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Adam Lambert updated new tweet!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, April 08, 2014


Anonymous said...

incredible performance! :)

Anonymous said...

Hardly did we know, S8 could never be replicated, to date. This is the best Top 4 of all much energy, angst and the judges themselves added to this milieu of AI excitement, naturally. S8 will be remembered as the best AI season. Gokey's Dream On shocked everyone, me included; lwl! Now looking back, I think he wanted to try an Adam rock scream; very brave indeed, very sporting. I think without Adam on S8, it would have been less of a standout season. Somehow, the others stepped up and wanted to give Adam a run for the money. For Allison, a 17-year-old, back then, to be able to contain veteran Adam, was quite remarkable.


Anonymous said...

Allison is an amazing artist in her own right.

Kris, Danny & Matt G. were, are, wonderful singers as well. Many of the top 10 were truly gifted. Putting aside the genius of Adam for a moment, I truly believe it was one of the strongest fields, as a whole, ever in AI history, even excluding Adam :).

Anonymous said...

S8 was one of Idol's top seasons, if not THE top season. Even the judges could feel it. It was just special. Adam was so dominant, in a good way. He just topped anything every other contestant tried to do. Yes, they were all talented in their own way, but nobody has ever topped Adam on that show. Nobody. Since S8, the wind has pretty much gone out of Idol's sails. Of course, there are good singers every season. But Adam left an indelible mark on the show. No one has come close. He's a gift.


Anonymous said...

Adam and Allison killed that duet. Allison held her own so well with Adam. You could feel the chemistry between them. You could just imagine the judges' jaws dropping!


Anonymous said...

Season 8 was one of the top Idol seasons, if not the best. The top 4 had something special with Adam just killing all the songs he performed esp, the duet with Allison. I couldn't wait to see him each week and it was the only time I ever voted for a contestant in all the years I have watched Idol. The group this season is just lackluster, missing any kind of stage presence and I really have no interest who wins this time around. The finale with Adam and Queen was probably the best finale for any of the Idol seasons and has not been matched since then. I often find myself comparing some of the contestants in the past to Adam and there just is no comparison to his vocal ability. He is one of a kind and no one will come close to the impact he had on me and all the other loyal fans who have followed his career since then.

Anonymous said...

6:20, Amen, amen, amen.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god Adam, you are amazing. Allison did great also.

Anonymous said...

Love how Adam aways gives recognition
to others.

Anonymous said...

miss that Adam. All processed now to make money(important). Alison was great in that duet,but always wonder if they will ever duet. She has a raspy great rock voice.

Anonymous said...

Correct Season 8 was just the best ever! The Idol tour was (ahem) soooo worth going to for that group.

Anonymous said...

Adam just made season eight the best season ever of Idol. Sorry but it was the best season ever because of Adam. Only one to get a major magazine cover while still on idol. They stated Adam single handedly saved Idol that year. He killed every song and his stage dominance was crazy good he stood out for excellence. He as amazing on the show you take him out and it would have been just another average idol show not the best of 13 seasons to date. Yes there was good talent on the show but to say it would have had the same excellence it had without Adam no I sure do not think so in fact I know it would not have. Adam made the show and worked beautifully with Alison the only one to hold her own with Adam. She was very good. Season eight the best year to date he killed it. There was good talent but Adam certainly stood out above all.

Anonymous said...

Best Idol season is AI8 only because of Adam and others tried to step up to measure up and that I acknowledge and appreciate.
I would take Matt Giraud over Gokey who I dislike. Matt is somehow underrated but he gives standout performances as I remember.
Allison is also good with that raspy voice. She is now with Ricky Minor's band on Idol as backup singer.

carol w/grandkids said...

I still watch idol kids have good voice but still boring David Cook on last nite was a mentor was good. I still compare them to Adam glambert forever

Anonymous said...

Fist of all, I love Allison, sweet, talented and adorable! That being said, Adam has/had it all! Looks, talent, charm, intelligence, humor, sexiness, stage presence, charisma, wit humility, and the IT factor! When I watch Season 8, it often seemed like Adam was running the show because he never seemed to be a contestant. He was just that good, but so humble!
Remember the Ford commercials and group songs and dances - my favs!
Ahhh memories!......nancdruuu2