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Adam Lambert new tweet!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, May 22, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, May 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

Refresh or F5 between views,replay doesn't count as a view.

Anonymous said...

Where is the person who complains about Adam not pimping his own music?

Anonymous said...

Viewed and left a comment. I tried to not go overboard on the lead vocals ha...ha.

Anonymous said...

at 10:46 AM

Avicii made it pretty clear that it isn't Adam's.

Anonymous said...

12:36 so who sings LMD and has co-writing credit?

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't spend any money. On this song but made some money so how can anyone complain.

Anonymous said...

Adam may have been at this concert if it was filmed in Sweden. His Ig of the concert he was at in Sweden shows the same background with the horse. They could use the same graphics a lot of places tho.

Anonymous said...

Love LMD, it stands out from the rest of the True tunes - and it's all because of Adam's vocals and Nile's guitar playing, the special touch of two extraordinary talented and gracious human beings.

However, this vevo vid leaves me cold. Nothing in it tells that the footage has anything to do with LMD, it could be whichever song from whatever Avicii concert. Disappointed! So many talented fans could have made a much better video and I don't necessarily mean that Adam and Nile would be on the vid... This song deserves more! At least something other than the audience jumping and hand is full of similar vids!

Anonymous said...

Retweeted Adam's tweet.
I know it's Avicii's song but it would've been wonderful if we could've caught just a glimpse of Adam in the video clip.