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Adam Lambert Posts New Instagram: "High Street"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, June 1, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, June 01, 2014


Anonymous said...

And he liked Django Stewart's IG-photo. Again... Come on Adam, what's going on?

Anonymous said...

I wish that hat would get lost.

Anonymous said...

Would love to go shopping with Adam on "High Street".

Anonymous said...

He looks like a baseball player

Anonymous said...

What @8:00 PM said, agree

Anonymous said...

@8:27 PM
So, do I. (Go away cap, go away, please!)

Anonymous said...

Go away negative mean people go away. Adam can't have one lousy funky hat that he loves to wear. He wears it mostly when traveling. You don't like it fine go look at the many beautiful other pictures of Adam. This site is meant to promote Adam Lambert not to tear him down. Not just this post so many others. I am entitled to my opinion has well as you are your negative ones. Because he likes someone on Instagram does not mean there is a damn thing going on. If there was who cares.

Anonymous said...

The explanation of "High Street" in the UK ..............

People in the UK use the term high street the way Americans use the phrase Main Street. A high street is the main commercial and retail street in a town. In big cities, each neighborhood or district will probably have its own high street. In a small village, the high street may have little more than a mail box, a public pay phone and a small convenience store. At the very least, a high street usually has a pub.

High street fashion describes mass-market retail style - the sort of clothing you will find in the chain stores. The more cutting edge and directional a retailer is, the faster it will interpret designer fashions for the high street.

And here's one last bit of confusion -- a town's high street may not be called "High Street" and a street with that name may not be the high street.

Anonymous said...

9:06. I don't believe people are mean if they don't like a hat and I don't think it is tearing Adam down to dislike headgear. Are we required to promote hats?

Anonymous said...

@9:57 Agreed! Surely there's room for everyone to have an opinion...i'm pretty sure his headgear won't be offended... :p

Anonymous said...

It's that people usually rudely express what they don't like about Adam and then beat the subject to death.

It's the little things people complain about, like a hat, that I don't get.

Also, how is that the only thing these people have to say is a complaint?

Anonymous said...

10:47 because they are losers.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

9:08 thanks for your interesting post and link.

Anonymous said...

10:54 hell you must not have seen the cute one from Pittsburgh Pride Fest last year. Get off your high horse.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Omg the horror of it all, Adam not wearing a seat belt.

Anonymous said...

He may be just sitting in the car.

Anonymous said...

I have seen them all, not very cute.

Anonymous said...

Love it :)

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Adam wear a watch. In all the 5 years I have followed him, he has never had a watch on.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Have all the rest of the sane Adam fans left this site?

Gracie said...

Adam looks good were is his nose ring I like that on him

Anonymous said...

12:34 I don't wear a watch anymore now that I have my cell phone with me and it has the time on it main screen. Perhaps Adam relies on his cell for the time also?

Anonymous said...

at 2:42 AM


Anonymous said...

I love Adam's cap; it's a great conversation piece among fans, pro and con! very unique to Adam; he owns it. Anyone else wearing it now; would look like a copy cat to me. He looks so cute in it; and he hides his hair when he wants to, just love it; keeps tongues a wagging! So carry on Adam Lambert with your bad self!!

Keep Fans and foes alike talking, by being a non-conformist and marching to your own fabulous drums! Hat's off to you, my dear beautiful one; or should I say; Cap on to your beautiful head!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam has a fob watch.

Anonymous said...

Adam probably doesn't wear a watch because he has an i phone which gives the time and he usually seems to have in his hand. I personally like wearing a watch and have several as an accessory.

Anonymous said...

Adam likes to wear stuff that gets people talking. And boy, does it ever work! That hat is not my favorite, but he looks good in just about anything, so I'm fine with it. I've never ever seen Adam wear a watch. He generally has a schedule and a manager and a road trip person, etc. who get him where he needs to be when he needs to be there. Besides, he likes wrist jewelry, etc. Wouldn't work with a watch.


Anonymous said...

@12:34 simply not cool to wear a watch these days unless your flanting a rolex of course.

Anonymous said...

Kind of makes you a little snarky that Adam can afford a Rolex. If he wanted to wear one he certainly could. He seems to like bracelets more and that's what he wears! To 6.57.

Anonymous said...

Kensington High Street? Near Trafalgar Square? Beautiful place.

Anonymous said...

Adam said during an interview back in Idol days that he doesn't even own a watch. Never wears one and never will. BTW, I LIKE the hat.

Anonymous said...

That type of cap, oversized huge 'flap' (visor) etc. looks awful on everyone, imo. But Adam goofing and those beautiful eyes make me happy and forget about the cap.
Besides I always think he lets his HAIR rest, have a day off, when he hides it in the cap... and maybe, just maybe, not everybody recognizes him with the cap on... Peace ya'll!