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Retweeted by ADAM LAMBERT!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, May 29, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, May 29, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam's generosity and compassion are showing thru again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@12:53 PM
you're ridiculous,
try being a nice person

Adamluv said...

Have wondered if Adam knew about Sam Smith and he does! Saw Sam on SNL a few months ago and really liked him, in fact, since Adam was on Idol, this is the first new male singer I thought had an exceptional voice. He looks like he could be a son of Boy George. Hope to see him in concert. He's only 22 years old and just came out as gay last week. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Sam Smith is truly amazing. And honestly, from reading this site for several years now and getting a bit of a feel for the participants here, I think perhaps many of you here will really enjoy his music, new release and former EP. Check him out. You WILL be hearing of this young man plenty in the coming year :).

ps. @Adamluv, Adam has tweeted a song in the past that Sam worked on with Nile and the group Disclosure, it was posted here I think actually, it's called "Together"... so I'd venture to guess that Adam has known about Sam for quite some time now, but just guessing. I thought Sam (like Adam actually :)), was just sort of "out" all along... but good for him if he's now ultra comfortable with addressing it head-on if called upon to do so in the media or otherwise. Sucks that it matters, but we're making baby steps :), and I believe I'll be alive to live in a post-gay world, I really do! In any event, Sam Smith's music is incredible! Heard his "Latch" collaboration on the radio several times this week (East Coast).

krismidas said...

Okay, I'm being petty here so indulge me. I watched Sam on SNL and was impressed with his voice and his music. However, I also found myself feeling resentful that SNL decided to have this very new artist from the UK on as musical guest, when they have never in 5 years time bestowed that honor on Adam. It just pisses me off. There you have it. I'm working on being more generous of spirit, but when it comes to Adam, I'm just not there yet. Peace. :)

glitzylady said...

I think you're in good company here :))) But in reality, I think it just comes down to promotion...


Anonymous said...

Brian, in response to your request that we let you know what songs we would like to hear, I would love, love to hear Adam sing "Bohemian Rhapsody" in its entirety. I've heard him sing a little bit of it several times, only to have it finished with a recording by Freddie Mercury. "I want it all! And I want it now!"

Anonymous said...

I believe I heard Adam say in an interview that he was once invited to be on Saturday Night Live, but he turned it down. They just wanted to exploit the gay thing.

Anonymous said...

1:56, he's been out, just confirmed it for a magazine interview after becoming a public figure, rather like Adam did.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know what happened to this extremely talented guy I saw last year at the Pittsburgh Pride Festival from the UK, Joe Elderberry (?). I thought for sure he would be a big star by now, singing pop then opera super cute energetic.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:52 PM
You can find out what Joe McElderry is doing on his wiki page .....................

Anonymous said...

5:10 thanks for the link I guess I would like to hear things about him without looking him up. My friend fell in love with him too.

Anonymous said...

This is ADAM LAMBERT fan site!