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One Direction, Julien Doré, Adam Lambert : 20 succès des télé-crochets!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Adam Lambert n'a pas gagné 'American Idol'. Après avoir atteint la finale, il entame une brillante carrière. Trois albums à son actif, de nombreuses collaborations prestigieuses (Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars...) et un record : celui du premier artiste ouvertement gay à se placer directement numéro 1 des ventes aux Etats-unis. En 2012 et 2014, les membres de Queen le choisissent pour remplacer Freddie Mercury dans une tournée en hommage à ce dernier.

Google translate:
Adam Lambert did not win American Idol. After reaching the final, he began a successful career. Three albums to his credit, many prestigious collaborations (Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars ...) and a record: the first openly gay artist to be placed straight to number 1 in sales in the United States. In 2012 and 2014, members of the Queen chose to replace Freddie Mercury in a tour in tribute to him.



Anonymous said...

2 records. Third hasn't come out yet. That bun is still in the oven. Our boy Adam is making another masterpiece. :) <3

JAK said...

I wish I'd looked at the second paragraph first! ^_^
I was slowly using my high school and college French to translate......then I saw it had already been done!
Sacre bleu!

LL.....I think they count that compilation The Very Best of Adam Lambert as the third. I've seen it listed as his third a few times.......not so to us.....the 3rd is coming soon-ish!

Anonymous said...

or they could be counting The Glamnation live as the 3rd cd??