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Adam Lambert takes to the stage at Glamour awards!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Little Mix win band of the year from Adam Lambert


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is glamourous to the max, the girls look ok too; just kidding, they all look beautiful.

Anonymous said...

He looks great!!

Anonymous said...

Adam always seems to be surrounded by beautiful people, male and female! Beauty attracts beauty!


Anonymous said...

I wanna hear what he said behind that podium!

Anonymous said...

Glamour indeed!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam Lambert and Glamour certainly do go together. He looks amazing and will always stand out in a room full of people.

Anonymous said...

Yet another surprise event... he he. Are the Glambert Ninjas on vacay or slipping???

Handsome presenter, beautiful award winners.

Anonymous said...

Just one day/night and the hair is again trimmed and shorter... Shall we take a poll how many times he cuts/changes his hair before the QAL Tour starts? jk

Anonymous said...

I hopes he stops cutting is hair NOW. By the time I see him in Chicago in two weeks, I want a little more fluff. Pretty please.


Anonymous said...

Just an added hair thought: I hope he keeps it growing throughout the tour. Maybe a little touch-up trim, but no more. There! Now I've got the hair off my chest, so to speak.


Anonymous said...

OMG he looks gorgeous! Oh, wait, it's the girls that are winning the Glamour Award LOL!

Very nice that he was a presenter and I hope we will get to hear whatever he said from the podium.

I know it's ridiculous that we all have our "hair style wishes" for Adam but count me in "team a little longer on the sides please". The hair color now with the blondish tips in front is sooooo beautiful <333


Anonymous said...

Adam looks great; what a handsome man! So glad that he was able to present.

Anonymous said...

This hairstyle is probably easier for him to keep up right now on his own! Adam's hair seems to grow faster than weeds. So it will probably be longer again for those that like the longer length, if he lets it by tour time. Personally, either way is fine with me, I think he always looks good no matter what length it is.

Anonymous said...

Sure like his suit, no bare ankles, and it fits correctly. Hated that green one he wore recently. He looked very handsome.
They are putting him to work already, I assume he gets paid for this. I don't think he has had one free evening yet. Wonder what else they want him to do, they are making the most of the Prince of Queen, while he is in the UK.

Anonymous said...

"Prince of Queen ".... I like that :)

Anonymous said...

I will never ever understand that dreadful hair style. I am so grateful none of the men in my family have adopted it.
I wish it didn't upset me that Adam has. He has such beautiful hair, to see it shaven seems an atrocity .
I know, I know, it isn't that important, I tell myself that, but I don't believe it. :(

Anonymous said...

Adam was tagged by a couple of news outlets as one of the hottest men at the Glamour award show tonight. He looked so gorgeous. I hope we get a video of him presenting. So proud of our man!

Anonymous said...

Loved the color of Adam's hair. He looked so handsome. He has such thick beautiful hair. Wish mine grew as fast as his. He just looked drop dead gorgeous tonight. Love all the wonderful things that are happening to Adam; he so deserves them. Just love this man, he is so humble and kind; what a star!

Anonymous said...

@3:41 PM
The Glamebert Ninjas new about this event b/c Shoshanna tweeted that he would go there with Adam. So, that was not a secret/surprise event actually.

But what about the rehearsals? Has Dr Bri or anyone posted anything about them after the first rehearsal? Adam has been out a lot in the evenings (every evening). His days must be long in London. But he seems to enjoy every second.

Anonymous said...

I (8:00 PM) meant ...Ninjas knew, not new.

Anonymous said...

London daylight hours are long! 16 - 17 hours in June.

Anonymous said...

Why do people go on and on and on about the length of Adam's hair. Ha! You don't get it - Adam will wear his hair as short or as long as he likes. Get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great as always. I like the green suit better than this brown. He needs a new fashion stylist. How about George from Fashion Police. I admit that I like more color in men's fashion. Purple, yellow, red and maybe all these colors in same outfit. Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Put Adam anywhere and he will outshine them all!.....nancdruuu2