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jafoal - Adam Lambert in the local weekend newspaper "Things we Love" segment!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, May 24, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, May 24, 2014


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess Adam has all his costumes packed plus boots, ready to go. He has the best suit case, he showed it once during GNT , I think. He can hang his clothes neatly and drawers for odds and ends and a place for boots etc.. This was just the one he used for his performances. He uses regular one for his every day clothing and stuff. It kept everything really organized. He has to have several items exactly the same , because of having them cleaned between shows. Of course this isn't his first rodeo, so he has everything down to the last belt or button.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had one of those!!

Anonymous said...

When my daughter saw
Adam live for the first time she immediately declared him a "perfectionist".

Anonymous said...

I would gladly be his wardrobe manager.

Anonymous said...

You and a thousand others, LOL.
I am sure there is someone who does have that job, all his costumes must be in order, and replaced, if they have to be cleaned or laundered. He only has minutes sometimes to do a complete change. I had read that it took two people to help him get out of his leather pants, because he would be heated and the leather would stick to his legs. I understand they have rectified that problem somewhat, by having the leather lined with a light material. He may not wear leather at all, for this tour. We haven't seen him wear leather much lately. Las Vegas gig , he looked great, no leather.

Anonymous said...

Are Glamberts sending Adam a fan gift to wear at this concert? He wore fan gifts at Idol Tour, GNT, and WAG.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so ignorant, this is no little tour like GNT. This is the real thing. Are you going to throw things at Queen too. Grow up. Most of the things Adam got thrown at him were underwear. This show is classy, not for ignorant, no brain idiots. I don't think Adam will be drinking booze thru it like some of the GNT either, he will have his water like a professional. Please don't show the rest of the world that the US are a bunch of classless idiots.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so ignorant, this is no little tour like GNT. This is the real thing. Are you going to throw things at Queen too. Grow up. Most of the things Adam got thrown at him were underwear. This show is classy, not for ignorant, no brain idiots. I don't think Adam will be drinking booze thru it like some of the GNT either, he will have his water like a professional. Please don't show the rest of the world that the US are a bunch of classless idiots.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if Adam is going to take all his performance wardrobe to London. After all, they do have to come back to LA before the tour actually starts. They have to do that iHeart Private Show (date not yet announced).

Anonymous said...

He may have to take some, for dress rehearsal. He would only need one set of each.He might be primarily mostly just changing his shirt, like Queen. He might keep this tour very simple. as he has been doing lately. Expensive, but simple.

Jadam NZ said...

Anon 3.14 pm What a nasty, over the top reaction to a completely innocent question, did you get out on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Be nice!!

Anonymous said...

I believe 1:11 was referring to gifts such as jewelry not underwear. Who's the idiot? Yes, be nice!

Anonymous said...

This is 1:11. Yes, that's what I meant. Fans bought Adam Jewelry neckless or wristbands and he wore them at his past tours. I was curious if Glamberts are getting together to raise funds to buy Adam a nice jewlery to wear at this once in a life time tour. I find throwing undies on stage tasteless just like the nasty comment aimed at my question above.