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Adam Lambert tweeted & updated instagram!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, August 21, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, August 21, 2014


glitzylady said...

Adam accidentally posted an incorrect link in his tweet.. He surely meant to post this one:

Fight ALS With The Ice Bucket Challenge

The link he posted is to the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). Just got a couple of letters reversed..

I loved seeing the instavid tho :)))))

glitzylady said...

And Adam deleted and corrected the link :))

ADAM LAMBERTVerified account
Donate at http:/

Vagrant said...

Ha ha, no harm done, BB, maybe the landscapin architects could use with some support, too...

It's funny how writing from 'intelligent' phone has actually made me a slower writer... correcting constant mistakes, big fingers you know... And autocorrect is even worse (and sometimes totally hilarious!) :)))

JAK said...

@ Vagrant....I know what you mean! I get so aggravated when my iPad 'corrects' and changes my word to what they think it should be! I holler at it...."put that back...that's what I MEANT to say!"