

Anonymous said...

FYI... First time posting on this thread.

I do think it is entirely possible for someone to be a HUGE Adam Lambert fan and find other men as hot or hotter. It is not automatically a put down by a jealous troll and I think the assumptions and name calling can get to be a bit much.

First if all, everyone has different tastes and a right to them. Second of all, I for one do not value Adams looks above everything else. Yes he is physically attractive but I find him beautiful because of his voice, his intellect, his spirit, his charm, etc. The aspects of Adam that I find make him so beautiful have nothing to do with his physical appearance and do not qualify someone as "hot". I do find some other men to be "hotter" than Adam but do not care about them at all. I do not spend hours of my time each day following them and supporting their careers etc. According to some here that would make me a troll as well and I am not. I love Adam and am a HUGE fan!

Food for thought...

Anonymous said...

Sorry but you addressed the wrong post, 4:14 said nothing about trolls or jealousy. js

The Dark Side said...

This is my first post of the day. Adam likes all sorts of people. Just because this guy is cute doesn't mean he's a BF. He lives in LA so it makes sense to follow him. IMO throwing shade at Sauli is in my play book. Don't like my personal opinion, kinda tough because I really don't care. Freedom of speech people, freedom of speech. Also IMO there are very few guys in Hollywood who are better looking than Adam. He is a beautiful man!

Anonymous said...

@3:19 PM & @3:04 PM

Of course you totally agree with
@3:04 PM; if you are not one and the same. I will put this question to you; What do you mean, by his "lifestyle"? Why would you have an opinion about Adam's "lifestyle", Frankly, it is none of your business.

Just a litte suggestion, it isn't very courteous to tell "fellow" fans of Adam's to shut up; just because you are not pleased with something they say.

The post at @3:04 actually made me cringe. I didn't get a good feeling from it at all. It left me wondering, what do you really think of Adam? I think you both might be very sad people; if there are two of you.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure that many people may find lot's people "hotter" than others. But, I would be pretty stupid to go over to another celebrity fan site and say to their fans that Adam is hotter then their chosen one. They would probably would tell me to get the hell out of there and would be justified to do so.

By the way; I think Adam Lambert is one of the most handsome men around; but not the only one of course. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But, as Roger and Brian of Queen has said lately Adam's voice has been upgraded to one in a billion; that is why I am here, "the voice". I stay because is is a man among men!

Anonymous said...

Sue, you might as well sign your posts, cause no one else puts KA and SK in the same sentence except you! That is just ridiculous. Your rant is always the same. Adam and Kris were competitors on Am Idol as well as friends. They are still friends, I think, but professionally Adam is in a league high above Kris's. Sauli has nothing to do professionally with Adam or Kris, so they are never competitors in any way. Sauli is Adam's friend, ain't nothin any of us can do about it. Deal with it. No REAL fan of any of these guys comes here to bash Adam, when will you get that?! The trash talkers or hate mongers are not real fans - and that goes for the posters claiming to be Adam fans on this site acting similarly, i.e. bashing any other performers, singers, people in general.

Anonymous said...

5.54 I agree with you so much. I am not 5.54 at all I a different poster altogether that agrees with her or his opinion just to clarify.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@6:06 PM

If you are so worried about Sue signing posts. Why don't you sign yours. Even if she chooses to sign some; and don't sign others. I don't know; that is not important. That is her business. If someone never signs is ok too.

Sue isn't coming on here harassing you because you choose to post anonymous. So until you are brave enough to face Sue with your own name;
just zip it!

Anonymous said...

@4:50 PM

I agree with your first paragraph or whoever you were quoting. Sometimes there is a pattern. But, if we guess; we probably are wrong most of the time anyway.

Personally, I don't care if people answered themselves or not. It really doesn't matter, since most people post anonymous anyway.

Anonymous said...

that Gus is a little hot piece of tail.

Anonymous said...

@7:26 PM

Very classy; you sound in need!

Anonymous said...

3:04 trolls issuing orders to the real fans is a laugh. Move along little POS.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Gus will look great at the Red Carpets! I can't wait for Adam's BD to see Gus in pics with him. He is really, really hot and good-looking. And Adam's type. Maybe he's the Mr. Right Adam's been looking for. Finally.

Anonymous said...

2:27 PM
I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

3.04 well we still think you are a silly little immature troll. So why don't you just shut up instead! Adam life style is just fine! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Gustamez - very nice.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has a different opinion here is called a silly little troll or similar by people who are extremely jealous and immature.

Anonymous said...

3.04 opinion was rude, mean and its not this persons right to tell Adams fans to shut up.Adam life style is none of your business. He works he socializes. You actually know nothing about is life style or his x's life style what so ever. A picture does not tell all about a person.
This is his fan site Adam Lambert it's about him and to support him.
If you come on here acting immature and making nasty assumptions about him and all his friends yes your acting like a troll.

Anonymous said...

Several fans very eloquently stated why Adam is special to them. That mixture of his talent, personality, humor, charisma, and looks is devastatingly sexy.

Anonymous said...

8:57 PM
There's no need to be very confrontational.

Anonymous said...

i love Adam. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Yes, with Adam is everything fron his strut, look, charisma, the way he clearly articulates to talk about different thing, his speaking voice which is medias dream, his one in a billion voice, his smartness, and finally his physiques that make him so SEXY and lovable. It's the whole package.

Anonymous said...

9.00 there was no need to tell people to shut up just shut up either! Was there now.

Anonymous said...

Others are hot by their looks.
But in Adam, it's not only the looks but it's the total package, inside and out.
His kind heart, his enlightened soul, his intelligence, his charm and charisma, his voice, what he says and as a performer are all wrapped up in such gorgeous package and the way he carries himself, his enigmatic smile and with all these, Adam is HUMBLE.
He is so blessed by his Creator.
Thank, God, for Adam!

Anonymous said...

anon 8:04 u are need of a muzzle for your mouth. I would gladly oblige. IN NEED?

Anonymous said...

anon 8:04 u are need of a muzzle for your mouth. I would gladly oblige. IN NEED?

Anonymous said...

anon 8:04 it wasn't meant to be classy... SASSY

Anonymous said...

if I was AL I would go head to toe with gustavo. mmmmmmmmm