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Adam Lambert's Birthday is Tomorrow!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Adam Lambert Turns 32 Tomorrow!

But in other countries, Adam is already 32!


Anonymous said...

32 But he looks 25

Anonymous said...

You're right Melinda... No one can be like Adam Lambert because he is unique with a votive like one in a billion!


Anonymous said...

Hope that Adam has a wonderful birthday celebrating with family and friends. I think he looks better than he ever has and nothing can compare to his amazing voice.

Anonymous said...

I'm in my 30s and everybody thinks I'm in my 20s. It's how you take care of yourself to look and feel young. Maybe genes has to do with it too. My aunt is in her 50s and she looks like 30 something.

Anonymous said...

This idea is not my own but another Anon on another thread which I can't find again. I thought it was a good idea , if you missed it, she suggested all of us drink a toast to the Glamily tomorrow on Adams birthday and remember the former members who used to be here on a regular basis.

I think it's a great idea so I'd like to toast some who have been absent altogether or very infrequent visitors. I'm hoping it's only a busy life that is keeping them away.

Here's best wishes to Adam Lambert, a bright spot every day not just on his birthday and to those present daily and to Fan4Fun and her Glambercat Icon...Irene Rose...PAS...MOM from Toronto...LBS...Mwah K...lmb...Bing...Sanni...Ronnie...Eva, Heartadam4evrr...LP...KentuckyFan...Cassie...Elli...
AdamFix...Shiggles and Sister...

Anonymous said...

I am sure I have left out many tags, faulty memory on my part, but there are so many and all those who prefer to just post as Anon. Since 2009 we've had some fun days.
I also think we should toast the Administrator who has afforded us a place to flail.

Anonymous said...

Some of those must have left years ago.

Anonymous said...

Yes and some of us have been around since 2009 and the tags are familiar.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:25. A lot is just sheer luck. Consider yourself very lucky. : )

Anonymous said...

1:16, I am familiar with them but it has been years since I've seen some of them.

Jadam NZ said...

Happy birthday Adam.
I also miss those posters, maybe some are on here as Anon. Lets not even mention JAK I am so gutted shes gone, but who can blame her. Because of a few this site is spoiled a lot of the time.

Anonymous said...

wishing AML a blessed birthday with lots of love surrounding him.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Handsome!

Adam M. Lambert is so handsome in those pictures, just Wow!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM! Australia celebrating your birthday and will again tomorrow for US time!
We miss you!

Anonymous said...

@January 28, 2014 at 12:28 PM

I still come here and read the headlines... if I think a comments section will be pleasant, I take a stab at it and read. I have a tag a few here would still know, but as I post so very sporadically, it's not even worth using it. However, to the important part, I follow Adam still with total devotion :). I am interested in his career mostly, but as so many of his fans come to know, he seems to be the nicest guy too, by all public accounts. I could never do without Adam's voice, Adam's entertainment, and definitely couldn't do without Adam's on-stage performances... but messy comments sections, those I can do without ;). I would only be guessing of course, but I bet there are many former 24/7 participants who still lurk, even lurk frequently. In any event, whether lurking or not, I'd guess that nobody has left behind their adoration of Adam's talents... 'ya know... Once I'm in I own your heart and all that :). RL calls. Peace.

Anonymous said...

And to you.

Anonymous said...

I'd sure like to know when Adam will start the birthday celebration and where and who with. Bring on pics and videos those of you seem to know how to get them. ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Adam - you are so blessed! May 2014 bring you all the happiness you could every wish for. Your fan forever...nancdruuu2

tess4ADAM said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM!! I hope that 2014 is Profitable .. Peaceful .. and filled with Happiness .. everything you deserve. Love 'n Light & GOD Bless You!! Your PROUD Glambert shut-in ....

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday, Adam baby!
My best gift I can offer you is my daily prayer for you.
Always and ever, I pray for your protection and success!
Many more blessings to come, BB!

Anonymous said...

@4:45 I know who you are, by your writing style. Back in the day when you were trying to decide on a tag, I was one of several who helped you (based on the state in which you live) and you being a glam fan. I, too, have given up my tag and try to calm things down when it gets out of hand, usually to no avail. Miss you and happy you have a RL to get back to. Many here seem only to have the computer as their signature outlet. So sad.