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Queen + Adam Lambert - Vorverkaufsstart: 04.10.2014

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, October 2, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, October 02, 2014

Mit einer glamourösen Produktion kommen die Rock-Champions Angang 2015 nach Deutschland
Queen wollen es wieder rocken lassen! Die wahren, ungekrönten Champions der Rock-Musik gehen Anfang 2015 mit einer spektakulären, glamourösen Produktion auf Tour, die sie auch nach Deutschland und Österreich führt.

Zwischen dem 29. Januar und dem 13. Februar treten die majestätischen Rocker gemeinsam mit Adam Lambert auf, der die Band mit seinem perfekten, stilvollen Mix aus Rock-Theatralik, Sex-Appeal und eindrucksvoller Vokal-Performance zu neuen Höhepunkten geführt hat.

Die bestechende Kombination Queen + Adam Lambert hat auf den bisherigen, restlos ausverkauften Etappen ihrer Welttournee in den USA, Australien, Neuseeland, Korea und Japan euphorische Reaktionen hervorgerufen. Bühne, visuelle Effekte, Design und Technik bilden einen eindrucksvollen Rahmen für die Queen-Show, die natürlich alle Rock-Hymnen und Klassiker der Band beinhaltet.

Adam Lambert besticht mit einer ähnlichen stimmlichen Bandbreite wie der legendäre Freddie Mercury, was die Songs glanzvoll auferstehen lässt.

With a glamorous production the rock Champions Angang come to Germany in 2015

Queen want to let it rock again! The true uncrowned champions of rock music go early in 2015 with a spectacular, glamorous production on tour that takes them to Germany and Austria.

Occurred between 29 January and 13 February the majestic Rocker together with Adam Lambert on, who led the band with his perfect, stylish mix of rock theatrics, sex appeal and impressive vocal performance to new heights.

The impressive combination Queen + Adam Lambert has caused the recent, sold-out stages of their world tour in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Korea and Japan euphoric reactions. Stage, visual effects, design and technology form an impressive backdrop for the Queen show, which of course includes all rock anthems and classics of the band.

Adam Lambert impresses with a similar vocal range such as the legendary Freddie Mercury, which resurrects the songs brilliantly.

Link at: 


JAK said...


Vagrant said...


JAK said...

Ja !

Dee R Gee said...

"O Tannenbaum" is the only German I know. It'll have to do.

JAK said...

I used to teach my kindergarteners O Tannenbaum and Stille Nacht in German for our school Christmas programs. It's amazing how easily they can pick up foreign languages. They sang in Spanish, French and Latin as well as in German. I miss teaching :-(

Vagrant said...

@Dee R Gee
"O Tannenbaum" takes you further than my "Zum Teufel" and "Donner und Wetter", which I learned from reading guys' WWII comic books (awful word, but don't know what else to call them, sorry) at school... when I should've been studying something totally different... :)))

Vagrant said...

@JAK - Ciao Bella, are you still practising your Italian?

Maybe I should put on my Bucket List: to study a new language (to really learn or master it might be a bit too optimistic at this point of my life...)

JAK said... whoever said "practice makes perfect" hadn't met me! But I persevere.

I now have sympathy for my paternal grandfather, he came from Vienna and spoke many languages, however he generally went thru all of them in one sentence!

This year I am studying the mound builders of North America....I played on them as a child, dug for artifacts in them as a teen....I married on an Indian mound and I intend to have my ashes scattered on a historic one when I croak!

Vagrant said...

You study the most interesting things! I've spent some interesting and fun.days (and nights!) in Vienna!

I just love languages in a way that when I visit a foreign country, I get something more out of the trip than the guide book tells me... that I can get understood (at least somewhat), can enjoy the atmosphere and mingle (at least somewhat) with the native folks there....Due to RL just haven't been able to travel anymore like I used to... Schade! :(