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Whatcha Say: Madonna, Adam Lambert And The Grammys Got Our Readers Talking

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, December 5, 2014

Posted at : Friday, December 05, 2014

Adam Lambert part:

: ModestYChild was bowled over by Adam’s performance on Adam Lambert And Queen Perform “Somebody To Love” On ‘X Factor UK’: Watch: “The show may have aired in the UK but Glamberts, Queenies and Queenberts from all over the world watched the performance. Once again, Adam keeps surprising us with his insane vocals (he never does a song the same way twice), and did he blow us away! And the way Brian May and Roger Taylor played, these guys are the best musicians in the world! It’s obvious they belong on the stage, it was a stupendous performance! I swear Brian and Roger seem to grow younger and more energetic as they continue on their Queen tour with Adam Lambert. Three cheers for Queen and Adam Lambert! You guys continue to rock!”
:: And UKGlambert was beaming with pride as well: “AT LAST the UK found out about the AMAZING Adam Lambert. I cried with pride and joy.”

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