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New Tweets - Adam Lambert Mentions His New Album

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Anonymous said...

Shame on J.
for sending this pic (the 3 Adams caricature) to Adam without telling him Sue @sue_418 drew it.

Anonymous said...

I think my spirit animal is the sloth, which probably explains why my sign is SLOW. damn : (

Anonymous said...

I was expecting a mention of Adam's new album as the title of this post hinted to. Nothing. The title was a bit misleading in my opinion. He was asked if the logo was for his album and he said no. That's it. Big disappointment.

Anonymous said...

I love his AL logo.

Anonymous said...

@sue_418 signature is on the drawing but I agree that J should have mentioned who is the artist before sending it to Adam.

Anonymous said...

GLAMAPELLA ....... love it!!!

Anonymous said...

@virg1877: New Logo with twitter header pics @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

8:17, you missed it. He said it's unrelated to his album. Which means there is an album. He has been very discrete about his new music and he essentially said there is a new album with this tweet.

Anonymous said...

I love that new logo. Really looking forward to seeing the whole piece!

glitzylady said...

When I saw Adam's tweet, the words

" album..."

jumped right out at me... I'll take that as a **small** hint of things to come... And confirmation (to me anyway...) that there is one in progress.

Note to any naysayers re my comment above: Sorry, but I'm planning to be flailing sometime this year :))))))))))))))))))))) so don't be raining on my parade. Thanks :)))) (just covering my bases...)..

Anonymous said...

I see AL in his logo but the dots incorporated with his logo is sort of like this Persian Caliagraphy:

Anonymous said...

8:50, I think you are right, he referred to his album like it already exists. I don't know how long we will have to wait to hear it, but the tweet was encouraging.

glitzylady said...

I truly hope that the actual artist is given credit and Adam becomes aware of it at some point.

One of the unwritten rules (and courtesies) of Twitter is giving credit to the original artist, the person who originates a tweet, a picture etc.., by including their twitter @ and name in the tweet.

This was a faux pas... Not intentional I'm sure, but still a lesson.....

Anonymous said...

Love you @Glitzylady! I was flailing on my chair when I saw that. Happy happy dance! Happy Birthday to our Rock Star!

Jadfam NZ said...

Oooooh Just had a mad thought maybe Adam is doing a Beyoncé and has the album ready for release.
One can dream lol.
Before everyone jumps on me about record labels blah, blah Iam joking, nice thought though.

PS Macklemore and Lewis album was made independently without a label.

Anonymous said...

I love the AL's mesmerizing and something that will really stick in my mind for sure. Now let's see the whole art piece for the posters.

I definitely noticed the comment about the caricature art not related to his album. I also thought what glitzy lady did....there is an album (whether completed or in the works, it exists). :))))


Anonymous said...

I can smell the AROMA already he!he! New album is cookingggggggggggg!!!:)

Happy B-day to our Rock God!!:)


Anonymous said...

Oh lmao I don't think it means anything specific about an album at all. He was just answering a question.

Since he isn't signed its more likely he will put out a couple singles or an ep rather than a full album anyway.

And no, I don't believe he is signed or has done much work on an album at all. Nothing at all indicates that.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Adam and Riff!!!

Anonymous said...

@8:50 PM

Oh thanks, sorta thought that.
Greedy me just wanted something
so specific. My bad!

Anonymous said...

@ll:00 PM

I am glad he said that at the last minute. Show that having a label, especially one that is not going all out for their artist, is not the end all. Should give other artist that want to go independent some hope. Although he is not the first to do so. Most artist probably already no this. But, good for the music lover's at large to know.

Anonymous said...

@4:00 AM Here/correction

Should be most arist (know) this.

Anonymous said...

You should read this

Macklemore had a unique partnership with a label. They said it was like winning the lottery to get the kind of support they had. Thinking indie muisc gets played on the radio is naive.

Anonymous said...

You just never know; do you? Someone wins the lottery every now and then!

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

I like the way Adam writes Buy instead of by on the tweet.

Anonymous said...

Congrats fellow fans for a great job of ignoring in this thread ;)... keep up the good work! On-topic: I personally think it's safe to be happy about his use of the words my album. :)

Anonymous said...

He has said many times that he is working on an album; so I am not suprised that he used the words "my album". I am patiently and happily looking forward to it's debut. Happy Birthday BB.

Anonymous said...

@3:00 AM

You don't have to be signed to a label to be working on an album. Get real! But, just because we have not been told yet; does not mean he has not signed with an enity for releasing his music.

Actually, who cares what you believe? Making a lot of assumptions doesn't make it true. Sounds like a bunch of negative garbage to me!

Anonymous said...

Of course he doesn't have to be signed to work on an album but there has never been a single mention of him writing with someone or being in the studio. And he admitted to lyndsey Parker he doesn't even know the genre. So obviously he hasnt done anything yet.

And I think he tweets about being his own business mean he isn't signed but arranged for a distribution deal with a label. David cook did the same thing and I'd say they are in very similar position.

Anonymous said...

Aso shoshannas friend the music critic popjustice said he thought adam would self release rather than be signed. It's not like its some crazy idea.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said many times that he was in the studio working. He has also said that he was working on his 3rd album. You can believe anyone you want, Lyndsey Parker's mouth is no substitude for information coming from Adam's mouth. Adam also said on Ellen's show when he was the guest DJ, that he was in discussions with several labels.

The business Adam was just sorta hinting about; might be something altogether different then his music career.

We fans are always sepculating and guessing; and usually always wrong.
Why don't we just wait and see. No one is going to change anyone else's mind.

So; around and around and around we go. Just wait, we will soon know. Over and Out!

Anonymous said...

@10:41 AM - Here/correction

should be spelled: speculating

Anonymous said...

4:10, yes, indie music on the radio isn't common and Macklemore's and Lewis' success is very rare. But the game has been changing for a long time and Macklemore and Lewis may have helped break the label's strangleholds on the industry. Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Why do you constantly react and answer to the resident evil; don't recognize its posts?!

Anonymous said...

@3:10 PM

You don't know what I constantly do. But, at any rate; I am grown and will make the decision to what post I chose to answer to. I do recognize you trying to monitor the post that grown people are responding too. I hope that answers your question. It might help if you just monitor yourself; and let other's make their own decisions!!