NEW PICTURE: Adam Lambert in Stockholm, Sweden!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, February 15, 2014
Posted at : Saturday, February 15, 2014
VIA nguyenandy
4 hours ago
Showing Adam the night life in Stockholm haha #adamlambert #idol #stockholm #nightlife

4 hours ago
Showing Adam the night life in Stockholm haha #adamlambert #idol #stockholm #nightlife

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I also read an article that Queen + Adam Lambert concert will be in UK in July 2014.
About the topic picture, probably Adam is recording music with Avicii.
10:53 that article you are referring to is totally false that was the festival that was cancelled in 2012.I know Avicii is doing some heavy True touring but you never know what's up.
Adam recently started following Tove Lo and she is from Stockholm, Sweden. Just a thought.
Seems Adam is working on something. Can't wait to see what it is. Tove Lo did say see you soon.
The guy says he is "showing Adam Stocholm's night life". Maybe it is just that, ha? Adam got bored with LA-clubs and bars and wants to meet some real Vikings he has been dreaming of.
But seriously speaking: It must be something to do with his music. Right? Does Max Martin live in Sweden? Avicii might be touring at the moment. Not sure.
Pretty boys in Stockholm night! I can sense this guys IG-follower numbers will increase a lot from now on.
Good news! Looks like Adam is working and having a bit of fun on the side.
I'm surprised no one thought this guy is a new love interest or writing partner. :) Seriously, does anyone know who he is?
Whoever he is...the picture is cuteness.
Hope it is for new music! YAY!!!
12:58 AM
I watched his IG-pics and he seems to be a thaiboxer who lives in Sweden. Aaand he has or at least HAD still on Xmas a very beautiful girlfriend. So, I don't know why he is there with Adam, hehe. Is here someone from Sweden who could tell us something more about him? Inquiring minds want to know.
Some people think Adam is in Stockholm to see Avicii and/or his manager whom he recently started following on Twitter.
Stockholm? I have been in Stockholm several times, but I can´t say this photo is from Stockholm.
1:57, after a couple of visits you would recognize ALL of the city from a corner of a pic? Maybe we should let the guy from Stockholm who took the photo say it is in Stockholm.
I don't think anyone would be able to tell where Adam is from this photo anyway. The two beautiful faces are the most prominent things in the picture.
If it is said that the picture was take in Sweden, then it probably was. Hope BB is enjoying himself; along with whatever else he is there to do.
Maybe he was there on valentine's day; when many fans were trying to guess what he was doing and worrying about him being alone; which was so funny!
Love how Adams stays under the radar most of the time lately, unless someone else tweets about it. When the time comes when he wants us to know something; he always informs us. Sometimes we already know, but he does it anyway, since it is his right to tell his fans. Love it; and love him. Be safe BB!
@2:22 AM & 2:27 AM
My thoughts, exactly, I agree with both of you. Good posts and to the point.
Hope Adam is having a great time; and accomplishes whatever he is there for; even if it is to soak up some R&R!!
12:58, his IG says he is a software developer and has the #bestgirlfriendintheworld. Not sure how he knows Adam.
I hope he 'turtles' down into that fur collar..... baby it's cold outside.....and he no longer has his thick pelt of hair.
I'm assuming he is there for business reasons. Yay!
This guy lives in Stockholm and has recent pics of himself from there (Valentine's Day) and he tagged the photo "Showing Adam the night life in Stockholm", so I would say it is quite clear Adam is in Sweden now or has been recently, for some reason. Nile R, was there at ABBA-studios recording with Chic 13th of February (there are photos in his IG) but is now at his home studio NY (also a new photo in his IG). Maybe Adam has been in Stockholm for days. Maybe he has already come back to LA. Who knows. But Tove tweeted some days ago that she will see him soon. And Adam started following Avicii's manager just a couple of days ago. So many coincidences.
2:47 AM here -
sorry, post is for
2:22AM & 2:37AM, NOT 2:27 AM
@2:56 AM
Wow, thanks, for all the interesting tidbits. Very informative! Enquiring minds want to know!!! Ha, ha.
This Swedish thaiboxer has a lovely girlfriend but there are lots of handsome gay guys in Stockholm's night life for sure.
3:02am/correction here
My post is meant for (2:55am #1)
Responses are so much easier to a tag than a time stamp. And fewer errors are made. : )
Sounds like lots of fun. Hope Adam had a great time; whatever he was involved in doing.
Could be there for business; and pleasure could be an added bonus!
@3:02 AM & 3:08 AM
You're welcome, ha, ha! "Every step you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you..."
3:10 AM
He posted the photo at 4.00 AM Swedish time on the Sunday morning of 16th of February. But who knows when it was taken, not me.
Carl Falk, a Swedish songwriter, record producer and musician, just tweeted that he had great time hanging with Adam Lambert in Stockholm yesterday. He liked his fur. Haha!
So, some music news must be coming! Soonish, I hope! YESS!!!
further proof of being in Stockholm
Gelly @14gelly 8m
:)) RT @carlfalkmusic: Great to hang with @adamlambert in Stockholm yesterday, I like your fur
Is Max Martin in Sweden??
yaaaay Stockholm baby . now work work work WORK
maybe this off topic but i really want Adam + lana del ray collaboration . that would be AWESOME ^_^
@HK fan
I saw somewhere one Taylor Swift's IG-pic where she said she spent the Valentine's Day in studio with Max and some other guy. They all are in the pic. So Max might be in US right now.
Is Max Martin in Sweden??
No, he is in LA, but Carl Falk is a much more interesting songwriter and producer.
Love that he is working with creative, challenging people.
Wow! Very interesting news to wake up to! Stay warm Adam and have fun!
Don't worry, Stockholm is currently about 10 degrees (Celsius) warmer than NY, :)))
love his hair in the featured pic..gee, I wish he would let it grow out a little..we will find out about Sweden soon enough..
4:04 yes it took me a while to realize what an interesting voice and talent that girl is, I like her a lot.
Adam is seriously getting busy for his 3rd album!!!!:)
Surprise us Adammmmm!!:)
I guess he is having fun and working. He has a good balance. Hope the chameleon changes his look soon and reels it in. Getting a little too weird and it will backfire.
This is excellent news! Sounds like new music of some kind is really in the works! Sweden, Avicii, Carl Falk, hmmmm.. Must be something good cooking! Sure wish he could get some new music about in 2014.
Yeah, maybe you're right @7:10. He should probably just get a buzz cut, start wearing white t-shirts and gym shoes; maybe the occasional plaid shirt from the GAP. Haha!
7:10 you must be a VERY conservative person to think Adam's look is "getting too weird". He looks like a handsome, stylish, slightly edgy man who works in the performing/creative arts. There is nothing about his current look that will "backfire".
Glad Adam's getting some booty in Sweden. Party on boy!
Our boy sure does get around! Must be business calling him ( crossing my fingers) for new music:)
Very interesting pic of two cute faces.
May I ask what makes that pic "very interesting"? I think it is just an ordinary photo taken by a fan or maybe some kind of friend 'cause he calls Adam with his first name.
That thaiboxer-guy is really cute but I think he has a girlfriend (who is very beautiful IMO). Does that fact make the pic less-interesting?
Troll Alert @7:47 AM
I've gone blind. I don't see Avicii in this pic. To the best of my knowledge (via twitter) Tim is touring and currently in Paris.
who wants to pet FURRBERT?
I wonder how many Swiss lasses hid up under that fur during the visit?????? report please*
Sneaky Adam,so Carl Falk is a music producer,he wrote some of one direction's songs also Nikki Minaj. I wonder if Nile might be in Sweden,I remember a couple weeks ago Nile tweeting Adam,see you soon. Anyway Adam is working on A3 and is keeping it under raps,which I love. Nice he is getting to see the sights while he is there too.
Carl falk also lives in LA and seems to have known adam for a long time. He said they were hanging, not writing or working in the studio.
We really have no idea why he is there
Maybe he's a guest of Carl and Carl is teaching him how to ski better.
9:14 no we really have no idea why Adam was there can 't we have some fun with it in the meantime?
He is probably still looking for a label or a producer to work on the album. Guess he ran out of people in the US.
Adam has learned to keep his business private, which will serve him better. I'll bet five years ag he never dreamed he would become such a world traveler.
Artists that are in the studio working on music tweet all the time about writing sessions, finishing up songs they are excited about, having a good studio session. And people who work with them tweet too. And it's all good pr for the artist
We knew the very day he recorded the lifeball song, Lay Me Down for avicii, the recent duet with ivy levan. It's not at all reasonable to think he has been working seriously on a new album and not a single thing has leaked.
10:04 you work on an album in different stages you are not always at the point of being in the studio and tweeting out high fives.
His Twitter account has been hacked - again. He really has to change his password to something other than Sauli. lololol
10:14 has it really been hacked again since the other three tweets? Does Adam want us to lose weight that bad? Lol
Yep Adam twitter account was hacked again and it is another weight loss message. Lol
@10:09 AM
I agree with you 100%; very well put.
I am so glad that nothing has leaked. Also, people working with him probably know that mum is the word. about Adam's current album he is working on.
I think that Adam learned his lessons from the past; too much information. I am glad that Adam is doing things his way. So happy for him.
Can't stop speculation; it's probably a lot of fun for some fans. I am just so excited for Adam, he said that 2014 will be a very good year, and so many wonderful things are happening. Can't wait for Idol this Tuesday, Wednesday and Possibly a song Thursday; I hope.
I think if Adam starts the actual recording phase of an album we will hear about he is just not there yet.
Ok Lambert I get it, I am joining a gym today. nag!!
@9:51 AM
Don't worry about Adam having people to work with. What makes you think there are not great people to work with internationally and in the states? Adam has always done that. Our very talented world wide superstar will be just fine. Doesn't that make you happy?
@9:01 AM
Watch the post 2:55 AM. Nile Rogers was in Sweden (ABBA-studios) still 13th of February; there is a pic of it in his IG. But a couple of hours ago he put a new pic which is taken outside his home studio (NY?. So he is in US right now if I'm not totally wrong.
@10:31 AM
If you believe that; you don't know Adam M. Lambert. He just might reveal his first single when you least expect it!! He loves surprising his fans. Such a beautiful tease!!
That is such a beautiful picture. BB looks so cute and happy.
Stop feeding the two trolls on here unless they want the link on the new research done on trolls. Yikes they really have problems.
At this point we don't know how much Adam has already worked on the new album, but it sure looks like "wheels are turning"!!! In the meantime quite a few exciting things have happened for Adam: Glee, Idol, possible Queen tour (following the iHeart success), Ru Paul etc.
Can't wait to find out more where "his mind and heart are thriving". Adam sure is exciting and he looks fab!
Oh Adam; you are such a handsome globetrotter; I have stopped trying to keep up with you. Love these surprises. Keep bringing on the surprises I enjoy every minute of following you. Keep us guessing; we are usually wrong, but fun for some of your fans.
@10:14 AM
Amen; and bravo to what you have just said. What an uplifting and positive post that rings so true!!
@10:40 AM
OK; but sometimes they answer themselves like the research said. So much of the responses may be from them also.
Troll or trolls alert!!!
Happy Days are here again! Adam, Adam, Adam you are so beautiful to me!
There is no reason in the world to keep it a secret if he was working on new music. Just the opposite, it's good for his fans to know that is happening. He just says he wants to keep things quiet to cover up that nothing is happening
Oh no I was on a thread whinning my twitter account was hacked and I had to get a new card because of the Target thing and now Kickstarter just emailed me I have to change my PW because it was hacked into.
11:04 ok nothing is happening we believe you .
@11:04 AM
So, what is your theory? Why is he in Sweden now? Just having fun? I'd suggest he would go there in summer if he wants to see Stockholm's night life. He would not need his fur coat then.
there's 4 trolls on here, because both are sets of twins.
is this a blah blah blaaaaaahg?
Yes, Max Martin, the magician behind all the pop princesses and their music is in Sweden. Avicii also. However, I'd like to know when Lay Me Down will be released as a single. It's being played as background music behind a TV promo, but so far it has not hit any radio stations. That's a travesty.
He didn't go all the way to Sweden just to "hang out." He has to be getting some kind of business done. It's a reasonable assumption.
Adam is obviously working on something. I don't need to know every detail of it. Adam said new music is coming this year and I believe him. It's still only February. Just seeing these bits and pieces is fun for me. I will be a patient glamhopper until the new music is here. Plenty to be entertained with in the meantime with Glee and Idol :)
I hope Adam's work never ever leaks because of the super invested fans. I would like to wait for the finished product.
Oh, I believe an anonymous who can't tell the difference between Swiss and Sweden and it still thinks Adam flew all the way from LA to Stockholm to hangout and have a good time. NOT!
@9:46 AM Have fun at your own expense.
Wait what... Adam was/ is in Stockholm. And I was there today. I would have searched all the hotels If I've known that.
I assume he will be asked to sing on American Idol sometime. He needs a new single to promo, right now he has none. Might be why he is in Sweden or anywhere else, to work on a few songs.
Maybe Adam can sing a duet again with one of the final contestants as he did with Angie Miller if he doesn't have a new single out when Idol reaches its finale. Or maybe he and Chris Daughtry can perform a rock song together. I hope he is working on new material so that we get that third album some time this year.
@3:07 PM Maybe Adam can sing a solo since he's a solo artist.
anon 12:23 u must be an anon that can't tell a twit from a twat. be more specific in your rant.
He's hanging out in Sweden eating Swiss.
12:23 had to lol at your comment and it got to the troll too, she is whinning about now. The trolls on here are not too bright.
3:20 a tweet on twitter. Not twit.
I love how Adam keeps us guessing. I will wait patiently for whatever he has in store for us. Love him and trust him!
Ts here are so predictable.
4:26, Ts ?????????
anon 4:11 it must be U
stinking tongue in the hole of SWISS.
You do realise that anything Swiss does not come from Sweden don't you????? obviously not, judging by your post.
If you're going to troll on here, at least try and get your facts right, and not make yourself look even more stupid than you already do...
If only there is a new single or tour to talk about!
I have a weird feeling that this resident troll is the same person posting multiple comments and laughing hard about it!
See, admin ( despite the love she has for Adam) wants blog hits, so we all know her priorities.
All these name calling and insults, won't remove an itch of Adm's talents or!, its all publicity ( good or bad)
The troll keeps enjoying the little drama here.
The only people suffering from the insults hurled at Adam, are the fans who cant ignore comments from an obvious demented fellow.
Same old story.
If we had the sense and will power to ignore the mean remarks there would be less of a problem. Futile arguing gets nowhere, as we know and yet we do it. That doesn't show much sense on our part. You can't drown them out, just move on, have a discussion around them or move to another thread. I've been guilty of striking back at idiots and troublemakers myself, but no more, they will get no more attention from me. Will you let them get to you?
24/7 means news about Adam around the clock, not a blog babysitter around the clock.
at 12:23 PM
It is common knowledge that all Swedish guys are gay, so it makes perfect sense that he flew to Stockholm of all places in the world.
(ok this is a troll post, scroll on...)
anon 10:41 morons anonymous. nuff said
anon 10:41 your Swiss comment was totally unacceptable and completely unprofessional.You are a bad speler.
Hey HK fan.... SUCK IT
Your post is not a troll post, it's worse.
It represenrs bad taste and ignorance - not to mention homophobia!
The phrase "It is common knowledge that all Swedish guys are gay" is not 'common' OR 'knowledge', it's commonly used ONLY in your home country, i.e. Finland! Shame on you!
In Sweden and in Finland the percentage of homosexuals is about 0,8 -1,00.
The history between these two lands is an other thing.
@10:51 I think you don't know anything about the "relationship" between Finland and Sweden. Just saying. :)
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