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Queen + Adam Lambert Perth, Australia: Professional HD Pics "Queen and Adam Lambert Tour Stop" via FM247 & Getty Images

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, August 22, 2014

Posted at : Friday, August 22, 2014

Excellent HD quality pictures via Getty Images & Fashion Magazine

Queen + Adam Lambert Concert, Perth, Australia 

Link to MANY MORE pics!!!


BetsyWas said...

The one with the three of them in the background Q with the lights reflecting off Adam's glasses looking like stars is perfectness .

Cheri said...

Yes, agreed! What a shot! Poster worthy:)

Rosepetal said...

When u see these pics it's hard to believe this is the same guy we saw pouring water over his head yesterday:)So Sweet in yesterday's video, so sexy in today's pics. I love this man!!!

blu said...

Nice pics!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Exquisite, beautiful, sexy and SO talented!

blu said...

Ross Petal

I copied this awhile back from this blog . . don't know who the author is

"Truly a fluid chameleon . . . changes from feminine to masculine in one smooth transition . . . just adds to his charm and makes him the most fascinating man ever . . .ever

Dee R Gee said...

blu, What a great quote! It's so true. Adam is a perfect combination of masculine assertiveness and feminine nuance. He's just simply perfect.

Rosepetal said...

Thanks :)Well said by whom ever wish we knew the author . I'm going to copy that as well very good description

Unknown said...

@Blu Describes our Adam perfectly, thanks for sharing, first that I have seen this. Sometimes I forget that he is just like us and watching the ice bucket challenge is a reminder. Love the sound he makes at the end. Of course he is not just like us, he is so incredibly talented, gorgeous. This probably is not making any sense to anyone else but me! Love everything about him.