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Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 19, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, January 19, 2014


Anonymous said...

Nice pics of Adam with his old friends. He looks great.

Anonymous said...

Black IHeart them...Adam looks amazing as always

Anonymous said...

Yes those iheart black jeans are my favorite. Nice and tight!Adam looks gorgeous with all his friends.

Anonymous said...

Home in the arms of his bf(s)f

Anonymous said...

Adam looks SO good!!

Anonymous said...

Lee Cherry, Scarlett Cherry and Adam's godson Riff seem to be such a happy family (and most beautiful).

Anonymous said...

In that first picture, the gal Adam is with is his hairdresser, Abreea. She's been doing his hair since Idol - remember that Allison got her hair done by Abreea for the Rock episode that season and praised her for the great job she did with Adam. :-)

Anonymous said...

Adam chi chattin with his hair dresser...hmmm, maybe planning a surprise for his fans in the near

Anonymous said...

Adam's hairdresser is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Seems like Adam's hair is leaning toward the red side these days. Going back to his roots maybe. Must be tired of having to dye his hair all the time. I know I am.