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New Picture From Adam Lambert's Birthday Party: Hans Haveron, Sauli Koskinen

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, February 04, 2014

VIA hanshaveron
3 hours ago
#happybirthday @adamlambert had a blast brother*


Anonymous said...

I like Hans artwork. Very fanciful, lots of symbolism.

Anonymous said...

awe Adam's boyfriend Sauli is so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Sauli is so adorable

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Hans was able to make the party too.

Anonymous said...

Do we know who the woman is?

Anonymous said...

And, they are planning a new show for Sauli on Fox Finland!

Anonymous said...

Will this new show originate in Finland?

Anonymous said...

glad to know Adam is back with Sauli. They are soul mates.

Anonymous said...

Ignore the troll please

Anonymous said...

Hans is looking mighty fine these days.

Anonymous said...

@11:34 PM
You post the same comment whenever there's a pic of Sauli on this blog. Adam and Sauli are no longer together - GET USED TO IT TROLL!!!

Anonymous said...

Troll not getting enough attention so she tells herself off or will suddenly make it into an Adam facial hair thread.

Anonymous said...

Troll not getting enough attention so she tells herself off or will suddenly make it into an Adam facial hair thread.

Anonymous said...

@11.44pm x 2

I'm 11.41pm & I am NOT a troll and I'm NOT making any troll comments.!!!

Anonymous said...

Hans Haveron's art is abstract as well as visual; that's one art genius with an extreme keen eye for detail. Recently he went with Adam to China; that definitely is significant. I wonder if any business deal was struck, perhaps with Adam on board; that would be huge.
Sauli looks radiant and content; he's one fine actor/show-host; a natural comedian as well. Adam's close friends are talented in various art forms. Very good, that's how eventually the connections weave into a sizable, influential group which determines awards, sales, business etc.


Anonymous said...

I remember Hans made some very nice comment of Adam and Sauli when they were together.

Anonymous said...

@11:41 & @11:57
Ignore, stop reacting to the obvious bs, please.

Anonymous said...

It seems Sauli was enjoying being at Adam's birthday.

Anonymous said...

I mean it could feel awkward to be at your ex's birthday but it seems Sauli is happy and relax.

Anonymous said...

The trollls are getting exactly the reaction they want.

And apparently so is Admin.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are friends also, not only ex-boyfriends. Friendship lasts forever...

Anonymous said...

Hans H seems to be one of the good guys, too. Just like Sauli and Adam. Warms my heart.

PS. His name, Hans Haveron, sounds so 'fairytalelike', suited for his artistry...

Anonymous said...

Wo don't know the state of Adam's and Sauli's relationship. It's their business. The main thing is they are happy with their life.

Anonymous said...

@Hans H - thank you for this pic. You all look so festive and nice!

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli wore with that Adam`s old scarf because of the voodoo theme at the party.

Anonymous said...

Someone was asking who the woman was....I was wondering myself. It seems like I've seen her before, but I can't place her.

Hans looks totally hot with the guyliner. ;)

Anonymous said...

Adam's news please..

Anonymous said...

at 3:17 AM

You mean Adam's birthday party is not Adam news?

Anonymous said...

Nice to know gradually more of Adam´s partygoers, Hans Haveron´s art sounds interesting, you say it´s abstract, I think I´ll find out some more about it.
I think they all had a ball at the party:D!And Sauli looks cute and radiant:)))!
I wait for Adam´s news too but all in good time no rush:).

Anonymous said...

Correction:I meant Adam´s music not Adam´s news and yes this is Adam´s news.
I´m 3:46am

Anonymous said...

Happy people!
Sauli is so beautiful,Hans looks great!

Anonymous said...

Enjoying the party pics. Hope there are more to come. Is that Adam in the background? Hans is another one of Adam's many talented friends. Glad to hear Sauli is getting another show. Is it a second season of "Sauli and Friends" or a new one?

Anonymous said...

Sauli will make a handsome bald man soon. I think bald men are sexy, sometimes not always.

Anonymous said...

I don´t really know but we are waiting for another Sauli´s best friend and what I do know it has been requested a lot from Fox.
Sauli´s hair style suits him well, he has had it for a while already, but he looks good almost bald too, sweet adorable Sauli!:D
I wish for more pics, I know that´s only a wish we don´t get.

Anonymous said...

I don´t see Adam in the backround, I think that guy wears something different than Adam.

Anonymous said...

Every other line here are people who can't stop calling out trolls.
Do not feed the trolls.
Ignore the trolls.
They are just responding to there own comments.
Admin must like all these comments. etc. etc. etc.
These comments are a bigger problem!!!!@

Anonymous said...

Sauli was invited, and he had a choice of whether or not to come to the party. But he chose to come, almost all of his friends he has met and some partied with, were going to be there. It was a great opportunity for him to see all these friends in one place. I think he had a great night.
Hans is also someone that Sauli knew, Hans has an unusual mind for art. Adam even bought one of his pieces. He is a one of a kind artist, and just fabulous, his talent, seems to be like Adams, they each walk to their own drummer. The tattoo key Adam has came from the key in the picture that Adam bought from Hans.
The "my best friend" show, will not be done again, but they have several other projects they are working on for Sauli. Don't know if the projects will be done in US or Finland, most likely in the US, since that is where he lives. He also still has the modeling agency to work with, maybe with Fox tv also. He is obviously getting into shape for something, and I hope it is for a future project. Adam thinks highly of him and supports him in his endevours. They have a mutual admiration for each others talents.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

5:40am, maybe not so many of those here, luckily more about the topic now but yes understand what you mean.
6:23am, Yes I think Sauli was referring to upcoming events when he told in an interview he couldn´t reveal anything in advance but admitted something was cooking:).

Anonymous said...

Ofcourse exception to the rule?

Anonymous said...

Nice to see both in the party Hans and Sauli, Who´s the woman in the pic?

I kinda liked Haveron´s art too.

Anonymous said...

its so great that Sauli and Adam got back together. They are gorgeous. Soulmates. Saulibert Forever <3

Anonymous said...

Sauli really is very good looking. If Adam and Sauli are friends maybe they will someday rekindle the romance. or not. Sauli has a beautiful smile and sky blue eyes.very beautiful man like Adam

Anonymous said...

@8:56 AM

Oh, don't worry, they never left each other as friends; they will always have the wonderful memories. As far as them being back together now; nothing has been announced by either man. So officially unless otherwise confirmed by them. They are no longer an item. Sorry, if you are dissapointed.

Anonymous said...

It´s great admin finds these pics of Sauli at Adam´s party. Perhaps more will pop up in time, fun to see Sauli´s sweet face:).

Anonymous said...

Hans is an absolute fantastic artist. His mind is genious, unfortunately not actually my cup of tea as to buying any of his works. But I do recognize his talent, and I applaud him for it.
If and I say if, there was going to be any reconciliation of Adam and Sauli, it would never happen until their careers were more positive. They both have many irons in the fire now, and a lot of things not confirmed yet So neither of them knows what they are in for this year career wise. It could take them all over the world, which would put them back to where the break up started. Too much separation. For now they are single, and seem to be happy. Only they know what is or could happen between them. They are both entrenched in earning a living, which is what it should be at their age.

Anonymous said...

I´m one of those who just loves to see pics of Sauli´s happy face with Adam or his friends or with any good person in this world. I think Sauli´s pics always succeed well like Adam´s. Nice to look at them or ...stare at them!:D

Anonymous said...

Hans looks like Aleksi Laiho, lol..

Anonymous said...

@11:44am, Well thanks I thought he looked familiar that´s huge resemblance!:)

Anonymous said...

Two of Adam's friends ( and Sauli's too ) have already posted a pic w that cute Finn. Keeps them coming. Tommy, Danielle, your turn :)
Maybe eventually we see a pic of Adam and Sauli together ;)
I know they r friends now, but a huge part of me hope they would be together again.
I don't know... I have had this strange feeling for almost a year now, it's not over between
I hope all the best for those two, love them so much. I will support and love Adam And I think I will always follow Sauli's
life too.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli have been apart as a couple for over a year now.

Adam announced their break up before his Florida commitment.

They had to get through the Finland show and that is understandable, considering.

The hell he went through over so many fans involved in his personal business, he certainly is watching out these days.

Anonymous said...

11:59am thanks, Your post is for those who don´t know.

11:55am I share your optimism and I think friendship can be the nicest thing in this world. I hope the best for both guys this year and I sure would love some pics of Adam and Sauli!:))

Anonymous said...

I really dont know what more than "it ran its course" can mean.

Get over it SauliBerts or continue in dillusions, lol

Anonymous said...

Just a funny coincidence that Tommy recently performed Wild Child and Alexi's nickname is Wildchild. Tommy's fans don't seem to know who Hans is and I bet they have never heard of Alexi either, lol.

Anonymous said...

12:25pm Well they seem to be good friends Adam and Sauli, so the course is good enough for many people here.

I was surprised in a good way, I really liked Haveron´s art!
Sauli looks sooo good!

Anonymous said...

It ran its course. What is it about that statement that certain fans don't understand. Its a nice way of saying finished. Over. No more passion
Ended. What else could Adam say without it sounding harsh.
Oh and by the way it looked to me that Sauli was seeing someone very quickly after that statement. I always saw photos of S with his so called "sunny smile" didn't look very broken up to me.ok now hash this out. Some people don't see the forest for the trees.

Anonymous said...

Wow it seems to me there is more difficulties accepting an ongoing friendship after a breakup. I think that is really wonderful to see. I´m happy for both guys Adam and Sauli and wish for everything good to come their way!
Be nice with people Love and Peace!

Anonymous said...

I think their relationship is "friends with benefits". They are not letting it go or completely moving on. Yes, they are dating others but not exclusive. There were sightings of Sauli spending time with Adam last summer and again when Sauli returned from Finland. Sauli attending Leila's bday and Adam's bday. Obviously they still care for each other. Can't deny that. I hope they rekindle that love.

Anonymous said...

Hah, the guys are good friends and there is nothing haters can do about it:)lol

Anonymous said...

Adam is with Sauli now just not openly just like Adam was with Tommy during Glam Nation Tour. Open your eyes people!

Anonymous said...

I just checked Haveron´s YT-vid with John Park, strange process painting those masterpieces, many layers on top of the last painting, the result was a surprise. Quite a talent!

Anonymous said...

That painting in the vid had a lot of ornaments that reminded me of Adam´s tattoo, cool style.

Anonymous said...

Well never saw S in Bootsys or hurrah Henry or all the other clubs that Adam has been to with other guys. I was never a fan of Bridger too young not sophisticated and just a good time boy. However he was around for a good six months until the end of November and Adam disappeared from the club scenes. I believe Adam met somebody and has managed to keep him under wraps trying to keep a budding relationship being affected by the nuts and crazy fans. I hope Adam finds a real love with someone who has a lot in common with him including friends and hopefully closer in age
I noticed we never saw Adam in any social.situations with Saulis Finish freinds and always wondered why!

Anonymous said...

We don´t know anything sure about Adam´s private life, just a lot of guessing and wishing. I remember Adam and Sauli did spend time with Sauli´s Finnish San Diego(I think it was) friends for Christmas,there were pics they sent for fans. They don´t have to share anything with us, not then and not now, which is good. We all wish good things for Adam and I wish good for Sauli too.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone but, Adam care about how old the person is that he is dating; especially someone not in his immediate family?

Dating someone younger is not against the law as long as they are of age. I think it would be more appropriate if people would be more concerned about the age of the people they and/of their children are with.

Adam is an adult young man; I am sure by now he can handle his on private life. Just saying!

Anonymous said...

Luckily no one is giving advice here to Adam, just friendly hoping and wishing, not so serious jmo.:)

Anonymous said...

@2:08 PM

Well, we wouldn't want Adam dating anyone that you weren't fond of would we? Well you sure are assuming a lot about Adam and his dating life, and the friends he associates with.

Let me get this straight; You are saying Adam is possibly keeping a relationship under wraps so it won't be affected by the nuts and crazy fans.

Please go look in the mirror; is that the kind of fan you mean?

Anonymous said...

2:48pm I sure hope you notice some difference here to what you call carbage. To me your post is nasty and inconsiderate to many other posters here, who don´t deserve your negativity. Please, maybe you could be positive yourself.

Anonymous said...

2:48pm, admin put a nice topic for us to comment about. Did you like the pic too like many of us here on this thread, anybody in it especially or something you got interested in? I hope you enjoyed the pic, I did.:)

Anonymous said...

Sorry my posts are both for 2:46pm
I´m 2:57pm and 3:07pm. Have a nice day.:)

Anonymous said...

@12:41 PM

Just a wee bit harsh; but, in my opinion you made some very good points. Apparently, some people always want to blame Adam; it appears to be over now; so hopefully everyone is moving on.

Anonymous said...

Sorry poster 2:46pm, there was a poster at 2:48pm, but that one deleted itself away, I got mixed up with adresses after that, My adress was correct to 2:48pm, not for you 2:46pm, really nice work now my post is showing and talking to a ghost!

Anonymous said...

@1:28 PM

Tommy says he is straight; Adam said Tommy was straight. Apparently Tommy's girl friend probably believes he is straight.

Why don't you open your eyes. At this point it seems that Adam and Sauli are just friends; who knows what the future might bring; but for now seems as though they are not a couple!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and there is nobody blaming him here, why do some people see negative things that are not there, just to say something negative?
Please looking in the mirror is good advice some one gave before! I do that often and recommend it to others aswell!

Anonymous said...

@3:19 PM

That's ok. At least you were considerate enough to acknowledge it. Happen to me before too. I answered a post once and poof it was gone. Hate when that happens; but, oh well. Your comment about the ghost was funny.

Anonymous said...

I love Sauli smiling in this pic, he is so adorable! I see no one has identified the woman in the pic. I thought Glamberts know every one:D!

Anonymous said...

1:07 PM

I also think they nowadays are "friends and benefits", but hardly nothing more.

Anonymous said...

Halveron's art is a study in symbolism, and is not in any way abstract...whoever thinks otherwise has no knowledge of art and its many forms.

Anonymous said...

Sauli and friends could have driven Adam nuts with the language barrier. That would be tiring.

Sauli being the fitness buff, juicing, running, I know we say Adam doing the same, but
you know Adam he Does Not like to be told what to do.

He could have gotten tired of the whole package in such close quartes. Well he did actually.
Course ran, says it all.

Anonymous said...

Well, symbolism is a form of abstraction, so you have partially agreed to your own narrowed-down concept of symbolism in your own narrow mind. Having said that, I described Haveron's art as both abstract and visual; meaning some of these abstract symbols are also concrete like Adam's key tattoo which appears concrete yet holds symbolic/abstract perceptions. Yes, I did a 1-year art course, with assigments; not to presume that's a lot, because art is so vast and deep. Open the window of your mind a bit wider. Art or anything for that matter can be defined in varied ways keeping its essence at the core. Always waiting for that morsel from my table; there you go, run along...


Anonymous said...

Adams and Saulis relationship can be anything between couple to friends.
Its impossible to know how much they spend time together or perhaps even live together.
That part of what we see in the public eye,it is only a moment in their lives.
And thats fine.
It leaves so much room for speculation.
And it makes this life so fun,as long as the opinion does not offend anyone.
As a reader .i dont like ugly or offensive comments.
We are so lucky to have Adam and Sauli in our lifes.Or if you like just another,you are entitled to your opinion,but you can do it perhaps little bit sensitivity.
Peace and love!

Anonymous said...

There is emerging evidence that gays and lesbians are more likely to remain friends post-dissolution than their heterosexual counterparts. Researchers theorize that this is because the members of the couple share membership in an oppressed group (i.e., gays/lesbians) and there is a strong desire to maintain strong group bonds.

Harkless, L. E., & Fowers, B. J. (2005). Similarities and differences in relational boundaries among heterosexuals, gay men, and lesbians. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 29, 167-176.

Anonymous said...

You are lucky to have them in your life? Great.

Really dont know why this is causing lots of brouhaha in this site/ fandom.
If you believe that adam and sauli broke up and are good friends( thats what i believe) great!
If you believe that they are soulmates and they will def. Reconcile; great! It happens.
If you believe they are dating but are pretending not to, great!
But one of the above option is true, and nothing( insults, illusion, fantasizing, catty comments) will change it.
The truth is the truth.
Enough said.

Anonymous said...

8:32pm Thankey you told what I was feeling :).

8:54pm Thanks for your info, when you think about it it makes good sense.

11:37pm, I agree we are lucky fans but that seems to be forgotten at times..many times. That could be said again another time also, good points :)))

It´s fun to share a good topic together with fans and to read nice comments or info. I do appreciate those people the most who contribute with nice posts and post the civil way.
About topic, interesting people, thanks admin:D.

Anonymous said...

It's true that when Adam told they they had a break-up Sauli was behaving guite happily but it's known that they separated earlier. Just didn't want to announce it then

Anonymous said...

They are both fabulous in pics Adam and Sauli, there is no bad pic of those guys, not that I know of, both looking happy, smiling and carefree.
That maybe the image they want to give their loving and caring fans, which is admirable from both of them. But to insinuate either one of them is happier or more sad based on pics is just guessing, yours is as good as mine.
I think they are both professionals at what they do for a living, which is entertaining and giving positive energy to others around them, lucky us:)

Anonymous said...

"Always waiting for that morsel from my table; there you go, run along..."

How condescending.

Anonymous said...

Hey stalker MFG / LaurieLovesAdam / who quote Hitler...comparing your foul language you spew at me, this is barely sufficient to be condescending.


Anonymous said...

1:29am OT-Maybe you mean the pics that were on his instagram that time?
I remember them well, they were from his own show Saulin Paras Kaveri. A lot of them and they were all happy pics from the show. I remember thinking he was a true professional at work but I know also he was really exchausted till the end by the way he spoke in the vids about it. The show did well here. Only it was shown the same time as the DOI.

Anonymous said...

Adam's and Sauli's McQueen scarves are two different black/grey skull scarves. Adam's has smaller pattern skull shapes. Check out the links below to compare:

Anonymous said...

There is still high possibility both scarves belonged to Adam and so he gave one to Sauli who loved it. Well then, this might well be the reason Sauli wore it to remind Adam of their time together. In Chinese folklore, there is this idea of the yin-yang jade; the man is in possession of a piece of jade identical to the one a woman has or could also be the other half of a jade...and they find each other, say in a love story or a case of a long-lost arranged marriage; or mother/child etc. This calls to mind the phrase, one's other half / spouse. Jade denotes eternity; like what Sauli says: love is forever. Well I'd just call the two scarves by the same term...yin-yang scarves to reminisce the Adam/Sauli love saga. So romantic lwl! By the way; yin/female yang/male. And I remember some 2+ years ago, I remarked Adam/Sauli are both yin-yang individually and together, they're double yin-yang...Mmm might that have been conflicting, just hypothesising, I'm no ying-yang sifu. lwl! So I'd entitle this mystery, the 'yin-yang skull-scarves'. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Their love is dead and voodoo was the party theme. That's why the skulls.

Anonymous said...

Part 2 of yin-yang skull scarves...

Perhaps many years down the road, Adam and Sauli attend a function without knowing each other will be there. And lo and behold their yin-yang skull scarves which they happened to wear...caught each other's eye and with another tap on the shoulder and a twinkle of the eye, the Adam/Sauli saga revives. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Yin yang skull scarves
Each has one half
The total gestalt of two
So why don't we just leave
That to both of you
To do what you want to do lol!
Sometimes freedom of time and space
Will clear the air
Perhaps a new dawn, a new phase
And before you know it
Love once again kicks in, raves
Adam with Sauli or...a new face
Pure love is always giving, less taking
Well, spectators...are you ready
For the next extravaganza race... lol!


Anonymous said...

Whoa! special time/space combination number!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-my! A lovely beautiful jade connection of love. Thankey, I like the idea in my heart, especially, when I feel such a strong feeling of something holy and dear to me, it´s easy to connect it with different ancient time old rocks,jewels from deep inside the earth, They say Finnish rock is really old:). I´m no expert on that. Lasting friendship is evidence of something ongoing, what? I don´t know:D. Thankey for your thoughts Lam-my and for your good vision with the numerology too. I think you are just on point with Adam and Sauli, they both have a lot to give to people around them and maybe still to each other too. I have been thinking about this a lot lately, funny that you said it now.
A good day ahead again, have a nice one too Lam-my.:))Kindred

Anonymous said...

Yea I know you like earthly and celestial things like sunbeams, mountain, forest. Finland is really ancient, like Viking era and like you say full of old rocks, hope your country strikes gold...lwl! Kiitos paljon.


Anonymous said...

Still no 1 :)