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WE ARE FAMILY Website Wishes Adam Lambert a Happy Birthday

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Anonymous said...

Here is the Adam's Birthday Donation info from the We Are Family Foundation. Besides the artwork you can also make a donation to sign a Birthday Yearbook for Adam:

"The We Are Family Foundation is honored to announce that Adam Lambert has donated his birthday to us for the second year in a row!

Adam’s turning 32 and we have TWO very cool ways you can help us celebrate while helping WAFF empower teens across the globe."

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link, dear.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

happy 32nd birthday adam!!

Anonymous said...

HappY "32" Adam Lambert. A talented man.

Anonymous said...

@NILE R., my long time favorite musician, guitarman extraordinaire, thank you for your love for Adam!

You are THE VOICE, love you!!!
Happy 32nd Birthday!

You were so right with FYE... "once you're in, you own my heart..."