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Queen & Adam Lambert on The X Factot Australia Judges Houses this year!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, May 24, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, May 24, 2014


Anonymous said...

That title makes no sense and has typos.

Anonymous said...

That would be incredible if Queen & Adam could take part in that :)

Anonymous said...

On the XFactor; I believe the time I watched a while back; the Judges take their chosen contestants to their homes, or rented homes in what Country they are in; they also invite a celebrity to assist them in training the contestants. This would be great for Adam to do! I don't know if they have had a whole band to do it.

Anonymous said...

I think we need a tad more information. That explains nothing.

Anonymous said...

As far as typos; we all make them, not spelling police on this site, please!

Anonymous said...

What more information do you want?
Just wait and see!

Anonymous said...

Brian, Roger, and Adam would do an incredible job on x-factor. Hope it happens.

Anonymous said...

I have seen that done in US, and they went to Simon Cowels house, and Paula Abduls. At the time everyone thought the idea was stupid, mostly for the contestants. It would give Queen and Adam some TV time. Good for Adam, Queen doesn't need it. Don't recall which other judges house they went to. But they all performed outside, usually around a pool. With those surroundings, very difficult to judge anyone.

Anonymous said...

This would be a one shot thing.

Anonymous said...

Now REAL news would be that Brian, Roger and Adam were the real judges.

Anonymous said...

I think Australia wants them, a LOT. Maybe they will find places for them on several TV shows. Queen might not have time for this, but Adam has all the time in the world, and would love it all.

Anonymous said...

The tweet spelled Factor wrong so I am not believing this until official from QAL.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, very interesting. Need more specific info but sounds promising!! I don't watch The X FactorAU but I sure would if Adam and Queen are part of it, even if they only appear in one episode.

Anonymous said...

Factot ... probably a slip of the finger. Happens to the best of us.

Anonymous said...

9:25 how do you know Adam has all the time in the world and would love it?

Anonymous said...

9:52 I don't think an official XFactor tweet would misspell factor.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't make head or tail what "Judges Houses" was. the last time, the contestants auditioned at Simon's and other judges' houses as pointed out by 9:09...whoa I'd like to see Adam's condo...oooh-la-la. Yea high time Simon roped in Adam; he liked Adam a lot on AI, the only one who got a standing ovation from him for Mad World. Mmm, that will give me some material for another, off-the-cuff story. Mmm, let's see, Adam swimming in the pool, yea the last time it was Simon's pool. He went to Melanie Amaro's home to tell her she was selected after she was initially cut from X Factor.


Anonymous said...

9:57 PM
Whoever posted the title of this thread probably didn't spell check it. Maybe it was typed in a rip-roaring hurry.

Anyway, YABBA DABBA DOO if Adam and Queen are on The X Factor Down Under!! <3

HK fan said...

Pretty sure although X factor calls it judges house week...they don't actually film in the judges house, they rent places for the filming. and each judge invites a 'star' to help them with the mentoring and narrowing down the last few contestants.

I hope the rumour is true.

Anonymous said...

AU XFactor is just starting the audition process now I think.

glitzylady said...

The tweet was from an XFactor fan site.. But doesn't mean the rumor is completely unfounded..

We'll hear more eventually if there is any truth to it :)))

Anonymous said...

Lost on this one! Yes, the XFACTOR Oz is about to start and would be ready around the right time....but OMG is the show worthy of the greatness of ADAM/QUEEN?? One can hardly forget
ADAM's IIHY performance a few years ago on OZ XFACTOR! He wowed that stage (despite tired and arriving at 5am that morning) and
he gobsmacked Guy Sebastian to the max! It was priceless!!!!!!!!
AND so is ADAM!!!!

Anonymous said...

That would be pretty cool :)

Anonymous said...

One of the typos in the title was fixed but not the other.

Is Admin Fan Mrs. Lambertlust or someone who is ESL?

Anonymous said...

Is this from the same rumor monger who said they would be going to New Zealand.
If they are not going to perform, I have not much interest in it. This Judges homes event, is ridiculous. They just sit out in the sun, and make rather innate remarks about each contestant, or group of contestants. It means nothing, doesn't even rank as mentoring.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Let's Spread The Rumors That Make No Sense! Every one can fill in the blanks as it spreads.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised this rumor was posted on this site.

Anonymous said...

This story is on Adam's web page when you google him, embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

@5:16 AM awwwww It's good to know innocence is alive and well. "News" in "Adam Lambert 24/7 News" is verrrry loosely used.

Anonymous said...

The Enquirer, The Star, and Adam Lambert 24/7 News

Anonymous said...

@9:25 PM

Yes, I would also guess that Adam would probably enjoy this short appearance on the X Factor; but, why would you say that adam has all the time in the world, are you privy to his future schedules? I would venture to guess that Adam's schedule for the present and near future, will be just as busy as Brian and Roger's.

As far as Adam's upcoming shedules, or Brian and Roger's upcoming schedules for that matter; we have absolutely no idea what any of these mem have planned for their future; unless they tell us!!

Anonymous said...

I watched The X Factor -a Judges Houses Segment and it was very
entertaining for me. All these singing shows are about more than talent. It's funny that the X-Factor contestants don't always have the X-Factor! Many of the winners disappear just as they do on Idol. Certainly Adam has the X-Factor and that's why he is where he is. Anyway, I would love to see Adam on that show as he demonstrates what having the X-Factor actually is!....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

6:47 AM here, correction:
meant, these men; not mem, sorry.

Gabi said...

Any time that Adam has a chance to be on television he shows the audience what having the "X-factor" really means.

Anonymous said...

5:24 don't get too carried away ,this is still a nice a darn nice site.

Anonymous said...

"Hear hear"....yes, indeed,.....Adam Lambert 24/7 News is my 'home away from home.' JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam has got much on his plate right now. He sure as heck does not have all the time in the world. This coming week off to rehearsals, getting costumes ready if not already, helping put a tour together. Any one who thinks Adam wont have input in that concert is wrong. Rehearsing making sure everything is terrific Adam a perfectionist as he has said. He said last week he had been in the studio so much lately he is finishing an album and has said working on the album. He spent two months in Sweden as well working on it. He been quite busy and will be most of the summer with the tour and then back to finish and get the album out. Just because you are not there to see everything he does certainly does not mean he is not busy. Why would any one who knows even a little of what been going on in his life make such a statement that he has all the time in the world. Not at all. Starting rehearsals next week both have been and will be quite busy. He also worked two months in Sweden this year as well. The summer will be quite full for Adam then back to finish projects. This tour as Adam said will be a mile stone for him so many people will discover if they don't know already this wonderful talent Adam Lambert. The X factor thing may be true may be rumor who knows . Both Queen and Adam will be very busy. So very proud of Adam I Can't even describe it just so happy for him. Sorry mentioned Sweden twice but just another busy two months in his life this last year. Sue

Anonymous said...

"All the time in the world" was referring to AFTER the Australia gigs. I suspect he will take some time off before finishing up what needs to done with the album.
Compared to Brian and Roger, who have an extremely full schedule year round, Adam has a lot more time off.Brian and Roger do a lot more projects than just music. Adam's life is usually limited to music only, plus he does not have family obligations, as a single man.
I didn't know that statement would upset so many people. Chill
Adam will have loads more time off compared to Brian and Roger.
I was also thinking about the X-Factor rumor, he could fit it in , no problem, not sure if Brian and Roger, could, who have busier schedules, depending, first if it is true, and second, when it would actually be.
I am sure all the costumes are already done, and songs already learned. So off to London for actual rehearsals with Queen. Adam will be busy until Australia gigs are finished. Then he will take a break, and get his mind changed over to his own music.

Anonymous said...

Lammy 10:00 and others:
XFactor America has been cancelled so you won't be seeing Simon on THAT show. If you want to see Adam's condo, Lammy, I'll gladly turn you into a fly so you can be on his wall and watch. oooh-la-la my Aunt Fannie. :)

Anonymous said...

2:14 PM, you have no idea how much free time any of them have.

Anonymous said...

Why do so many here have this NEED to act as PA's for AL and Queen? Like you actually knew something.... pfffttt!

Unless you belong to the team of professionals in Adam's and Queen's/Roger's/Brian's management, please stop presenting your own (totally factless) assumptions and speculations like they were pages from the calendars of these great guys. It is SOOOO irritating!

Anonymous said...

2:14 we'll notify Adam of your game plan.

Anonymous said...

Adam done tv and many more project than music only that BS. But huge concerts and working on new album alone should keep him damn busy. He off to rehearsals I imagine there is much left to do to get everything jus perfect for the concerts. Adam will be very busy this year and beyond. Just let his management worry about his schedule its been quite full. They done a good job. Stop speculating about how much time he has pretty sure it's pretty full.

Anonymous said...

I never said that Adam isn't busy. I was referring to the time he will have AFTER Australia. You all seem to think I am putting him down, I am not. He said he was working hard on his album all of 2013. He went to Sweden for 2 months, he never spoke a word about his album, except to continue saying he is working hard on it. Since he came home he has said the same thing. My comment was his whole life is music, and LGBT, and he has plenty of time off. Much more than Brian or Roger, who I follow, they have a huge amount of projects, that have nothing to do with music. They are all getting ready for the tour now, it is a huge project, and involves a lot of time, mostly on the Queen end of it. Adam has had the easier part of it, so far, he has had to learn the songs, and get his wardrobe ready.
Now he goes to London to do the actual rehearsals, and put finishing touches on it with Brian and Roger. AFTER the tour is over he can relax for a while,
before concentrating on the album again. That's all I said, Roger and Brian have much busier lives than Adam does. If you don't believe that, then just start following them, like I have over the last few years.

Anonymous said...

Maybe just stop writing like you KNOW anything for sure. Things you read and observe by following Adam, Brian, Roger - I assume via net, twitter, facebook, interviews, mag articles etc - are not 'the whole truth', I would guess quite far from it.

The Queen, Brian and Roger have 30-40 years in the business over Adam, they and their lives and careers are so established and 'ready' compared to Adam's, who is still in the early steps of his career (my firm belief). Also the well oiled, huge machinery around Queen (compared to Adam's) enables them to do and achieve a lot more. They don't need to do the nitty gritty. What you lack in your posts is perspective and sense of proportion. Common sense!

Anonymous said...

OK, thank you for the info. That you know everything, because you know without any doubt in your mind that I am completely wrong, about anything in Adams life or Brian and Roger. I apologize profusely for daring to believe what these fine gentlemen say in their interviews. I bow to your superior knowledge, who knows all and sees all. You KNOW less than nothing of what I was talking about. BUT as I say I apologize for ever commenting on here. You must have a hard time getting thru door ways, your head is so big.