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Looking Back to 2009 Idol Tour: Adam Lambert Wants To Buy A House In The Hollywood Hills

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Looking Back to July 14, 2009, Adam Lambert was on the Season 8 American Idol Tour stop in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was asked if there is something special he'd like to buy for himself. His answer, a "house in the Hollywood Hills" with a "lot of bells and whistles, with great lighting, and dimmers...and a great laundry machine, and a sauna..and a gym...."... His house conversation starts at 3:58..but fun to listen to the whole interview.....

Gelly's twitter:


Anonymous said...

Dreams come true :)

Anonymous said...

so well spoken at the tender age of 27, and polite

Anonymous said...

This is exactly what he wanted, isn't this something. Good for you Adam, so proud of you also.

Anonymous said...

The house that Queen built <3

Anonymous said...

Adam knows how to keep his eye on the prize.

Anonymous said...

Amazing that at his young age of 27 he knew what was important to him and what he wanted. Well, finally his dream is coming true.

He showed a lot of wisdom in realizing that the money doesn't mean as much unless you can share it with those you love and who love you..... a very mature attitude <33333


Anonymous said...

I was knocked over by how young he looked, and that was only 5 years ago. His dreams have come true, dreams, that he never knew he had, and I am sure there will be a lot more dreams fulfilled in the future. The one I hope he gets is a fulfilled life in love. So hard when you are famous and wealthy. Some stars attain it, some don't. I hope he is one of the lucky ones.

Anonymous said...

I was knocked over by how young he looked, and that was only 5 years ago. His dreams have come true, dreams, that he never knew he had, and I am sure there will be a lot more dreams fulfilled in the future. The one I hope he gets is a fulfilled life in love. So hard when you are famous and wealthy. Some stars attain it, some don't. I hope he is one of the lucky ones.

Anonymous said...

sorry about the double comment, clicked button twice.

Anonymous said...

I was knocked over by how young he looked, and that was only 5 years ago. His dreams have come true, dreams, that he never knew he had, and I am sure there will be a lot more dreams fulfilled in the future. The one I hope he gets is a fulfilled life in love. So hard when you are famous and wealthy. Some stars attain it, some don't. I hope he is one of the lucky ones.

Anonymous said...

The house that Adam built>3

Read somewhere that Adam paid cash for his new home. He has said that he was very good with money; and apparently he has been saving for this moment; so happy for him.

The Queen gigs have not even started yet. Adam has been working very hard and making money in many venues! Fortunately, we are not involved in Adam's finances; and that is a very good thing!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has certainly matured into one of the most handsome men in the World!! So intelligent even then. Such a very humble and loving human being even now. All the good that this young man deserves is happening to him now! I believe the best is yet to come.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful and intelligent and wise at the young age of 32 years old. What a humble and kind young man Adam is; he seems wise beyond his year! To know him is to love him!

Anonymous said...

5:16 PM here/ meant to say wise beyond his years! (not year).

Anonymous said...

4:14 PM, Queen +Adam Lambert tour money isn't in yet. Adam did this all by himself.

Anonymous said...

Darn do I remember this - I was there!

Anonymous said...

@4:14 PM You're the queen of tacky.

Anonymous said...

As they say, if you work hard enough, your dreams will come true. It's even better when you love what you are doing, and it brings wonderful rewards your way. Adam has done extremely well for himself at the age of 32 to be able to pay cash for this house. And from whatever he earns with the Queenbert concerts, he will be in a good financial position for the near future. Now all we need is some new music and that will make me very happy.

Anonymous said...

With the Queen tour he will be able to replenish his money spent on the home. He waited for this home until he was in very good shape financially. Now he can have some fun buying some furniture, to finish making it his own home. Probably not until this fall. Funny thing, we would not have Known that he was already in London , except for a fan photo. Hope he has this week for site seeing and meeting up with friends that he has in UK, before the rehearsals start.

Anonymous said...

He's come a long way. So proud of him!

Anonymous said...

Such a great interview and I love his look back then. :)

Anonymous said...

He looks so young and fresh in this interview, but I adore the man he has become. So handsome and talented and nice. Sounds trite, but it's true.

Anonymous said...

A true and perfect example of manifestation!
So proud of him and his example to the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

He sounds like the guy next door with guyliner... really love it how he expresses his appreciation for his parents and good that his dreamhouse came true. Axel.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous May 28, 2014 at 4:04 PM, politeness off stage in PR interviews and badass on stage... that is why I love Adam so much . Axel

leilani aloha said...

Awww.... sweet Adam!
that's why we Glamberts love him:)
so so happy for Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Chuckled at the disguise of "a cap and a moustache"....Well, BB, you've tried that "disguise" for quite a while now... he he

Anonymous said...

Adam is such the sweetest guy. Wish he is my son. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy for Adam dream coming true.

Anonymous said...

Aww he looks so young! It just goes to show how fast the years seem to have gone by!

Anonymous said...

@11:25 PM
I thought just the same! He's having that disguise in London now and nobody notices him at the street. ;)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of disguises, how many of you remember Dusty Madrid?


Anonymous said...

DRG I do.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

For those who don't Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to revisit the Adam we all fell in love with. He's grown up so much, and I feel so privileged to have been able to witness it him he's changed my life....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Queen and Adam have made such a splash about the up coming tour, I wondered if any celebrities will take in any of the shows. I know a lot of them are on tours themselves. But it would be nice to see some A-listers in the audience. I know Adam takes in some of the big shows, and even some little ones.

Anonymous said...

That home he bought, sounds so much like the dream house he had in mind, 5 years ago. Uncanny, to picture it in his mind, and then find the exact one 5 years later, when he could afford to buy it. Odd he did the same thing about a future boyfriend, that still remains to be seen. I don't think it was in his wildest dreams that he would front Queen, that was a gift. I hope he gets many more gifts like that, he has worked hard, and deserves them.

The Dark Side said...

So happy for Adam and think this the perfect house for him. This Frank Loyd Wright style home is definitely not a family abode. I would kill for that kitchen. Love that 40ish Art Deco balcony, and of course the sitting/hookah room. He has worked hard to get his dream home.

Anonymous said...

Oh he was so cute and at the same time really humble and wise! I like that he has always talked straight about money and never tryed to back away when asked about that.
Wow he got his dream house for sure. I hope he gets to spend time there too, I wonder will he get someone to take care of the house when he is away. Does anyone know why he moved out from the previous house with Sauli?

Anonymous said...

Probably the driveway - he said it was a killer ; )

Anonymous said...

That was awhile ago. he was living in a condo, for a time Kelli Osborne was his neighbor and Nancy Sinatra . They were both rentals.