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Shoshanna Tweets: Adam Lambert & Shoshanna Stone at WWRY Theater In London: A Girl Fell In Both Their Laps "She was Quite Merry"!!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, June 1, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, June 01, 2014


Anonymous said...


So Shoshanna also kinda doubles as a body guard.

I wish that was on video. Getting up would have been awkward, too. Would love to see a pic of the girl.

Anonymous said...

That pic is worth framing and hanging in any glambert home. Even need a wallet size to carry at all times.

glitzylady said...

There is a picture of Adam posing with a girl but I'm not sure it is THE haven't posted it.. The picture I posted here is a cropped version of that picture... :)))))

Anonymous said...

I want this picture in my wallet too<33333

Can he get any more handsome?


Anonymous said...

How gorgeous is Adam Lambert in that picture with the One in a Billion Smile??

Anonymous said...

How much you wanna bet no matter how "merry" she was, she calculated to fall within range of our BB? If I had the opportunity, the thought would have entered my mind, but I'm not so bold. I hope we hear from her for some account of the "fall".

Anonymous said...

It would be quite difficult to pry one's self off of Adam's lap; I would imagine! Security might have to be called!

Anonymous said...

Every thing about Adam in that picture looks so good. He looks so happy and handsome; with that beautiful smile. Just love this guy; and so happy for him and what is going on in his life.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, this falling into peoples laps only happens with girls. ^_^

HK fan said...

from someone else at the show

Andrew Parker
Adam Lambert was sat 4 rows in front of me last night at WWRY. A lady who was rather the worse for wear fell over straight into his lap!

Anonymous said...

One of the very best photos of Adam EVER!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the girl got 'quite merry' deliberately and PLANNED to then fall into Adam's lap .... desperate measures.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but not true, not even close... There are so many just as good and sp many even better-er... he he!