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LONDON REVIEW: 4 Your Excitement (website)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, January 21, 2015

credit: Classic Rock Magazine (photog uncredited)
A UK website by the name of 4 Your Excitement ( has out this morning a wonderful review by columnist Becky Fuller.

"We attended the concert for different reasons; [my husband] to see the great masters Brian May and Roger Taylor, and me… well, I just wanted to see Adam Lambert in a pair of leather trousers and to hear him sing."

 "We both left with the same thought; the combination of Queen and Adam Lambert together on a stage is outstanding and Adam Lambert is the perfect front man for this band and their awesome talent."

"His range is astounding. “Killer Queen,” performed on a chaise longue in the most camp and theatrical style possible, really brought home his singing capabilities for me as he jumped smoothly up and down the musical scale. There was not a single bum note in his performance, and I have been to many concerts in my time but I have never been able to say that before."

"...the whole audience sits in the palm of his hand."


Anonymous said...

I know that feeling being in the palm of his hand. That' s where he has me.