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Old Look and New Look

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 15, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, February 15, 2014


Anonymous said...

Oh yes I agree with this 100 per cent...he is amazing and looks beautiful no matter what...btw never cared for facial hair before but Adam's I find so incredibly sexy

Anonymous said...

Both pictures are gorgeous. Love old and new Adam Lambert looks. He's still the same genuine guy we fell in love with on American Idol.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....both photos are wonderful. Observing from my viewpoint, I see the boy and the man, equally a treat.

Anonymous said...

Looks much better now

Anonymous said...

Freaking GORGEOUS inside and out!!! Love this man forever!
Such a rare soul who has GOT IT ALL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love his ever changing looks and his beautiful transformation! Sexy is sexy....

Anonymous said...

Adam look much better now. But his nose is crooked now because of this nose ring :(

Anonymous said...

3:28 then he better pierce the other side too to straighten it out.

Anonymous said...

Typo, meant 3:18.

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with either look. He looks amazing in both!!

Anonymous said...

I prefer the 1st look. Melvin is so gross. He looks like a cheesy 80s porn guy with that stache

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so hot with a beard. Hope he has it for a long time. So happy we will be seeing Adam with it on Glee soon.

Anonymous said...

Love the second pic best. He looked amazing. Facial hair is beautiful on him. I hope beyond hope that he gets rid of the adornment on his face and end the tats. So handsome. No reason to cover, mar or pierce.

Anonymous said...

Good thing Elliot Starchild Gilbert has no ugly facial hair. Love that character! Adam is so perfect in that role. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

It's Adam's body and Adam's choice. The constant complaining isn't going to change things. If you don't like it move along.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree it's Adam's body and if he wants to grow facial hair, get piercings or get tattoos we should all love and accept him 100%

Anonymous said...

4:12, Elliott does have a sexy beard in last pic Adam tweeted of him and Chris from the Glee set.

Anonymous said...

Can't stand that nose ring. Makes him look like a teenager

Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm gonna go get me a nose ring. I wanna look like a teenager too!!

Anonymous said...

Can't stand complaining fans.

Anonymous said...

Teenager? I'd better get 2 nose rings at my age.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam has wanted a nose ring all his life and the time has never been right until now. Good for you, Adam Honey!

Anonymous said...

His looks aren't ever changing. He's had this same look for an w-h-i-l-e...not a fan of the look now,but I am sure he is still funny,and kind and creative. this look is now is not youthful (which he is)right?

Anonymous said...

Adam is always such a kind person and promotes acceptance yet his own fans can't treat Adam that way. Very sad.

Anonymous said...

4:46 and the rest of you complainers!
YOU sound like teenagers!!! Mature women, bah!

Anonymous said...

Adam's look is totally on trend among young people. The very short on the side, longer on top hair cut and some kind of facial hair is very common among stylish young men.

CT said...

Yes, Adam is very much in the trendy style now with shaved sides and longer hair on top, plus the facial hair. Here in L.A. I see it everywhere. In fact, I hardly see any men without facial hair.

I love both pics and both looks. I've gotten used to the nose ring now and all the tats. After all, it's still our beautiful Adam. His gorgeous features won't change no matter how he accessorizes his face.


CT said...

Yes, Adam is very much in the trendy style now with shaved sides and longer hair on top, plus the facial hair. Here in L.A. I see it everywhere. In fact, I hardly see any men without facial hair.

I love both pics and both looks. I've gotten used to the nose ring now and all the tats. After all, it's still our beautiful Adam. His gorgeous features won't change no matter how he accessorizes his face.


CT said...

Oops, sorry for the double post.


Anonymous said...

I went to a party for Valentine's Day last night. Literally almost all guys had facial hair. Do you guys watch Winter Olympic? Most male alphine skiers and hockey players have facial hair. It's a current trend. You better get use to it.

I adore Adam's current look. He is gorgeous and hot.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and everything about him.
But what I love the most is his being an amazing human being, genuine and authentic, nothing phony.
To top it all, so so HUMBLE, no arrogance at all.

Anonymous said...

I love this thread; Adam is so fortunate to have such great fans; many young and many more mature. Some selfish and want Adam to look the way they want him to look. I bet those same people would scream their head off if their parents or children told them they looked awful with their current appearance. Be that as it may; I think Adam is absolutely drop dead gorgeous.

I have to say though; you guys have the greatest sense of humor about these nose rings in the upper posts; laughing my head off. Think I will get a few on my nose too, if they make you look so young. Thanks for the laughs; all so funny!!!

Anonymous said...

@3:18 PM

Adam has a crooked nose???
Ha, ha, ha!

Time to see the Eye Doctor!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the humor. Even though we may disagree on the nose ring and hair, at least the thread is still respectful.

Anonymous said...

How in the world can Adam Lambert not be people magazines most beautiful? They are either blind; or have not seen him yet? No contest compared to any others they have displayed! In my humble opinion; Adam M. Lambert wins, hands down!!

Anonymous said...

@7:30 PM

I agree; and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. We can all disagree without being meanly disagreeable.

Your post is very gracious! We are all here for the wonderful Adam M. Lambert!

Anonymous said...

@4:01 PM

Who is Melvin? Also, why are you talking about him and porn stars on Adam Lambert's fan site?

Sorry if I am responding to a troll, but just curious!

Anonymous said...

Adam is just as fine as he should want to be; if he was any finer; my heart couldn't take it!! Love this beautiful man. Beautiful inside and out.

Anonymous said...

I think the nose ring is cool , why people think it's worse than tattoos ?

Anonymous said...

Pearl clutching

The loss of novelty isn’t the only problem with the phrase. While the mental image is amusing, the use of the phrase has degenerated into accusatory shorthand, particularly in blog comments. People—particularly women—lob the charge at one another to accuse them of not being liberal, or feminist, or open-minded enough; not infrequently, it prompts tedious semantic debates about whether something is “pearl clutching” or a legitimate concern.

We are such a bitchy bunch.

Anonymous said...

Oh no; and I thought everything was going so smoothly for awhile; what happened?

Anonymous said...

Pearl clutching

The loss of novelty isn’t the only problem with the phrase. While the mental image is amusing, the use of the phrase has degenerated into accusatory shorthand, particularly in blog comments. People—particularly women—lob the charge at one another to accuse them of not being liberal, or feminist, or open-minded enough; not infrequently, it prompts tedious semantic debates about whether something is “pearl clutching” or a legitimate concern.

We are such a bitchy bunch.

Anonymous said...

Melvin is our name for Adam's facial hair.

Anonymous said...

Well hell's bells; let's get back to admiring our worldwide superstar with the one in a million voice; and that smile that will light up Times Square, a face that will make a blind man see; and eyes that are more beautiful than the brightest diamonds; what more can we ask for; he even has a heart of gold. That's all we need to get by!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know Adam is in stlye now but he is the one that said he likes to be different than other people.Adam even said that on Oprah he doesn't like to follow other peoples style.Thats what I love about him he is not typical, plus his voice and good looks also love his personality but I hope he does stay different in style.

Anonymous said...

A few people used to call Adam's
beard Melvin when he had the thick black beard quite a few years back. I hardly hear anyone use that phrase anymore, kind of "so yesterday".

This beautiful facial hair that Adam is donning today is simply "Adam the beautiful". But, to each their own!! Whatever floats a person's boat.

My friend started calling her husband's beard Jake the snake, because she did not like it; his name is Tom; so he started calling her hair style Matilda; she got mad, so they dropped the nick names. Reminded me of people naming Adam's beard years ago.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert looks fabulous no matter what style he chooses.
A man is not copying anyone just because he has a beard, or is clean shaven. Just like a woman is not copying anyone if she decides to wear short hair or long hair.

Change is good if that is how a person feels at the time; Adam is always changing; he does not care what anyone says or things about his looks; or how many silly childish names people waste their time giving his looks, and we all know that by now; or we should!

The man is just gorgeous no matter what! Color me mesmerized!!

Anonymous said...

Both pictures are gorgeous; but I love the look that Adam is sporting today. I is so, so sexy.
No words to express the eyes. More beautiful than the stars in the sky. He just so fine looking.

Sometimes it is really hard to find the words to express how wonderful this man is. Everyone who meets him seem to be so impressed by him. So proud to be a fan of his.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday and Adam on Idol; can't wait, also Wednesday and I am hoping for Thursday. Hope he is asked to perform. Also, Chris Daughtry. Would be nice if they could perform on results night. The mentor's used to perform on that night. I know when Adam mentored before he entertained also. But, who knows we shall see. Will keep fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....Anthropomorphism is not uncommon....assigning names to inanimate objects or body parts. I have done it all my life. My dolls, cars, bikes, hairdos, even my 'pillows' are Thelma and Louise.

So I didn't find it strange that Adam's first stache and beard was named....but I didn't think of it as a Melvin.
I called it Don Diego, which seemed more appropriate for the dark, naughty, haughty Spanish Grandee look of it.
I call his present foliage Gable.....for the obvious reason that several black and white photos of Adam with a wicked scowl or grin have greatly resembled the long gone Clark Gable......

Anonymous said...

Both of these looks are great, but I like the look in between...clean shaven and the hair a bit longer. No matter the look, Adam is still gorgeous, handsome and so sexy. He has it all: looks, talent, intelligence and a charismatic personality. I am just mesmerized by him.

Anonymous said...


Thelma and Louise is funny, I just call my pillows "the girls".

Anonymous said...

Same hairstyle same facial hair everywhere - same same is boring.