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Adam Lambert Makes Fur Entrance at 'We Will Rock You' Show!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, May 31, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, May 31, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam looks great!!love his hair now,too!Is it that cold in England now to need a jacket w/a fur collar?It's nice,but I was just wondering.I imagine the UK is much cooler @ night than here on the NC coast in the USA.BB looks like he had a good time!Good for him.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous man to stare at!!:)

Love the attire he!he!


Anonymous said...

Adam is looking mighty fine! Hope they do finish the tour in the UK, maybe even London. Adam picks up new fans everywhere he goes.


Anonymous said...

I checked on the link and noted in the comments that there were several comments about Adam wearing fur -- whether it's real or fake. I'm guessing it's fake, as I don't think Adam would wear real fur. Poor guy, he'll probably receive all sorts of tweets about this too. And, by the way, I think he looks fantastic and love his hair a bit longer.

Magiclady said...

Love the longer and darker hair with the blond on top. Sexy boy!

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't care what people think!!:) He is a tough cookie:) Ignorant people always think the negative and so be it!! Fake or not it's not the end of the world:)

Live life!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Adam looks so gorgeous here! I posted before( 1st post) I don't care if BB'S jacket has real or fake fur.I was wondering if the UK was so much colder,esp at night, than most places in the US.The jacket is the same one he wore when he went someplace in Europe a couple of years ago( to some kind of festival,I think)I remember it well.He's probably had that jacket for many years.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so gorgeous here! I posted before( 1st post) I don't care if BB'S jacket has real or fake fur.I was wondering if the UK was so much colder,esp at night, than most places in the US.The jacket is the same one he wore when he went someplace in Europe a couple of years ago( to some kind of festival,I think)I remember it well.He's probably had that jacket for many years.

Anonymous said...

sorry for the double post-first time that happened to!

Anonymous said...

It was about 13 Celcius/55 Fahrenheit at night in London according to Google.

Anonymous said...

And it is + degrees, not -.

Anonymous said...

Gotta protect that golden throat from the harsh British weather!

HK fan said...

I think this fur collar is detachable, it looks like the same one he has worn on several different occasions.

Anonymous said...

I imagine animal rights' man Brian wouldn't like a real fur trimmed jacket but as Adam once said about wearing fur, "I didn't kill it"!!!

Anonymous said...

9:28, it does matter to a lot of people and being anti-fur does not make you ignorant. You are being very rude.

I am another hoping the fur is a fake. Fake furs are so good these days there is no need to buy real fur.

Anonymous said...

No yelling at me but I still wish he would get rid of the fur on his perfect face. He would be even more gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam does look great, but a fur collar on a jacket in May? I don't think it is that cold in London. Whether it is real or fake, well, that's another issue. I also like his hair a bit longer as we see it. So glad Adam had the chance to see the last show of We will Rock You. Has it ever played here on the Broadway stage? I really don't know. I laughed at the comment about Adam getting "rid of the fur on his perfect face". That was priceless!

Anonymous said...

It was a little chilly in London last night. It wasn't a full fur coat or a coat you would wear in a blizzard so what it with the complaints? It was just some stylish trim on a lightweight jacket.

I can't get over how critical Adam's fans are.

Anonymous said...

Coming from LA's heat to London's humid, not so warm weather (+13- +16°C at night) I think Adam would be very wise to wear something around his throat. Forecast for Tue-Wed-Thu promises rain...
Please, Adam, protect your health and those precious pipes of yours!

Anonymous said...

I guess this site wouldn't be the same with at least one or two critical comments about Adam and his "fur entrance" at the show. But that aside, Adam does look very handsome here. His hair does seem to be a bit longer and there is just something so sexy about him that "rocks" me. He seems to be enjoying himself in London before they get into serious rehearsals for the summer concert shows.

Anonymous said...

I hate that fur jacket!!! I really hope it's not real. Shame on Adam or anyone that has an animal tortured for the sake of vanity! Sorry. my opinion- Still love Adam though

Anonymous said...

Not a fur jacket. Just a collar.
Maybe it's an old thing he got second hand and maybe it's fake? Ain't nothing you can do about it here, so let it go already, please.