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New HOT Picture!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 19, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, January 19, 2014


Anonymous said...

ALl I can say is ....Eyes!

Anonymous said...

Must be from Aspen? Looking good, Adam.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed!!!:)



Anonymous said...

my beautiful ...Adam is

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is definitely the "Season of the Scruff" for guys right now. They're all sporting it. Adam always looks great to me, scruffy or scruff-less. Nice pic!


Anonymous said...

When are you going to sing, Adam?

Anonymous said...

I think the singing will start soon. Album, please. Time's a-wastin'.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sing??? He has a birthday party to plan and Grammy party's to go to. Priorities people!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow,those arms! Today 5 years ago I heard a voice sing Mama on AI and I have not stopped listening to this amazing voice!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks fine; it is what it is.
I have a friendly suggestion for those who are still complaining about Adam's current look; zip it!

Go look in the mirrow; and see how you might be able to improve your own appearance. Check with your friends and family to see what they may like or dislike about your current look!

Anonymous said...

He is performing at the Family Equality event. Which means that won't make the front page of the paper or the last page either. BUT we will get it on here, just his fans will know about it. He will probably take his mother again, she loves this sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

Sexy Adam's eyes saying it all:):):)

Anonymous said...

Two good looking guys. But he is taller than Adam.

Anonymous said...

@8:01 AM

That's right, networking is very important; while he is working in the studio and also writing as he says he is. Also, his continued work on Glee; and his pending work with Niles; also, his upcoming concert gigs with Queen.

This beautiful man is really busy. He will never stop singing. I have so much to listen to until his new music arrives. Never boring in the life of the one and only Adam M. Lambert!

Hope you didn't mind me adding a few things you seemed to have left out.

With that great personality; and the looks of a Greek God; he is sought after everywhere. Thanks for the short list though.

Anonymous said...

10 04
Delusional. He hasn't been busy in a Very long time.

Anonymous said...

None of that is news, he has told every reporter on the red carpet, all of that. We have heard it all through 2013. There is still nothing new, just some pending things, that will be great if and when they happen. He needs to be able to sing, not just talk the same talk on Ellen's show. He needs some positive dates of things that will happen.

Anonymous said...

How quickly do you people think albums happen? It's only been a year and a half since Trespassing came out. Try using some common sense. Or are you really trolls because you know that kind of comment gets a reaction?

Anonymous said...

Well kris allen is finishing his new album this week, and they both released their last album at the same time. And kris toured extensively. The thing is adam hasn't even started

Anonymous said...

10:09 damn I wish I could make 5million not being busy . I guess everybody's busy is different.

Anonymous said...

10 42
The time period for the 5 million ended last May, He hasn't done much since his wag tour ended last march. He was lucky to have queen and wag in the same time frame

Anonymous said...

He got that $5 million, because he had an album to tour with. That Forbes prediction was from June 2012 to June 2013. Take from June 2013 to June 1014, there isn't much time for a profitable tour with no new music. Touring is where the main bulk of his money is earned. All the a-listers tour because they know that.

Anonymous said...

So Kris Allen is the measuring stick for recording artists? Very funny. Kris toured "extensively" in tiny bars he couldn't sell out for $5. Getting another album out so quickly shows how much he didn't actually tour - he had time to get in a studio.

Most recording artists take two to three years to get a new album out, sometimes longer.

You also have no idea what work on an album Adam has or hasn't done. He said he was going to share less this time.

Anonymous said...

For next years Forbes list Adam is going to have the concerts in Florida and the NYE concert (which I'm sure all paid well) and Glee. We don't know what else is coming up. I'm sure Adam is going to do just fine.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't being secretive about his new music, he hasn't got any to share yet. A lot of the big artists are pumping them out every year or so, or doing longer than a month on a tour.

Anonymous said...

Wake up ladies. There has been no label announcement and no reporting of any studio work in a while. Where would Adam find the time for music. All I have been seeing lately are party photos, guest appearances, those spotting Adam at nightclubs at wee hours of the morning. If you think he is an early bird waking up early to work on music you are all dillusional! He likes to party and chase boys! He will take whatever opportunities that come his way.

Anonymous said...

11 00
Yeah well it's the same amount of effort to pay a bar as it is to play a bigger venue. The fact is I'm sure he played more dates than adam did plus had time for many weeks of writing sessions in la and Nashville, and line up a top line producer who he is working with now, plus took time to be with his new baby and deal with his medical issues. He had a productive year. Adam not so much

Anonymous said...

LOL at Kris did a new album in a year so Adam should too. That's a ridiculous basis.

Adam said big things are coming this year. I can't wait to see what they are. If it takes Adam two to three years between albums I am happy to wait. Adam is worth it.

Anonymous said...

11:08, are you lost? Go back to the Kris Allen fan site or whatever ever jealous rock you crawled out from under.

Anonymous said...

11:06 #1, got a list of those big artists putting out an album every year?

11:06 #2, Adam is smart to stay in the limelight and network, it's part of his job. Having a high profile will help when his album is released. Also, Adam managed to film RuPaul's Drag Race without us knowing. We don't know everything he does. He may have way more done or planned than we know.

Anonymous said...

Lol already the trolls are worried about Adam's Forbes thingy for next year. You can't say they aren't amusing.

Anonymous said...

11 12
Kris is just an example. Don't get your jealous panties in a twist

Anonymous said...

11 09
It's not about a handful of cray fans being willing to wait. It's about him losing any career momentum he might have had.

Anonymous said...

11:30, you can't come up with a decent example from under your rock huh. LOL.

Anonymous said...

11:32, he isn't losing career momentum. He is picking up a lot with Glee. Doing the red carpets and fundraising and charity events keep him in the news and public eye. He isn't going anywhere, don't worry. I know Adam knows what he is doing.

Anonymous said...

The momentum troll is here today.

Anonymous said...

11:32 and all your other posts!
Have you forgotten to take your meds, your dreidl is spinning too fast... Get real with your comparisons! Kris Allen... And why do you care what Adam is doing or not doing, have you invested big money on his career?! You're worse than the overprotective mother hens!

Anonymous said...

If these trolls are fully aware of what goes down in music industry, why don't they try themselves to become a singing star?

Anonymous said...

Poor Kris Allen!!!:)

This person who is using Kris just to irritate Adam's fans is useless indeed!!!:)

Sorry to say but I have nothing against with Kris. He is not a celebrity like Adam!!:)

Please just take it easy and try to recruit more fans for Kris and don't waste your time here!!!:)



Anonymous said...

Oh so jealous of kris. the point was it was entirely possible for adam to have finished an album by now. The truth is adam is just not an artist or a musician. He is very, very lucky queen is in the works and he can sing other people's songs.

tess4ADAM said...

@2:53 PM .... BUT!!! Can other people sing ADAM's songs????? ADAM can sing ANY song & make it sound BETTER-ER than the original!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

2:53, very very few artists get out another album so quickly. Actually makes me wonder why they had the time to do that or needed to do that.

Anonymous said...

If you have a successful album and lots of singles then you do a long tour. If your album flops and you don't tour then you need to get back in the studio right away. You don't typically spend a year not doing much of anything like adam has.

Aviciis album came out not long ago and he has already been in the studio working on new music. It's called being serious about your career

Anonymous said...

What are you doing here if you think Adam has wasted a year and isn't serious about his career.

Anonymous said...

11.08 So it takes the same amount of effort to play the local bars as it does for Adam to make a promotional tour and then a proper tour of countries in Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia etc. and many other asian countries. He also played South Africa a bit before that. Also quite a few one off's in the States last year. Besides playing with Queen and doing charity shows with Nile Rogers etc. I am exhausted thinking of what Adam did do last year.

Anonymous said...

Never liked that tattoo! Never!

Anonymous said...

Oh brother!
Will this relentless resident evil ever give up!

Anonymous said...

1 47 lol lol! you guys bystanders are so entertaining