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New Old Elliott picture!

Filed Under (, ) by Adam Lambert on Saturday, March 22, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, March 22, 2014


leilani aloha said...

So cute & youthful looking Adam with the fringe!!!
Excited to watch Adam on Glee one more time & hopefully more to come!!! Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Gilbert you will be missed.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture. Is that smiling woman Lea Michelle?

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so cute and wistful!

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Elliot gets to come back now and then. Please!

Anonymous said...

BB looks so cute. I think that is Lea; she looks a little different.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a born comedian. With the voice of an archangel.

Anonymous said...

Adam brings so much to Glee; I hope he can keep coming on if and when time permits. Darren Criss of Glee, said that he hopes so too.

I don't want to miss any Adam episodes. After he leaves; that will probably be it for me, until he returns. Although, I will give it a try the week after he leaves and see how I feel; it will be hard without him. Oh my!

Anonymous said...

Not Lea.

glitzylady said...

No that's not Lea Michele. I saw this pic earlier today. I don't remember the name of the woman pictured with Adam but she was exited to be on GLEE with Adam :) Of course!!!

Anonymous said...

It's obviously not lea, it was an extra. Do you people have eyes?

Anonymous said...

Great picture! Love that look! Lucky girl.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Haha sauli was seen at the Helsinki airport yesterday around noon so I guess he is having a nice long weekend.

Anonymous said...

why r u asking about him here ?

Anonymous said...

Adam is also in Stockholm (Sweden). Is it a coincidence or not?

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, here we go.

Anne Marie said...

So that's why Adam got his hair cut, He is going to have a nice visit from his FF Sauli I thought this would happen. No way a coincidence. I thought they would meet somewhere. Maybe celebrate Sauli's birthday a little early. This put a smile on my face. At least no one is going to say who is this guy. Hope they have a nice long weekend together. Sauli probably thought he could go un-recognized, not any more.

Anonymous said...

Sauli has been MIA for several days. He was posting almost every day in Finland, then suddenly nothing, until this picture. Don't know when it was actually taken. Scroll on by, if you are not a Sauli fan.

Anonymous said...

11:57, post your proof of a tweet or pic that proves it or I don't believe you.

Anonymous said...

It's on his IG, that he posted. He says Stockholm. It's enough for me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

1:08 or I have a better idea why don't you Finnish ladies get off your fat asses and get a blog started for Sauli.You have been fucking around on this site for a few days now , bunch of overbearing hags.

Anonymous said...

Adam liked the picture too. Haha

Anonymous said...

love it Adam and Sauli seeing each other in Stockholm

Anonymous said...

I love it too. This site is about Adam, and what he is doing. This is what he is doing, he is with his FF Sauli, and that makes me happy for Adam and Sauli. Love that Adam liked the picture, I know he likes a lot of pictures, but this is special.

Anonymous said...

1:21 good you can talk about Adam all you want on your site too.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli meeting up in Stockholm? That makes me really happy. They were such a cute couple and it's cool that they moved past their break-up. No, I am not a Finnish Sauli fan but I find him cute.

Anonymous said...

1 16
Omg You seem to have some sort of resentment honey. Lmao

Anonymous said...

Adam looks catatonic in this picture. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam with Sauli now. So happy they are back together :)

Anonymous said...

11:36 AM To bad you have no manners.

Anonymous said...

@11:36 AM

Do you know how to be less rude? It may be obvious to you; but, evidently not to some. None of your business anyway. Does not concern you! Why so nasty to other posters. Please learn some manners!

You are very unbefitting of an Adam Lambert fan!!

Anonymous said...

@1:58 PM

Ha, ha you are too cute for words.
I understand; the breakup was hard on a lot of people. But, you will have to accept the reality of the situation sooner or later.

Adam and Sauli said that they are still very good friends; so that is a very good thing; should make it a little easier to accept. Also, they both seem to be doing just fine.

Anonymous said...

the pots are calling out the kettles now, this site is a riot.

Anonymous said...

11:16 AM, here is a link to the source of the pic. She is an extra named Haylee.

‏@AdamLambertHelp · 2h
Adam Lambert #Glee - New Photo via Divina Dancewear FB …

Divina Dancewear
It's been quite a week for Haylee! Today she is going to be on Glee! Please show your support by LIKING this post!!

Here she is with the incredible Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

1:21pm & other Sauli Fans,

With all due respect; aren't you on the wrong site and way off topic; I don't see such an instagram on the blog site today. Also, if there were; Adam likes lots of instagram pictures; both men and women. Also, pictures of his exes from time to time. You really must learn to let go.

You might be embarrassing Sauli and yourselves; and he is such a nice young man, he does not deserve this. Respect his wishes if you are a fan of his. He said that he and Adam are good friends; leave it at that. He would probably inform his fans if his situation changed.

Anonymous said...

The picture of Adam looks strange to me. Looks like he's exhausted ??? Not one of his usual poses. I'm happy for the lucky Glee girl though. She looks ecstatic!


Anonymous said...

@2:14 PM

Yes, and snow is calling out the cotton, yes it is that, what you said!

Thread just went haywire all of a sudden; out of nowhere. The strange thing is; there is not even an instagram. Just stuff pulled out of thin air and called fact. Will wonders ever cease???

Anonymous said...


Are you in the pot or kettle family? Must be one, you seem to know so much about them.

Anonymous said...

CT/2:28 PM

He looks very handsome, and serious. I agree he does look a little tired. Must have been a long, long day on Glee. He said the days usually are; sometimes sixteen hours.

Anonymous said...

at 2:27 PM

But it is ok to post anything one comes up with whenever there's a Sauli thread, right?

This site is so unlike any other Adam site I've been to. Sauli mentions are simply not tolerated, end of.

Anonymous said...

2 34
You can't see the picture of sauli in stockholm? I bet you also thought the girl was lea Michelle. Haha #blindasabat

Anonymous said...

@1:49 PM

I think he just looks very sleepy and tired after a long day on Glee.

Catatonic is quite a strange extreme medical term to use. Adam does not look anywhere close to that unfortunate medical condition.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks adorable as always with a new fan! Try to imagine how many smiles Adam must have for the camera. I would be thrilled to have this picture with Adam!

Anonymous said...


I bet you think you are making sense; and that someone believes you. Attempting to insult posters that did not know who Lea was, is quite stupid. Some people may not be able to watch Glee where they live; or whatever.

So you are not so smart after all! Ha, ha. #notsmartafterall

Anonymous said...

holy shit. Chestbert is paying a visit:)

Anonymous said...

So Sauli went to Stockholm for an early birthday celebration? Hope he gets a really special birthday present from Adam.

Anonymous said...

nancdruuu2 @2:52 PM

I agree he looks very handsome. Even if tired. We are just so used to seeing him smile. The man is just handsome. I would love to have this picture with him! He is so sweet to fans, always willing to take a picture, or sign things for them. No wonder he is so loved.

Anonymous said...

the kettles are blowing on the stove now. SK still sniffing tail feathers?

Anonymous said...

It's a picture, a brief moment, a nano second, not a way of life.

Anonymous said...


You still hanging around trying to convince people. Stop embarrassing yourself. Time to give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam looks like a baby in this picture! Or babe ... both work. ha.

1:16pm...Yikes! A little harsh, aren't we?
There's a lot of love for Sauli here because Adam loved Sauli and we're happy they are still so close. Sauli is a quality guy! It brings everyone down to read such rude posts as yours. We can be kinder here and still get our point across, can't we?

xo laura

Anonymous said...

3:11 pm

I will take that gorgeous nano second with pleasure; the man is so handsome. He can gaze into my eyes like that anytime!

Anonymous said...

at 3:11 PM

Actually, that may have been the other way round.

Anonymous said...

3 07
Yes I hope adam takes sauli out someplace special. I mean he definitely should get paid for long distance booty calls.

Anonymous said...

3:11 PM #1

You are a crass piece work; and I go out on a limb and say a total embarrassment to Sauli and his true fans; but if for some strange reason
you are a so called fan of Adams; you should be totally ashamed of yourself, here on Adam's fan site.

Both of these men deserve better!!

Anonymous said...


Your sex life must be very wanting;
you sound like a real pervert. You should seek help.

Anonymous said...

Probably to celebrate Sauli's birthday. Friends do that, especially close friends. I expect Sauli will spend a couple of nights with Adam too. So what, they can do what ever makes them happy. This site is for Adam, which is why it is OK to talk about his close friends. What you call a "booty call", isn't one sided, usually two people are involved, and two people are happy. I love the Ig pic.

Anonymous said...

I singled out 1:16pm for her prickly post, but it seems she has company.

Please take a second before falling into the trap of being bitchy when commenting. I'm not talking about the "trolls". They're easy to spot. I'm talking about fans that take things way too seriously. Come on ... This is supposed to be fun and interesting! Bickering is neither. We can do better!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I hope the Administration sees some of these outrageous posts. This might be the same ridiculous lewd person she removed on an earlier thread.

Anonymous said...


If that male or female person is not you that you are responding to; please do not encourage the behavior.

Anonymous said...

3 27
You sound at least 80 years old.

Anonymous said...

3:35pm here

My post is for 3:31pm #1

Anonymous said...

@3:35 Post #2

How smart are you; got one of the numbers right. 18, not 80; would be proud to live that long. More time to enjoy Adam. I hope you don't have anything against the older and probably wiser fans. You must be a child; Your parents should lock your computer down!!

Anonymous said...

OT-the pic of Sauli in his IG is classy in Stockholm, I´m sooo happy about it. That brought me a big smile:))! Hope he sees Adam there!:D

Anonymous said...

@3:48 PM

Now your post is properly posted; and intelligent. If people are interested enough; they will take you as creditable enough to pursue information on their own.

Anonymous said...

4:09pm Thankey:D!

Anonymous said...


I saw the picture of Sauli; he does look very handsome. It would be nice if these two friends do get together while he is there. They will probably be very happy to see each other. Adam probably already knew that Sauli was coming. It would be strange if he had not been informed!!

Anonymous said...

So glad they keep their personal life personal!

Anonymous said...

Stockholm is so near Helsinki that I would find it odd if they don't see each other as friends.

Anonymous said...

Are we sure that Adam is still in Stockholm?

Anonymous said...

4:38pm Yes, It was fun to read enthusiastic posts on Sauli´s IG about Sauli possibly seeing Adam while in Sweden:).

Anonymous said...

Old picture of Sauli

Anonymous said...


YAY for Adam and Sauli to meet in Stockholm!!!

Didn't I predict this could happen (a few days ago in an older thread)...When traveling and staying in a foreign country a longer time (however a nice place) you long for a familiar face, a friend you know from before... Meeting new people every day, being the kind person Adam is, must be also tiring... So I'm hoping for a nice relaxed rendezvouz for these two lovely guys and perhaps an early celebration of Sauli's birthday!

Troll and troublemakers excluded, WHY be upset about their friendship or people posting about Sauli here, especially when Sauli & Stockholm are clearly Adam related topics?!?

Anonymous said...

3 43
Lmao no way in hell

Anonymous said...

@1:16 #1
What an awful post, shame shame on you who/what ever you are!

Anonymous said...

I posted at 12:40. I just had a feeling.


Anonymous said...

First time I see this face on Adam. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

I posted this just to say I didn't bother to read nor scroll as soon as I read the name of Sauli, not that I don't like him. Just don't care for non-sense.

Anonymous said...

Very few comments about this pic. Fighting and flinging abuse at each other here seems to be the new black.

This pic is great. :-)

Anonymous said...

OT-I always enjoy to hear about Sauli, it is very much Adam related, To me Sauli´s name does affect only in a positive way, because of the good person in question. There is nastiness on every thread, if I would
decide to scroll every thread after the first peculiar post I would miss all the nice people here, which IMO still are the majority and cool here and the reason I often visit on this wonderful blog.:))

Maybe just a few comments about the topic this time, a smiling pic gets always more admiration. I think Adam is always good looking, maybe on this one just a bit tired of the long day. But still kinda sweet:D!

Anonymous said...

DRG 7:28pm, I like a little bit of action here sometimes in a sudden way with a topic change(OT):). I appreciate also a few commenters stating their minds about the most rude posts, not back attacking but telling their opininion.Not a dull moment on this blog:)))!

Anonymous said...

@xo laura 3:13 & 3:31 #2

Great posts, Laura!
Wish there were more people like you here, always upbeat & fun, appreciative, friendly and 'clear headed' (lol, I mean this in the best possible, lovin way)!

Anonymous said...

Yes there was laura in a big way and also anon @6:17pm, maybe a few others too, who put their own effort in a much appreciated way,thankey:D.
