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QAL first Australia concert in 2 days!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Anonymous said...

OT a fan translated the Arabic inscriptions written at bottom of Adam's new tunic on his IG:

النفس کنز العالم للحضور

the meaning is "being in this world is a treasure for itself"

Lam-My said...


It should be ".....unto itself" / not ".....for itself"

By the way aren't you the person who posted this to me some time ago? So you do have a name!

Anonymous said...
I wonder how many languages this grammar police, who I think is our know it all, can read, speak and write!?

!احمق بيشعور

April 4, 2014 at 12:29 PM

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my yes that's my old comment but definitely it wasn't to you. It was to someone else calling my comment and others "ESL fans" as a put down. I enjoy reading your comments and I'm the one complimenting your posts with your poems and stories. <3

BTW my post above is taken from a fan's comment on Adam's IG. Her translation not mine. I speak Persian not Arabic. Similar writing style but both totally different languages in phonics and grammar.

Lam-My said...


I checked the thread "Underneath by Adam Lambert......The Smoke" again, twice. Your particular comment was definitely for me...written right under my name; also there is no other person on this thread commenting on grammar nor anything on "ESL fans as a put down". In any case, why should anyone put down ESL fans? I was the only one correcting grammar on this thread...which was directly spewed at me, saying my comment was "utterly nonsense" to which I retorted that it should be "utter nonsense".
By the way, your sentence aimed at me was unfair and misleading because I'm not a grammar police who goes round catching people's mistakes. I use it only as self-defence when unfair remarks are spewed at me along the poor grammar or at times when it is directly brought to my attention. It is also unfair to use Jawi words in your comment to me; it might be some unsavoury words; I still don't know what your Jawi words mean!
Well, thanks for the compliments on my stories and poems but it's hard to understand you could also spew that unfair statement at me.

JAK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lam-My said...

I used a Jawi converter and found out the meaning of احمق بيشعور !
It means idiot / buffoon. My oh my...

Anonymous said...

There is so much I want to say...but I will bite my tongue as I'm pretty sure it will get deleted too!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my. I told you that my comment wasn't to you. It was for the troll/s who had picnic at every single thread before this sign-in. I got tons of heat from the virtual creatures. I'm happy that we get to sign-in now.

Also that translation is wrong. The real meaning is "uneducated ignorant". It's Persian not Arabic. Huge difference between both languages. As one American who is fluent in both Arabic and Persian language said Arabic is a passionate language like Spanish and Persian is sweet soft and romantic like French.

I have to go back to work. Don't have time to respond.

Lam-My said...


Well, I told you the thread I stated "Underneath....The Smoke" had nothing mentioned regarding whatever "tons of responses" to your comments you are referring to. And I was the only person pointing out a grammatical error as self-defence to veto the negative remark on my comment there. Go read it again...anyone will tell you that statement was directly targeting me written right under my name. Refer to it before you come back with more unsubstantiated denial. You simply took a pot shot because you were Anonymous! But now it's in black and white, no way out this time. You might have mixed up your responses of the "tons" you are referring to on other threads. You might have also taken pot shots at me on other threads, leaving trails behind that I can more or less see through; definitely more than just this one with the Arabic words.
Well, I did look up those Arabic words, specifying that the translation is from Arabic to English and you did say that's Arabic. As in English, words can have various shades of meanings. It also stated it can mean "fool"...isn't that pretty close to "uneducated ignorant" depending on the context? So the translation is not completely "wrong".

Lam-My said...

Okay, noted... the words aren't Arabic but Persian. So I used a Persian to English translation online site and this came up: احمق بيشعور means fatuous fool...which falls into the category of "uneducated ignorant" this is from Persian to English. So it can't be "wrong" this time! As pointed out, a word can have various shades of meanings and that is not "wrong translation". Let me give you a little advice, face up to what has been said by you; also refer to the thread in question and not try to lump all your other "tons of heat/comments" from other threads with this one: "Underneath by Adam Lambert.....The Smoke" thread. It's as plain as daylight your above pot shot was meant directly for me, written right under my name. If it was meant for someone else...he/she must be a ghost because no one else on the specified thread was correcting any grammar!

Anonymous said...

WOW @Lam-my! Maybe we should all stay away from internet until Adam's own music is out. I'll be gone for couple of weeks on a vacation starting tomorrow and I don't like to argue. I have always on my comments to you referred to you as @Lam-my. For this third time I'm telling you that my comment wasn't aimed at you but the negative person who was putting down everything Adam everyday on every news thread before this sign-in. Probably I didn't read all the comments but felt the negative vibes on that thread and I had a quick reaction. I won't go back to read an old thread. I like to look forward to a better future. I don't like to dwell on unpleasant things of the past. Maybe you should too.

Lam-My said...

Of course, it doesn't matter to you because you simply got your thrill at the expense of another person, by aiming your shots frivolously; but the person at the receiving end feels very differently from the person who makes the shot. I always let bygones be bygones but at the same time, I have to take you to task for what you said so callously to another fellow commenter. I'll be kind and help you, with a way you said, you've gotten "tons of heat" regarding your ESL and so just lash out as an Anonymous; all the same at me! I bet you wouldn't have done that and think twice about it if you had a name then.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it...many of us have been on the end of one of lam-my's rants at some point....
there is no point responding as she will just come back again and again, always has to have the last word.

Lam-My said...

Gone with the wind
Oooh making a quick comeback
Any way the wind blows...
You ain't gonna trap me with that !! lol!


Lam-My said...

The person alleging I always have the last word, is exactly coming back for that ! after a long hiatus. "You can see the splinter in your brother's eye, yet you can't see the beam in your own."

Anonymous said...

And you are one of the main reasons I had a long hiatus (actually was only 3 weeks...).....from this site.