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So Proud of Adam Lambert for His Accomplishments! (5 Year Anniversary!)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, January 20, 2014

Posted at : Monday, January 20, 2014


Anonymous said...

She had me until that last sentence.

Anonymous said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

@2:43 PM yup

Anonymous said...

What am I missing?

Anonymous said...

He's still the only Idol to solo tour in support of his debut album. World-wide, no less. Agree about the last sentence, but it wasn't meant to be negative, IMO.

Anonymous said...

I watched all Adam's idol performances today and it was wonderful! I have just loved him more and more each year and can't wait for what the future holds!

Anonymous said...

The last sentence.
Could never, would never say anything remotely like that to Adam or to anyone I'm a fan of... Whatever she meant or not meant to say, that needs to be corrected...

Anonymous said...

cannot believe I am sstill such a passionate fan after 5 years and still going strong..feeling 2014 is going to be iconic

Anonymous said...

@3:30PM Why this sentence needs to be corrected?

Anonymous said...

That last sentence doesn't sit well with me. Too commanding, and in your face. I don't think that's the intent from the person, but that's how it comes across to me.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Lol he is not the only idol to solo tour for his debut album. For one, David cook did it the year before. I'm sure plenty have over the years.

Anonymous said...

Lol @3 42
I'm not @3 22, but yes he is, the only idol to do a worldwide solo tour for his debut album. I'm sure this is written somewhere reliably, check it out.

Anonymous said...

Rude to say do not disappoint us. Sounds like an angry parent. Would have been better to say you always make us proud. She should have spent a little time thinking about what she was writing.

Anonymous said...

If you people had taken the time to check it out, you would have realized that these tweets are from a Romanian Glambert whose first language is obviously not English. She is a 100% fan of Adam Lambert as you can tell from her twitter page. You people should be more open to Adam's "international" fanbase!

Anonymous said...

Wow those were the good surprise adam is still going strong, after the amas incident.

Anonymous said...

Pretty easy to check Cook's wiki page. Adam is not the only Idol to tour solo for his debut album. Cook toured nationally and did over 150 nights in less than a year. That deserves respect even if Adam did tour internationally.

I really don't see the point in cutting down others to try to elevate Adam. Adam never does that himself and his fans who do it just look small minded and petty.

Anonymous said...

4:02, from her twitter page she seem pretty fluent in English. Doesn't matter who she is we don't have to like what she wrote.

Anonymous said...

4 07
Nobody was cutting down others. They did not mention anyone else except. The line "Adam is the only Am Idol to do a WORLDWIDE tour..." etc. has often been used when listing his accomplishments.
Why are YOU always cutting down Adam?!?! On an AL fan site, no less.

Anonymous said...

Above, should read:
"...anyone else except Adam."

Anonymous said...

4:20, the original comments did not make a distinction between national and international touring. You seem to have comprehension issues. Clarifying Adam is not the only to tour solo is not cutting Adam down. I never cut Adam down.

Anonymous said...

David cook had a very long and successful solo tour and after his second album he did a fair amount of international gigs like the same Hennessey Vietnam show that adam later did.

Anonymous said...

You guys, she's from Romania, so of course her English isn't going to be perfect. Idiomatic expressions and subtleties like these are going to be hard for a non-native speaker to spot and translate just right, even if they are very fluent. I'm the daughter of immigrants, so I know... I get what they really mean when they say things not quite the right way or impolitely by English standards (though it would be perfectly polite in terms of their native language). Let's not be nit-picky & let's be a little more understanding. (We can express our opinions while still being nice or at least considerate on some level--I rarely comment here, but lately this type of common courtesy seems to be missing from time to time. So let's just remember that.) Obviously she meant it in the best way possible, and I'm sure Adam knows. I'll stop talking now, but I felt it was important for me to point these things out.

Anonymous said...

Love David Cook, he's a great singer. Adam Lambert is a great singer as well, but he is also an entertainer. He is much more versatile than David, as he as done many other things besides just singing. No disrespect to David.

Anonymous said...

Well david has been more successful than adam in the US. And he was offered a role on Broadway as well which he couldn't take because of scheduling. Haven't heard of any such offers for adam frankly.

Anonymous said...

5.05 why do you bother coming to this fandom if you constantly put Adam down it doesn't make sense. I guess you get perverse pleasure in upsetting the true fans.

Anonymous said...

4 28
Please read the original post @3 22, where they clearly say "world-wide no less". Seems to me you are the one having comprehension issues as well as number issues... My post was @4 23, there's nobody @4 20, hah ha.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 5:35. Petty much.

Anonymous said...

Petty and bickering is standard here.

Anonymous said...

I so lose track of threads like this.

daydreamin said...

I saw David Cook at a local radio station in 2011 and it was great. Up close and personal. I just googled him and saw that he seems to be touring right now but it was at a 200 person venue. Don't know about other venues he is performing at. It's an uphill battle to get your music heard for sure.

Anonymous said...

Adam's performances still mesmerize me and I keep on wanting more. Here's hoping that 2014 will be the best year yet for Adam and for all of us who have been fans since the beginning.

Anonymous said...

I like David Cook's voice but no comparison to Adam especially in the performance department. Don't forget Adam was chosen to be the frontman for Queen and has had some great legends speak very highly of his voice.

Anonymous said...

Has DC appeared on Glee, and be on first two upcoming episodes, No. Did he do I Heart with Queen, No. Did he host and perform on vH1 divas, No.
Can he still pack them in a concert hall in thousands not 200, doubtful.
Did he recently win china global artist award month ago not six years ago. The deal is Adam still having them fly far and wide to see him at some venues that at far from cheap.
He still gets good no. Concerts and doing a tour with Queen can only help that.
Yes DC may have done a few if these things directly after idol five years later Adam still getting Global performer awards. Yes he was the only one to have a full solo tour not one where he opened for the person after Idol to date today.
Out of anyone at Idol Adam is most likely to be the one who could carry a Broadway show he very theatrical. Most likely he had offers. He said someday when the time is right he may do one. Adam done quite well he an international star now still not just right after Idol as very few ever were.
The best is yet to come for Adam no matter what any old you know what says, won't stop it at all.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the tweeter didn't intend it to be but the last sentence sounds quite threatening.

Anonymous said...

Why must there be comparison of Adam with other artists as well as all the endless bickering on this site.

Anonymous said...

Because someone like lol always
Starts it and starts running down Adam that's why!

Anonymous said...

U are absolutely right.when compare to male Al alums i guess adam secured on the top ranking in terms of achivements over 5 years,celebity status,high profile gigs and so on.This is the fact and no made up by fans.U can see his wiki to get clear picture.Nothing wrong for passionate fan like us to brag about our idol coz he is truly special to us( excuse me this is adam blog,bragging about his are welcomed)Other fandom will do that too.Peace to whoever envy of adam successsss.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling sue is back again.... Haha

Seriously what about idol solo tour do you not understand? It is just wrong to say adam is the only one. Cook, taylor hicks and others I'm sure had long and successful solo tours after their debut. They just were not international although they later did international shows.

Daughty sold 4 million of his first album and had huge single sales. I'm sure he did plenty of solo shows as well.

I followed Cook's tour and the venues were as big as Adams. Plenty of casinos with 2 and 3 thousand. You guys don't have to lie to promote adam.

Right now cook is trying out new music. If you think adam is going to go back on tour and have GNT size venues after his new album I think you will be very disappointed. The longer they are off idol the more they lose fans and promotional opportunities and this is true for adam just like any other idol.

Anonymous said...

10 .00 you don't sign it's none of your business who wrote that. There pulling in 200 people he still pulls in big no.s.
I hope they do great and great nos.
He will be doing good nos. with Queen of who picked Adam not any of them They are Rock Icons. I think Adam in more than the GNT maybe less in some.
But I can tell you his most likely stint with Queen will help his own concerts by exposure. Adam does have some tv coming up maybe more than we know.thay will also helped.
I did not start this talk about DC did you?
I will always have Adams back.
You will be happy to know I have been very sick trying to get over an extreme reaction to a medicine for a jaw infection. Soon as I get over that I will have another major surgery. Happy days I will be gone again! For two three weeks. But when I drag up from that I will still have Adam back and you can go back to your constant unsigned bullying of me. Adam has been off idol a while but his management has kept him out there and he has about the most loyal fans around. Why do you think he tries to do keep out there by doing Glee and Divas and more even stuff in Ellen. He probably has even more tv up his sleeve but two more episodes of Glee will surely help. Thank God for Queen a tour with them will help greatly get him more exposure as the I Heart show certainly got his name out there televised twice on TV. Adam is not any of those people he managed to stay a celebrity inspire if all the criticism of that.
You can thank Adam and his management for not being forgotten and still doing well. Not all has been forgotten. Yes his ability to front a big band like Queen that few could do well has been a God sin. He a celebrity and well liked and the best is yet to come for Adam career it's not behind all as much as you love it to be.
If your gonna cont. to bully me please sign it. Happy days I off here fight with yourself ! Sue HaHa

Anonymous said...

I'm not bullying you sue. I am correcting the very wrong facts you post. Do you think you should be allowed to spew your nonsense and no one should post that's its false.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the THE ONLY AI alum who did a worldwide headlining solo tour right after his AI season with over 100 (can't recall exact figure) shows in US alone, not counting worldwide without missing one show.
Now, a lot of AI alum DID tour AFTER their debut album but NOT necessarily after their AI season nor a headlining SOLO tour and not over a hundred in US count.

Anonymous said...

Are you intentionally just being dumb? David cook did a solo headling tour after his debut album with 150 shows. Adam just went international that's all. Thats the big bragging point. Geez. Taylor hicks also did a long solo headling tour after his debut album.

Anonymous said...

I am from Europe and we know Kelly C, Cook, Daughtry..

Anonymous said...

11.07 you were bullying me and have done it many times if not the second time tonight.
You never have signed and I have so why do you have the right to correct , bully me. If you are so positive your utter dribble is factual stand by it with some kind if signature that you stick by.
I been very sick was not going to sign are argue with anyone but as usual utter twisting if the truth here.
Everything I said was factual true as can be.
Adam doing as much TV as possible and appearances to keep his name out there and yes the exposure with queen is great leading to I Heart, huge nos. in Kiev, the EMA's.
he got other tv appearances coming up he not doing Glee for the money he doing it to keep his face and talent out there.
I Heart, Glee tons other things has set him apart from the David C. Ect. He a very smart man he treats his fans right and takes nothing for granite. DC who I used to be a fan of for a very short time started getting a big head very quickly so lost interest just as quick. With any other fr there I only liked them a very short time the difference with Adam I just love him and it grows and grows.
Thanks for backing us all up with your facts sweetheart 11.15. Adam is a celebrity like a few from idol he knows how to keep himself out there and he got good management not all have lessened in popularity most not all.
There are ups and downs in a career but like I said and Adam managent said the best is yet to come for Adam.
Sorry bit do you think I was just going to sit by and let you spew your one sided to your advantage totally wrong factts no! Thanks to the nice person on the other posts for taking up for me as always I love you, I will be out for quite a while as soon as I am over this so please take care of him! I can just feel Adam so excited over new music! Yes I made few mistakes like said I am sick, sorry for mistakes. Adam came to Houston to Hobby center on GNT three and a half four thousand the winner that year Hobby Lobby less than 200. They said it on the radio Houston that was directly after idol.. Total fact said by DJ. Maybe they were joking location but not the amount.Adam sold out, less than 200 for winners attendance directly after Idol that year. So know they did not all have great tours after idol. That's one very special thing that sets Adam apart big concert performer so few fr idol are does not even need tons of frills like many do. He one of the best live performers today without tons of frills are with them. Sue

Anonymous said...

I know a few people from Europe and he dated someone from Europe, they also have quite a knowledge of who Adam is. We have them come here day after day making their varied comments about Adam from Europe.

Anonymous said...

12:21, you are correct but apparently we cannot acknowledge anybody else doing anything or we risk being accused of cutting Adam down and not supporting him.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Sue not only has a distinctive writing style now she has a distinctive formatting style.

Anonymous said...

OT. I'm quite happy that I grew up in a neutral country. Recently I wanted to order something from US that I couldn't find in any European online stores. They won't ship to my country and I was wondering if they still use cold war-era maps. You know, when Europe was divided to east and west. The stores were in Ca and Fl..

Anonymous said...

Lol crawl back in your hole you nasty rat and leave Sue the hell alone. Your a pathetic excuse for a Human being. As mean as you are when you die you won't die like everybody else you will just nasty away. With all the s--t it has said about Adam and his fans don't you dare tell me I was rude.

Anonymous said...

Don't go name calling people, k?
And I'm not @11:15 - and I say that Adam touring international right after Am Idol is a huge bragging point (your words!)

The keyword is WORLDWIDE - Adam still is the ONLY Am Idol alumn to make a WORLDWIDE solo tour right after Am Idol and his first record FYE!
That is a huge thing, to have such an international appeal right after finishing American Idol. And it is a lot harder to tour in foreign countries, get everything working on schedule, especially in countries where English is not the native language. And he did not miss one show! You gotta give him the respect, he earned it! This mention is a fact that is stated in Adam write ups, backgrounds materials for press etc. And this mention takes nothing away from any other Am Idol alumn, just gives Adam the credit that's dew to him.

Anonymous said...

Don't let them bother you honey it's lol nothing that person says means a damn thing. I believe every word you say! 2.48. I know you are right.

Anonymous said...

What a bigoted narrow minded comment by 2:48 - "it's harder to tour in foreign countries, to get things done on schedule, especially if English is not the native language. "

Anonymous said...

Sue, with all the crazy bragging you do about adam the fact is david cook sold more of his first album than adam, and they both sold around the same for their second album. So obviously adam is not more well known than Cook. They are very comparable in the states with about the same amount of fans.

Anonymous said...

Wrong as hell Adam is an international star DC not he sold way over 2 million world wide first album. Nominated for a Grammy for WWFM sold nearly 5 million singles. Yes DC sold almost as many singles first album little over 4 million. Second album no. 1 alb sold 78,000 here over 17,000 in Canada and lots more than that abroad first week and on. Think Adam was with RCA 14 months after his album came out dropped kris and David after four five months. No matter what you say Adam left of course he did not want a cover album he to good but he left 14 months after his album was out do you think he been with then any longer than they would if it had not sold well abroad hell no he would not. DC sold well first album over a million here USA maybe a bit better here he sold but that's the beauty of being international over all he sold over two million went platinum abroad. With his international sales he definitely sold more than David Cooke. It's been five years he still made 5 million dollars in concert, TV. Ect. That proves he still doing quote well. Kris not even a million. Lol and all like it you care nothing about DC or KA your just trying to put down Adam. I hope David Cooke and Kris Allen do good it not a contest your just trying to make it one. Tour just using these men. Who cares what they do but unfortunately Forbes is a very reputable magazine and Adam always made much more he get a lot more for his real concerts. DC album 118 thousand over four months Adam sold almost that in one week add international easy that in one week.second it did not do great second one but internationally over altogether way better. It his is an Adam Lambert site nobody gives a crap how much these other artist did if you are interested in them that need you go support them.
Any one can see that Adams still doing well and much better by frankly how way, way much more money he had made in a year.
I brought nothing up about DC you all did Adam is still doing well get over it I bragging I just not letting you bring h down. I am not doing any crazy bragging You all brought all this nonsense up. First it was KA when he did not even make a million from all these concerts you were saying he did you started on David Cooke. Anyway you look at it Adam made lot more money he a more successful concert artist and done more tv. If you like DC go follow him leave me the hell alone. I don't give a flying crap about DC. He has a site go there follow him he needs you. Not his site here.

Anonymous said...

hahaha...all the jealous DC fan may be here and even from europe...why don't these ppl just go to his shows?
one DC fan moaned on tweeter that only 38ppl showed up for his show some time ago.

Anonymous said...

Oh sue you are going to give yourself a heart attack. Lmao.

Very sad you can't talk calmly about other artists. This only came up because someone was claiming incorrectly that no other idol had gone on a solo headling tour after their debut album.

The only difference between cook and adam is adam was lucky enough to get the queen shows which made him a lot of money. adam has better managers who get him more promotion. And adam loves to play the hollywood game while cook is the quiet songwriting type who isn't good at self promotion.

Anonymous said...

First of all never look in that private dictionary for accurate information because it only states America. Adam sold well over two million first alb abroad did very well second.
Look luck had nothing to do with him getting queen talent did. They met Ad and kris same time people were calling Queen before on the show saying to them you got to see this guy along with slash wanting to see him another rock star. They performed the finale with them after they asked Adam to do se touring with them he could not because of the alb and idol tour. In 2011 they asked him to do the EMA in Ireland. They then were offered concerts in turned into six in Europe it was offered to Adam and Queen did them last year huge success they proclaimed Adam one in 100, million they asked him to do I Heart that moved to I in a billion. They said they could have looked at millions and never found anyone as good as Adam. Luck he got to meet them on idol and work with them but talent got him that job did not offer it to anyone but Adam. He also done at least 21 concerts of his own of some size abroad end of last year and top of this one earned good money. He done many sizable concerts here.
Adam a celebrity if you want to get connections you have to net work. ad a great song writer does a lot if writing he does not broadcast he wrote most of last album.
Ad had bad management he got up and got better that what you have to do. Adam can carry a larger concert and he done TV shows and probably do more. Then a tour this year probably with Queen they both of them had many offers after I Heart. None fell in Adam lap his talent he worked on since he was a child brought it to him.
If David has bad management get better and stop making excuses why Adam done better both our talented. Adam worked just as hard as anyone and he deserves every bit of success and much more. Please stop acting like you give a care about DC you pulled the same thing with Kris. Sorry Adam is more of a celebrity and international star he just is. But talent got him there not luck how silly.

Anonymous said...

Please ppl,can't you quit the arguing???It's really getting old.Now we know some more facts,I hope. All these put-downs of artists aren't right.IF a certain star isn't in a pic,etc,or mentioned to do w/something to do w/BB,please,don't start something here,ok??I'm gonna check out some facts now,if I can.

Anonymous said...

7 29
Wow. Sue, honestly. You have mental issues to be going on and on so crazy to try to prove adam is better than cook. adam is small potatoes in the world of music. Anyone can see that.

Anonymous said...

7 42
Why is it so hard for you to grasp AND honour & be happy that Adam is so well known, loved and accepted outside US, i.e. WORLDWIDE, i.e. INTERNATIONALLY! You should be so proud and dancing with joy.

And stating this FACT does NOT mean that you are putting down other American Idol alumns. They just don't appeal internationally. Adam has a lot of international appeal and STARPOWER compared to these WGWG's you're shipping.

Anonymous said...

You always say that stuff everyone has mental issues but you. Your the nut! If Adam such small potatoes why all the excuses for David. I don't care about him at all.
Adam up and coming and he done quite well. In Queens eyes who you were trying to make excuses about he big potatoes anyone can see that. After the Queen tour many more will see it. Get help for your everyone crazy but me thing. Mental issues and you go hand in hand. Stop trying to put those damn artist down our throats we have the real deal Adam. Adam had is ups and downs but small potatoes is making less than a million a year for a music artist not 5 and that's one year with out international. I suspect in he will have many better years coming. Remember big upgrade coming.

Anonymous said...

It is pretty apparent you knew zero about David Cooke just thought you throw that in because your Kris a such a big deal fell down the rabbit hole. A song by Adam.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the comments back and forth between Sue and others are totally ridiculous and this site is not a place to read all these arguments. It's like a debate on the career of Adam Lambert vs. David Cook. Let's just celebrate the five years that Adam has been in the music business since we first saw him on Idol. The rest is just uncalled for in the overall picture.

Anonymous said...

What's ridiculous is that adam fans trying to brag about him were corrected on a Simple fact and then proceeded to have a huge fit. USA today ran an article a couple days ago about idols and listed adam as number 13 in success.

But all idols except kelly and carrie are way below big music stars like you will see at the Grammys this weekend. That's why this is so silly. Small potatoes

Anonymous said...

Forbes list of 26 top earning musicians for same period, the lowest one earned 33 million. Just for comparison

Anonymous said...

I vote we give Sue her own thread, say twice a week, if she will promise to stay off all the other threads. I'm dizzy from her posts, so have gotten smart and stopped reading them. Whether she tags or not after the first 2 sentences we know what's coming almost word for word.

Sue, I know you love Adam, maybe way too much and I know you have health problems, I'm sorry for that, but getting so manic can't be good for you. And frankly I think your constant I've got Adam's back refrain is unnecessary and he'd probably like it if you got off his back.