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Melinda Doolittle Mentions Adam Lambert in American Idol Recap Video (Skip to 6:48)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Anonymous said...

It's a mystery to me why Adam came into her thinking, but, hey, she put his name out there.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the comparison but glad Melinda thinks no one can ever be Adam.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I clicked on this video.

Anonymous said...

Melinda was right about one thing; nobody can be like Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

OT: I was hoping that Adam would get to go on Jay Leno one more time before he was replaced by Jimmy Fallon. But, hopefully with new music, this time he will go on all the talk shows.

Anonymous said...

12:47, Michael and Melinda do the best American Idol recaps I have seen. Very funny too. And they both adore Adam.

Anonymous said...

i now I watched Reality Check last night on phone and she is so RIGHT. no one on Idol can compare.

Anonymous said...

oops I meant I know -not now, wine typing

Anonymous said...

Have Glamberts tried to tweet to Jay Leno... that before you finish, why not have one of your 'old pals' for a visit... He can SAAAANG anything!!!
Wouldn't that be cool?!?!

Anonymous said...

I don't think she was comparing voice to voice when she mentioned Adam.But making a comparison to changing up a song and the vocal training it takes to know what your voice can do. Remember she did say no one can be Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Love you Melinda! No one can be Adam Lambert!


Anonymous said...

I agree with 4:50 that MD was referring to knowledge of how to use our voice, nothing more.
Thanks, Melinda, for that recognition and acknowledgement there's only one Adam.