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Magazine Covers Featuring Adam Lambert and His Hotness!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 15, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, February 15, 2014

VIA indigo-19-love


Anonymous said...

Is there a direct link to this covers list besides AL 24/7 that I can send to a couple friends?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how many covers he has done!!! Worldwide, too. He's the only Idol to ever make the cover of Rolling Stone. Hope we see many more.


Anonymous said...

I have 25 of the magazines featured here. Plus a bunch more that they left out.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice for Adam to be on a few nice magazine covers right before QwAL tour if it happens.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Clay on a RS cover?

Anonymous said...

@Lambertlust Show us what you've got!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have several of these magazines, but wish I had them all!

Anonymous said...

Here are some of the Adam magazines I own

Anonymous said...

Our boy sure is a pin-up diva!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great post! Thank you for this example of the popularity and gorgeousness of this talented man.

Anonymous said...

Details is my fav pic. So outrageously handsome and hot.

Anonymous said...

8:26, each block of four or six covers is a separate pic, so here are the links to the whole set:

Anonymous said...

Fun to look at all the covers at once.

Anonymous said...

Pearl clutching

The loss of novelty isn’t the only problem with the phrase. While the mental image is amusing, the use of the phrase has degenerated into accusatory shorthand, particularly in blog comments. People—particularly women—lob the charge at one another to accuse them of not being liberal, or feminist, or open-minded enough; not infrequently, it prompts tedious semantic debates about whether something is “pearl clutching” or a legitimate concern.

We are such a bitchy bunch.

Anonymous said...

Pearl clutching

The loss of novelty isn’t the only problem with the phrase. While the mental image is amusing, the use of the phrase has degenerated into accusatory shorthand, particularly in blog comments. People—particularly women—lob the charge at one another to accuse them of not being liberal, or feminist, or open-minded enough; not infrequently, it prompts tedious semantic debates about whether something is “pearl clutching” or a legitimate concern.

We are such a bitchy bunch.

Anonymous said...

Multiple times on multiple threads? Seriously?

Anonymous said...

@9:36 PM

Are you a bit lost; were you not on an earlier thread this evening with the identical post. You certainly want to get this message across. It seem to be a bit OT but evidently something is bothering you; I hope whomever your posts are aimed at gets the message. Good luck!

The bunch on here are not bitchy; seems like a lot of nice fans just here to admire our beautiful star and his magazine covers.

We are a great bunch of fans!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam's twitter got hacked and is advertising Dr.Oz weight loss. His twitter feed is so funny.

Anonymous said...

Laughing my A-- off; what is going on?

Anonymous said...

What's with the weird duplicate posts; am I in an alternate universe?

Anonymous said...

What beautiful cover! I have about three of them only. The first Rolling Stone; details and a one other. All very beautiful. I want to get the Elvis Book. But, I want them to know I am a fan of Adam's. That will be good publicity for him; if we let the publishing company or whomever know why we are purchasing it because we are his fan. Since there are so many celebrities included; it is good for them to know who has a lot of fan power. Might help for future projects that could include Adam. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

On twitter they are saying Adam may be in Stockholm, Sweden and his twitter is hacked.

Anonymous said...

No it was a mistake because I typed it on a blank page to correct for spelling and then copied and pasted.
When I wanted to comment on the current beautiful pics of Adam the past comment was still on my clipboard and copied into the space. Fat fingers to correct this made it post twice. Hence the oops.

HK fan said...

The rumour of Sweden comes from this pic...

beautiful magazine covers...and I don't have any of them:(

Anonymous said...

What a fascinating man he is!

Anonymous said...

These are all so beautiful... but also quite a long time ago...
Any newer ones? Which mag cover is the newest one? Are there any since 2012?
And no cover with the facial hair?
Thank you for possible answers in advance. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is very photogenic...he could be a male model is he had flawless skin. Unless that's not such a big deal in the modeling industry anymore. And I don't say that to be snarky at all, actually more wondering if that's even a problem. Does anyone have any thoughts or insider knowledge about that? Because he'd make one gorgeous, sexy model.

Anonymous said...

Laughing a bit at myself now, cuz Adam has already done various modeling photo shoots already, as evidenced by these mags, so I probably answered my own question. :)

Anonymous said...

So immature & stupid to comment about his - or anyone's - skin imperfections!
Professional photo shoots with today's modern fab make ups... nothing is real or au naturel and some skin imperfections are the least of their worries... So maybe you could stop it, too?!

Anonymous said...

1:38, they said they answered their own question and was laughing a bit at themselves. They obviously didn't mean harm and there are way worse comments and actual trolls. Why did you need to be so mean? That's part of the problem with this place.

Anonymous said...

That's the reason Admin. doesn't remove any but the worst vulgarities or meanness. What one person thinks is a troll many others just take as negative comment. No big deal. Sometimes people misunderstand what is said and demand a comment deleted by Admin.
We are adults, not delicate flowers, just scoot by and mutter "jerk" don't get your knickers in a twist. If there is a schoolyard fight, just leave the thread.
There is too much name calling. Your troll someone else might just interpret as a dry wit. Much of the anger here we bring on ourselves by engaging in battle. Think before your fingers hit the keys.

Anonymous said...

What was mean about my comment?
Just stated my opinion, did not call anyone names, I truly think it's stupid and immature to comment on something that any one with emotional intelligence can relate to (having skin or any other scarring problems during vulnerable years in your life) and not point it out time after time. Things like this are not a laughing matter. But there was nothing mean or rude in my post. I'm just not a very "flowery" person in my writings. :)

Thank you for a very 'sane', constructive and well written (fun, too!) post. Hope everybody reads it and takes home its message. <3

Anonymous said...

All of these covers are truly amazing. I don't think I could pick only one as a favorite because each has something special about the look. It's great to see all of them together as pictured here.

Anonymous said...

I think Clay was on the cover of PEOPLE when he came out. Don't think it was RS ??????

Anonymous said...

Clay was never on the cover of RS.

Anonymous said...

@9:22 PM
I'm 8:26 PM. Thank you so very much for links I can pass on to friends.

I'm also 8:42 PM. Thank you for posting your pics of covers.

Anonymous said...

4:20 am, wow, you really have reading comprehension issues.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic compilation! Wow!

choons said...

Really great to see all these magazine covers - much appreciated!!
would make great wallpaper ...

Vicki in Ohio said...

Thank you, I didn't realize he was featured in so many magazines. I have a few of them, Details is probably my favorite. Although it is hard to pick a favorite anything that involves Adam!

Anonymous said...

All are so adorable.

Magiclady said...

Definitely the "Details" cover is my fav. Those pics were so hot!

Anonymous said...

To me it seems the Details mag pics are adored by women who (still) prefer to "see" Adam as the this straight lover boy (at least in their fantasies) opposed to the "more real, multifaceted Adam" in all the other covers... jmho, not being snarky, rude or looking for a fight. :)