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MTV Buzzworthy - Adam Lambert Serves Carmen Sandiego En Bleu Realness

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Anonymous said...

MTV shade

Anonymous said...

Throwing shade you think 3:32? I was wondering myself. idk

Anonymous said...

As far as the "Where in the world..." part, I think it could have been a positive nod to the fact that Adam needs to be seen more often in more heavily trafficked mediums and TPTB should take notice of this and make it happen? That's the vibe I'm going with anyway! ;) :)

glitzylady said...

It's about the outfit :))

Anonymous said...

yeah Glitzy its a hot outfit 😊

Anonymous said...

It's written by Byron Flitsch who writes all the glamberty flailing posts about Adam at Buzzworthy. Definitely not throwing shade.

Anonymous said...

Byron loves Adam as much as we do. No shade there.

Anonymous said...

Yes Byron loves Adam and he always praises Adam. Love reading his articles.

Anonymous said...

Thx folks :)

choons said...

OT but I wonder if Adam will be the "special musical guest" at Elton John's Academy Awards viewing party (for AIDS Foundation) this year?
That would be fun.

Anonymous said...

I will not be here tomorrow doctor appointments. Know Adam will not see this but my spirit I'd here. Have a wonderful Birth Day Adam. The best is yet to come for you I got so many good feeling for next couple years and way beyond for you.. Just enjoy your day. Good luck in raising money for your friend Nile's foundation. Correction my spirit will be here.
Happy birthday on January 29 couple hours from now. Happy 32!
Always love Sue!

Anonymous said...

Byron said the same thing I'm sure all of us say :)
"I mean, “Where in the world is Adam Lambert?” definitely crosses our minds, like, 17-bazillion times a day."