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Adam Lambert liked 2 on Instagram!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, May 31, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, May 31, 2014


Anonymous said...

Jeffree is gorgeous :)

Anonymous said...

Jeffree's Insta vid has ~5-6000 more 'Likes' than Adam's fabulous Queenbert Elmo jacket pic!
Go figure...

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey is gorgeous? not in my book with all that clown make up on. I don't like a lot of make up on anyone. Sorry not sorry.

Anonymous said...

Was surprised to find out he has more than 20 000 likes on almost all his pics, did not know he has that many followers on Instagram... or in general.

Adam has about 20-25 000 Instagram likes... only.... Maybe Glamberts are not in to Instagram and/or Twitter so much... Maybe Adam should be more active posting pics on Instagram? Are you listening, BB??? :)))

Anonymous said...

Adam is fine; just the way he is; he is not in Instagram competition wilth anyone. Can they sing their face off? Are they touring with the One and only Queen? Do they have the most loyal fan base in the world on their side, Glamberts anyone??

Numbers alone mean nothing; without the love and devotion behind them! Not saying that is not the case here; but, just saying!! At any case; good for the young man; people like to look at different looking beautiful people!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, you can't believe all the twitter followers listed anymore on the webb; since it has been found out about people buying and selling twitter followers; they even listed some artists names; thank goodness Adam was not one of them. Don't no about Instagram; but, none of it matters anyway. Apples and oranges; Adam can't be compared to anyone. Adam is unique! So comparing Adam to this man or any other in terms of something like hits on the internet is ridculous.

Adam is busy preparing to tour with Queen. Then probably putting his third album out; and decorating his beautiful new 3 million dollar home!

Anonymous said...

I think Twitter, IG success is not fully comparable to professional success. Unless your the product. Not all succesful artists are active on twitter or IG.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ms. Kesha making an appearance in his likes on instagram. doesn't surprise me one bit. he sure does like sniffin in her kittlebits.

Anonymous said...

@Admin fan, please delete the idiotic post @9:23.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:24 should be deleted for their idiotic existence.

Anonymous said...

SU (translate)