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From CBS Boston: "Meet Adam Lambert's New Neighbors in Hollywood Hills West"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, May 28, 2014

 Hint: One of the "new neighbors"  mentioned in the article is THIS lovely lady with Adam on Oct. 28, 2009

Read the rest of the article here from CBS in Boston:


Anonymous said...

Wow! that's really a lot of cash!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam will be in good company with Katy Perry as one of his neighbors. She really rooted for him on Idol and they seem to be friends.

Anonymous said...

Sure it is a lot of cash, but isn't that what houses cost in that area? Adam obviously is able to afford this house or he wouldn't have bought it. Too bad he will not be able to spend time there until he completes the tour with Queen in Sept. I am sure he willhave sometime keeping an eye on the place or even living in it until he returns. Glad to see that Adam is doing so well financially and is able to buy his first house.

Anonymous said...

Oops! meant to say "someone" keeping an eye on the place in the previous statement.

Anonymous said...

Have to say it... I loved the old look featured in this pic with Katy Perry

Anonymous said...

Adam's new neighbors: Katy Perry, Kanye West, Ashton Kutcher, Matthew Perry, Ryan Phillippe, Jesse Metcalfe, and Tyler Perry.

Anonymous said...

The article said that Kanye West house is up for sale the same time that the house Adam purchased was; and that Kanya's house is still up for sale; and that he lowered the price from 3 million to 2.95 Million.

I read somewhere that the asking price for Adam's house was
3.5 Million and he was able to get it for 2.995 Million. Glad Adam was able to get the home he loved in his price range!

Katy has been a friend for a long time; and has always seemed supportive of Adam; they are also under the same management team.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam gets to stop in and visit his house when the tour is in California.

Anonymous said...

I thought he had bought a condo when he and Sauli split. I guess he must have been renting it.

Anonymous said...

Adam's home is just beautiful; and when he gets his own personal magic touch on it; the house will become a home! So happy, happy, happy for our man; he deserves all of this and more. He is such wonderful guy. When the former
homeowners belongings are gone, which probably are by now; and Adam's unique taste of decorations begin; I bet it will be very exciting for him to really put his finger prints on it; so to speak. It does not hurt that his Mother has expertise in the decorating field!

Anonymous said...

So happy for Adam! The pictures shown of Adam are gorgeous! Our Rock God is one fine man!

Anonymous said...

It's like Adam moved to PerryLand.

Anonymous said...

As Adam travels the world maybe he can find some nice pieces for his new home in the meantime I am available for house sitting. Blu

Anonymous said...

Love the pics . . damn he's hot!

Katy too . .what a rockin body!

Anonymous said...

How does a fluff piece like Hollywood neighbors get more comments than the Cooke interview mentioning new music?

Anonymous said...

It's nice to hear that Adam has bought a nice house!!:) He works so hard and it paid off!!


Anonymous said...

Hope he got insurance for wild fires.

Anonymous said...

I have couple of friends who live in Adam's neighborhood too. On Laurel Canyon close to Runyon. But I prefer beach cities Manhathan Beach, Marina Del Rey, Santa Monica, Malibu more than inland cities like Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Century City, Cheviot Hills. They are all prime high end residential locations in LA though.

Anonymous said...

Most intelligent people get insurance for whatever may occur in the areas that they live in. Natural disasters can happen in any state now days; at any given time. If the area that a person lives in has a high visability for any given disaster people are usually prepared insurance wise for that possibility. I am sure being an intelligent man; Adam will be prepared with any insurance that he may possiblity need with his home owners insurance; and hopefully he will never have to use it!

Anonymous said...

A friend of my Sister's lives in that vicinity and she loves it. She likes the views; and have been living in Hollywood Hills for a few years. There are people who don't want to live anywhere near the ocean. I guess what ever floats your boat; as that saying goes!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

5 21pm & 5 22pm

Boy you type fast; you better watch out for the Administrator!

Anonymous said...

@2:46 PM

Don't worry; once Adam moves
into the area; "PerryLand",
as you call it, will become
"Glam Nation"!

Anonymous said...

Admin, please delete 5:21 and 5:22. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Good point. Adam always wants to be known for his music.

Anonymous said...

If you look at the pic of Adam in the previous story from the raw Utah interview, then the one here and the one with Katy Perry, look how he has changed in the last five years. He went from being a very young man to a very handsome, stylish, mature individual. I liked him them esp. the voice, but I am just mesmerized by him now. He had a dream to buy a house and he did. Now after the Queen summer concert tour, he can return to his own home and settle in for a while before he decides on the next phase of his career. I am hoping it is to work on his third album and the first release from it.

Anonymous said...

Since Adam said in his interview with Byron that he has been in the studio all week working on his up coming album; there would be no reason why he would not continue working on it when the Queen tour is over; so apparently he is aready working on the next phase of his career as he has been saying for months. He has also said that he was in Sweden working on Album number 3. Don't know what else he can say to convince some fans!!

Anonymous said...

Great article & great pic.
I am extremely fond of that hairstyle.

Anonymous said...

God, he is so gorgeous in that photo. His life is certainly on the upswing. Great gig, new music soon, a new house, international fans who love him. It's gonna be a great year!


Anonymous said...

It's in the 2nd photo with Katy that Adam looks so much like his gorgeous mother. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Adam's answered prayer!
May You shower him with blessings more and more!

Anonymous said...

Omg lmao. All people in their twenties talk about wanting a house. Virtually all idol top finishers come off the show and buy a nice house. Then half of them end up not being able to afford it. Lets hope adam can hold on to his

Anonymous said...

In that photo Adam and Katy could pass as brother and sister.

Anonymous said...

dye works wonders!

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Anonymous said...

I'm assuming there is a living room/family room????