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AT&T Consumer Blog, Adam Lambert as Guest blogger!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, June 5, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, June 05, 2014



Anonymous said...

Scans of "The Best of Adam Lambert" CD booklet

Anonymous said...

This is a Great program! I hope lots of people step up with their memes and and feel new pride from sharing. Good on Adam and AT&T

Anonymous said...

A once in a lifetime experience with Adam, now that would be great fun. :-)

Anonymous said...

Probably this event will be sometimes between September to October.

Anonymous said...

Check out how to enter and create your own meme:

Anonymous said...

Win Free Tickets to See Queen + Adam Lambert in Burbank:

Anonymous said...

Living in a 'fly over' state can be the pits.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Sixx ✔ @nikkisixx

Gonna be interviewing Queen next week. Never thought I'd say that when I was a teenager living in Seattle.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a wonderful program and AT&T has picked the right LGBT celebrity to be their guest blogger!

I'm very impressed with Adam's writing skills. He's as articulate when he writes as when he speaks:)

Of course, the icing on the cake would be the one on one time with him for the finalist.

Good luck to everyone!


Anonymous said...

Updated QAL Tour Dates:

Anonymous said...

Email her if you want free tickets for QAL concert at LA Forum on 7/3:

Artistsupporter ‏@artistsupporter
If you are in the LA area on July 3 & can't afford a @queenwillrock feat. @adamlambert ticket, please email me at

Anonymous said...

mmyy9 ‏@mmyy9

My rip of Gold 104.3 (Melbourne) interview aired on May 28, incl. DJs' intro & reaction that are not in the podcast:

Anonymous said...

mmyy9 ‏@mmyy9
AT&T Live Proud Sweepstakes
Official Rules

Anonymous said...

Rosetta_STONED ‏@redrosequeen1
Glamberts, Tell us how YOU "Live Proud" by Tweeting your meme to @att or @adamlambert and make sure 2 include this> #ATTLiveProud RT!

Enter sweepstake and create ur meme here:

Anonymous said...

What's a meme?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't handle it . . . I would act like a complete fool . . .

Anonymous said...

one on one meeting with Adam Lambert ? My lips would freeze, my eyes wide open, my legs would turn into jelly...LOL... Good thing for Adam to be an inspiration for the youth of his community....

Anonymous said...

June 5, 2014 at 4:10 PM.. that was Axel

Anonymous said...

4;10, Ditto for me!


Anonymous said...

I love @artistsupporter.

Anonymous said...

Yes, what a lovely and generous thing for @artistsupporter to do. Someone will be very happy from this kind act.

Anonymous said...

I like Adam's motto on the, I mean business, photo..."through my fans" is indeed appropriate. We may not know Adam personally, perhaps some do, but as an 'army' his fans form the backbone of his endeavours and his ability to live proud and therefore his worldwide visibility as a voice in the millions' fight against injustice especially the LGBT, sometimes a matter between life and death. The most endearing part is he doesn't feel the need to stand out in this humanitarian cause, rather as one in the movement. Actually, he gives inspiration not to just the LGBT though that being his emphasis; he relates to all his fans in their own different scenarios and situations. His motto, to inspire his fans every day, made me laugh a little; not quite sure why especially "every day". lol! There is truth in that though because he can make a difference in someone's life, even in a critical, decisive moment, let alone a day. Also, he feels the closeness to us, his fans. So I had better not laugh. lol!


Anonymous said...

Great news for Adam; they know the real thing when they see it, could not have made a better choice, Adam Lambert is a real winner and they know it; as they always have!

Congratulations Adam!

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gorges wadybr said...

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CLADING2222 said...

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